La entrada incluye: Experiencia con Lemures de 20 min. La entrada no incluye: Entrada al parque (ésta se debe comprar por separado) Comida y bebida Condiciones de la entrada: La interacción con lémures no tiene requisitos de edad. Los niños deberán ir acompañados por sus padres o tutores legales. Los niños menores de 4 años no pagan. Los has conocido en el zoológico y, sin embargo, nada es comparable a la tranquilidad que rezuman desde la proximidad. Oasis Park Fuerteventura pone a disposición de nuestros visitantes un maravilloso encuentro con estos curiosos amiguitos originarios de Madagascar. Los participantes en este evento, acompañados por nuestros biólogos, deben estar completamente decididos. Estos observarán e interactuarán con los lémures permitiendo que éstos ocupen el espacio que se les antoje. Para entonces, nuestros visitantes habrán aprendido diferentes curiosidades de nuestra hermosa especie, protegida de las distintas amenazas que acechan su hábitat natural. En Oasis Park luchamos por la preservación de nuestros compañeros en los distintos programas de conservación y enriquecimiento medioambiental.
Twelfth Night Shakespeare's rollicking comedy of mistaken identity plays Central Park's Delacorte Theatre. Get your tickets at great prices from
Hollywood Made Here!
Touch, tour and explore the iconic 110-acre backlot
Visit the actual working sets and soundstages
Explore the legendary Prop Department
Sit in the iconic couch from FRIENDS
Discover the expansive Picture Car Vault
Learn how we make movies - Stage 48: Script to Screen
The Legacy Room
Tours available in English and Spanish (Monday to Friday at 09:30/12:00/15:00)
Backlots and soundstages
Housed on our 110-acre studio backlot, the Warner Bros. Studio Tour Archive features two floors of iconic memorabilia that tells the story of how all of your favorite movies and TV shows came to life.
This interactive exhibit pays homage to the origins of DC Comics, including original comic books featuring all seven Super Heroes of the Justice League. Studio Tour guests will be able to play three of WB Games' most popular DC games: Batman: Arkham Knight, Injustice: Gods Among Us, and Lego Batman. Additionally, guests will be able to explore authentic props and costumes from "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" and an exclusive sneak peek at David Ayer's upcoming "Suicide Squad" on a rotating basis.
Highlights of the interactive experience include the original Belle Reve prison cell set once occupied by Harley Quinn (portrayed on-screen by Margot Robbie) in “Suicide Squad,” as well as the Bat lab in the Batcave from Ben Affleck’s first outing as Batman in “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" Guests will have the opportunity to interact with Kryptonite, Superman’s sole weakness and see striking Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman costumes.The authentic costumes of Lois, Clark, Alfred, and Bruce Wayne, original Bat Lab in the Bat Cave set pieces, and much more will also be on display.
Reveal the magic of the celebrated HARRY POTTER film series when you visit the Archive. For a limited time, you’ll see many of the costumes and props that appeared in all eight blockbuster movies. Get sorted by the sorting hat and see what house you belong to.
The Picture Car Vault
Our Picture Car Vault has been transformed into the BATCAVE. For a limited time, you can see all the incredible Batmobiles used in the celebrated film series like the TUMBLER, the BATHAMMER, the BAT-POD, and more.
The Prop Department
Home to more than 450,000 registered artifacts, the Warner Bros. Prop Department contains countless treasures used in nearly a century's worth of entertainment. From Casablanca to The Hangover, you'll see history unfold right before your eyes during your journey through the largest prop department in the world.
Stage 48: Script to screen
Our L.A studio tour guests will be able to discover firsthand how our TV programs and movies are created from start to finish in this new interactive soundstage.
Warner Bros. Studio Tour Hollywood proudly presents Stage 48: Script to Screen. This interactive soundstage explores phases of the film and television production process. Here is where you see how Hollywood is made.
Our knowledgeable tour guides will happily answer all of your production-related questions—and reveal even more of Hollywood’s best-kept secrets—during this 45-minute, self-guided experience at one of the best things to do in Los Angeles.
Before the first camera rolls, the writing and casting phase must be picture perfect. Our pre-production soundstage brings these key components into focus. Here, you can build your very own Batmobile at one of our interactive design stations and shift your creativity into overdrive!
