Beschreibung Topstar große Design-Hartbodenrollen für Bürostühle, 1 Satz für Holz, Parkett, Fliesen und Stein - nur geeignet für die Modelle Open Base / Open Art / New Workart / Sitness 50 Hartbodenrolle mit 11 mm-Stift, Rollendurchmesser: 65 mm Inhalt: 5 Rollen (6990)
prosedia Bürodrehstuhl Eccon plus-8 7172/5801/2217 Bezug verkehrsgrau (7172/5801/2217)
If luxury is the target then the Utopia Vine Pocket Sprung Series 1000 Memory Divan Bed is the perfect fit for just that. The UK manufactured spring system has a deep memory foam layer which moulds around the body to give exceptional pressure relief where you need it most. The high loft mattress and the stunning super soft mattress fabric make this one of the most popular beds in the Utopia range. There are flag stitched turning handles on both sides of the mattress for easy care and brass vents which will guarantee that the mattress stays fresh and healthy for many years to come. The matching divan base also comes with end or side storage in any combination.
Sinnlich und formvollendet. Das Rast Möbeldesign Massivholzbett Lounge verbindet handwerkliche Leidenschaft mit Kreativität und Lifestyle. Klassisches Design in höchster Material- und Formvollendung. Voller Esprit und zugleich die Sinne verwöhnend.
Der Charme längst vergangener Epochen lebt auf. Das Rast Möbeldesign Massivholzbett Felicitas kombiniert klares Design mit formaler Eleganz. Seine gerundeten Übergänge geben dem Modell die besondere Note.
Shankar Pacific Accent Armchair- Sunny Yellow The Pacific accent chair from Shankar furniture is an ideal choice for your living room, lounge or bedroom and would also be a stylish addition in a modern cafe. This striking armchair features vibrant yellow chenille effect upholstery with back panel stitching.