KREUL Modelliermasse Hobby Line ""Aeroplast"", weiß, 500 g lufthärtend, gebrauchsfertig, leicht zu bearbeiten, lässt - 1 Stück (76500)
4X Holybro Tekko32 35A BLHeli_32 ESC Dshot1200 2-6SBuild In Current SensorFor RC Drone FPV Racing Multi RotorTekko32 is the latest BLHeli32 ESC from HolyBro Hobby, premium class product.The Tekko32 ESC runs in conjunction with an ARM 32bit compatible MCU. It can run input signals with lower latency, at faster rates, smooths out the RPM band, is capable of both voltage and current monitoring and limiting, as well as offering customization of the brake on stop force. Unlike current ESCs, the Tekko32 ESC has A LOT of room to grow and wide compatibility range with future products.One of the nicest features with the Tekko32 35A ESC is the auto timing feature, which (essentially) is designed to offer the pilot the smoothest and most efficient flight experience available, which is a freestyle pilots dream come true!what can the increased MCU speed do?First of all, it can run input signals with lower latency at faster rates.Dshot up to at least Dshot1200, and at rates up to at least 32kHz is now supported.Secondly it allows packing of more functionality.- Like programmable pwm frequency, up to 48kHz, that can run motors even smoother, and also allows for moving of small but potentially disturbing humps in the throttle response. All ESCs have these bumps, with BLHeli_32 they can now be moved in the rpm range, to a place where the system has low sensitivity to them.- Like auto timing. Which is not the option to choose if youre after max power. But if you want the most efficient running
Reely Earthquake RC Einsteiger Hubschrauber RtF (RE-5087106)
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WLtoys WL Tech Cubee F9 RC diversión educativa robot inteligente juguete Android
RÖMERTURM Künstlerblock ""UNIVERSAL UND HENRI"", DIN A2 Universalblock, weiß, matt, 140 g/qm, 40 Blatt, - 1 Stück (88809299)