As you experience one of the best attractions in LA, you’ll gain insight into the craft of costume design from the talented artists behind the wardrobes featured in Sweeney Todd and Man of Steel. Plus, our interactive design stations let you design your own costume with styles inspired by the fabrics, headpieces and gowns seen in Camelot, Sweeney Todd and The Great Gatsby. Our pre-production experience also includes a high-definition touch screen casting table where you can view the authentic headshots and audition reels from some of your favorite actors like Oscar® winner Leonardo DiCaprio, the cast of The Vampire Diaries, and more!
In production, you’ll learn firsthand how actors and directors make the unforgettable scenes that keep you glued to your seat.
Our production soundstage features the authentic Central Perk set from the hit TV show Friends where you can record a real screen test and reenact scenes from one of the funniest episodes.
Fans of The Lord of the Rings films visiting the Los Angeles can return to Middle-earth and be a part of the mind-bending special effect known as ‘forced perspective filming’, as seen in The Fellowship of the Ring. Don’t forget to take plenty of pictures! Our production soundstage also includes the famous Malibu beach house set from Two and a Half Men, the authentic Russian Soyuz capsule from the 2013 science fiction thriller Gravity, and much more.
The final finishing touches that turn a director’s vision into reality are added in post-production. Join in the movie making magic yourself by riding the Nimbus 2000 or Firebolt brooms seen in the Harry Potter film series or ride the Bat-pod through the streets of Gotham in our green screen experience just like the actors do while filming. We’ll also reveal the secrets behind the visual effect known as ‘motion capture.’
You’ll also see how green screen technology was used to create the celestial, deep space visuals in Gravity and the thrilling fight sequences in The Matrix. Our post-production soundstage includes a fully equipped, state-of-the-art recording studio. Once inside, you’ll learn how speech, sound effects and music are all added to film by examining the soundtrack from Gravity, which won Oscars® for Sound Editing and Sound Mixing.
The Warner Bros. Legacy Room is a striking visual testament to the passion, creativity and determination of the studio’s four founding brothers—Albert, Jack, Sam and Harry Warner. Along with a towering collection of awards the studio has earned, the room features many iconic costumes and props from some of the biggest movies and television shows in entertainment history.
On display, guests will see Harry Callahan’s handgun from Dirty Harry, Maggie’s boxing gloves from Million Dollar Baby, the authentic Blimp Model featured in the science fiction classic Blade Runner, and many more unforgettable pieces from the Warner Bros. archives.BATMAN
Studio Cafe
Studio Retail Store
Starbucks Coffee
Free Wifi
Wheelchair Friendly
Museo de la Ciencia e Industria
Venga y visite estas fantásticas exposiciones en el Museo de la Ciencia e Industria de Chicago:
Explore el poder del juego con las estructuras gigantes de Lego y los retos de construcción.
La mina de carbón - Descienda al pozo de la mina, de un paseo en los carriles y aprenda la tecnología de la minería del carbón.
Submarino U-505 - Descubra la verdadera U-505, el único submarino alemán en los Estados Unidos.
El Futuro de la Energía en Chicago - Colabore en una simulación acelerada para crear una ciudad más sostenible.
Genética y el criadero de pollitos - Descubra la compleja interacción entre los genes y los elementos ambientales que producen una nueva vida.
Los números en la naturaleza: Un laberinto de espejos - Descubra los patrones matemáticos que abundan en el mundo natural.
La Ciencia de las tormentas: Sienta la física y descubra la química de los fenómenos naturales como tornados y avalanchas.
La Gran Historia de tren: Viaje de Chicago a Seattle viendo todos los detalles en esta grandiosa maqueta de la red de ferrocarril.
¡You! The Experience: Examine la misma experiencia de la vida y la conexión entre mente, cuerpo y alma.
Todos a bordo del Silver Streak: el Zephyr Pionero - Suba a bordo del primer tren de pasajeros diesel-eléctrico optimizado de América.
El Castillo de cuento de Colleen Moore: Viva la magia de un castillo de cuento real en el Collen Moore's Fairy Castle.
DARPA: Redefiniendo posible - Conoce a la agencia detrás de algunas de nuestras tecnologías favoritas.
