Garcinia Cambogia Pure ist eine Art naturlicher Fettverbrenner und kann beim Abnehmen unterstutzen. Nahrungserganzung fur schnelleren Gewichtsverlust.
Gymnema leaf extract (indicated for glycemia) May reduce blood glucose levels in people with diabetes. May reduce body weight and blood triglyceride levels.
Optimised formulation to combat water retention Facilitates circulation in blood vessels. Combines natural substances studied for their role in draining fluid from the body. Used for regaining a firmer figure.
Supplement for accelerating weight loss Works in conjunction with Weight Loss Formula or Advanced Fat Burner. Affects satiety and basal metabolism.
English Lavender 125ml Yardley : Eau de Toilette a la senteur de Lavande anglaise. Elabore a partir des meilleures essences naturelles de lavande. Senteur elegante et delicate associant la fraicheur parfumee de la lavande aux notes musquees et florales apaisantes. English Lavender 125ml Yardley.
Green coffee extract to aid weight control High in chlorogenic acid. Inhibits fat accumulation. Reduces intestinal glucose absorption.