La Factoría de Ideas: Los más pequeños podrán chapotear, apilar y girar a través de experimentos para probar los principios científicos.
Transportation Gallery: Descubra como la humanidad ha volado, se ha elevado, ha acelerado y ha avanzado a través de los años.
Farm Tech: Entre en una moderna granja y explore las innovaciones que le traen la comida a la mesa.
Fast Forward - Inventando el futuro: Sumérjase en el mundo de los inventos del mañana y los visionarios de hoy en día.
Henry Crown Space Center: Recupere la emoción de la Carrera Espacial y aprenda acerca del futuro de la exploración espacial.
El Arte de la Bicicleta: Vea el arte y la técnica de esta exposición de raras y antiguas bicicletas junto a las bicicletas de última tecnología.
Earth Revealed: Tenga una visión cercana y casi en 'tiempo real' de nuestro planeta Tierra.
Ciencia de los Materiales: Explore la historia y futuro de los materiales que impactan nuestra vida día a día.
Barcos a través de los Siglos: Siga la historia de la conquista del mar a través de la colección de modelos de barcos del Museo.
Swiss Jolly Ball: Vea la máquina de pinball más grande del mundo ante usted.
ToyMaker 3000: Una aventura de la automatización - Esta cadena de montaje de robots manufactura diversión al montar peonzas de juguete personalizada ante sus ojos.
Yesterday's Main Street: Viaje en el tiempo y viva la América de principios del 1900.
Esta entrada para el Museo de las Ciencias y la Indústria de Chicago incluye la entrada al Museo y UNA película en el Giant Dome Theater
Hay actividades adicionales que se pueden comprar en el Museo. Requieren una entrada con hora adicional: 12$ adulto, 9$ niño (de 3 a 11 años). Sujeto a disponibilidad:
Coal Mine (La mina de carbón)
The WOW! Tour
U505 Submarine On-Board Tour
Shedd Aquarium
Nueva exposición: ¡AMPHIBIANS!
La nueva exposición llamada “Amphibians” abre el 16 de Mayo y su acceso va incluido en el precio de la entrada. Verá 40 especies diferentes de ranas y salamandras desde su ciclo de vida hasta sus adaptaciones para vivir en cada ecosistema de la Tierra. Descubra cómo de grande puede llegar a ser un problema para los anfibios – y cómo puede ayudarlos a hacer frente a estos grandes cambios.
Waters of the World
Viaje a 80 hábitats diferentes. Zambúllase en el océano desde los bosques de algas marinas hasta el fondo del mar. Explore los ecosistemas de Islas y Lagos. Visite grandes y pequeños ríos y aprenda más sobre nuestras aguas en la exhibición de ‘At Home on the Great Lakes’. Encuentre cientos de asombrosos animales, desde ranas diminutas a pulpos gigantescos, así como caimanes, iguanas, medusas y estrellas de mar.
Caribbean Reef
Haga un recorrido 360º por una comunidad de arrecifes bajo el agua. Siga a las tortugas marinas verdes, contemple desde muy cerca peces loro y tiburones.
Amazon Rising
Haga un viaje exótico por la Amazonia, hogar de un tercio de todos los seres vivos. Tenga cuidado con las anacondas y pirañas, rayas y caimanes camuflados. Vea como los animales, plantas y personas de la región se adaptan a las crecidas y bajadas anuales del agua.
Oceanário Abbott
Oceanário Abbot le sumerge en el vibrante ecosistema de las ballenas beluga, los delfines de flanco blanco, las nutrias de mar y los leones de mar. También podrá observar multitud de peces e invertebrados que viven donde los flujos de agua dulce entran en el océano. Use nuestro mapa para descubrir cómo se vinculan los animales entre ellos, a sus hábitats y a nosotros mismos.
La Zona de Juego Polar
Los niños tienen su propio lugar en el Acuario Shedd, 'La Zona de Juego Polar'. ¿Qué le gustaría ser? ¿Un pingüino deslizante y elegante? ¿Un explorador de aguas profundas? ¿Qué tal las dos cosas? En la Zona de Juego Polar puede disfrazarse de pingüino y fingir ser un pájaro en el Área de Juego Icy Sur. Desde allí puede dirigirse al Área de Juego Icy North para explorar las aguas del ártico en submarino. No se olvide de tocar las coloridas estrellas de mar en las piscinas. En la Zona de Juego Polar los niños aprenderán acerca de los polos opuestos- grande y pequeño, rápido y lento, superficial y profundo- e incluso sobre el norte y el sur, todo esto mientras juegan y se divierten.
Shakespeare's Globe Exhibition is the world's largest exhibition devoted to Shakespeare and the London in which he lived and worked. Housed beneath the reconstructed Globe Theatre on London's Bankside, the exhibition explores the remarkable story of the Globe, and brings Shakespeare's world to life using a range of interactive displays and live demonstrations. Visitors to the exhibition can discover how shows were produced in the theatres of Shakespeare's time, from writing and rehearsals to music, dance and performance. There are opportunities to learn about the traditional crafts and techniques used during the process of rebuilding the Globe; to find out how special effects were produced in Shakespeare's time, to listen to recordings from some of the most memorable Shakespearean performances ever, or join the cast and add your own voice to a scene recorded by Globe actors; to create your own Shakespearean phrases in the word jungle; to watch a sword-fighting display and browse the costume collection, where you can learn about the extraordinary methods used in creating clothes 400 years ago. A visit to the Exhibition includes a guided tour of the theatre where expert guide-storytellers provide fascinating half hour tours of the auditorium, taking visitors on a journey through time back to Elizabethan London as well as the reconstruction process of the 1980's-90's and how the wooden 'o' works today as an imaginative and experimental theatrical space. An exhibition visit and theatre tour lasts about one and a half hours. Information sheets are available in English, large print, German, French, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Polish, Romanian, Chinese and Japanese. NB: There is no access to the theatre during matinee performances. Visitors will be taken to the nearby archaeological site of the Rose Theatre, Bankside's first playhouse.
THE DOWNTOWN LOOP The Downtown Loop is the best way to explore Lower Manhattan including popular neighborhoods such as the Flatiron District, Union Square, Little Italy, Chinatown, Soho & NoHo, Greenwich Village & the East Village, Chelsea and the Financial District. Wander around Wall St. to see the infamous Stock Exchange and charging bull, eat your way through Little Italy and Chinatown then shop till you drop at all the high end or boutique stores SoHo is famous for! You’ll also find the Brooklyn Bridge and access to our Brooklyn Loopand sightseeing cruise on the Downtown Loop. Duration: 2.5 Hours Operates: Summer Hours 08:00 –18:00 (8:00am –6:00pm) Winter Hours until 17:00 (5:00pm) Frequency: every 15-20 minutes THE UPTOWN LOOP The Uptown Loop takes you fromMidtown, up around Central Park and through cultural Harlem. Home to some of New York’s most popular Museums, the Upper East & West Side are where you can go to get lostin history and the arts exploring the American Museum of Natural History, the Museum of the City of New York, the Guggenheim and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Take in a Jazz or Gospel performance up in Harlem and discover the largest Anglican Church in the world, the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. Duration: 2 Hours Operates: Summer Hours 09:00 –18:00 (9:00am –6:00pm) Winter Hours until 17:00 (5:00pm) Frequency: every 20-25minutes THE BROOKLYN TOUR Brooklyn is the most populated borough of New York, featuring 350 years of history and an incredible collection of celebrities, artists, landmarks and culture. Discover Brooklyn as you make your way across the historic Manhattan Bridge while taking in spectacular views of downtown Manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridge.Enjoy the sights of downtown Brooklyn as you pass by the Barclay Center and the Grand Army Plaza. Duration: 1.5 Hours Operates: 10:00 –15:00 Frequency: every hour PANORAMIC NIGHT TOUR Enjoy a panoramic view of the city the never sleeps! See its beautiful lights as you tour through Times Square and catch a breathtaking view of lower Manhattan as you cross over the Manhattan Bridge. Finish the tour with views of the famous Radio City Music Hall, home to the Christmas Spectacular Rockettes. Duration: 1.5 Hours Operates: Summer Hours 19:00 –21:00 (7:00pm - 9:00pm) Winter Hours 18:00-20:00 (6:00pm - 8:00pm) Frequency: every 30 minutes *Summer Hours: April 1st–Nov 1st/ Winter Hours: Nov 1st–March 31st