Tanque Interactivo de Tiburones y Rayas (Fundación The Trust Family) Los visitantes de esta exposición podrán alcanzar y tocar suavemente la parte posterior de las rayas gavilán, de las rayas del Atlántico y de los tiburones, mientras nadan con gracia a través del agua cristalina. La exposición muestra estas increíbles especies de una manera que pone de relieve su importancia para un ecosistema marino sano y hace hincapié en la importancia de la conservación de los hábitats costeros, como los manglares y las lagunas. Abierto todos los días a partir de las 9:30 am. Centro de Mamíferos Marinos (Fundación New Balance) Conozca a estos enérgicos osos marinos Árticos y leones marinos de California, y descubra cómo puede ayudarles en su hábitat natural. Contemple a los leones marinos de California lanzarse rápidamente al agua y a los agiles osos marinos Árticos juguetear en esta hermosa sala de exposiciones al aire libre. Descubra los desafíos a los que se enfrentan los mamíferos marinos en su hábitat natural, y obtenga una nueva perspectiva los viernes con las sesiones especiales de formación de New Balance. Foca Común del Atlántico Los visitantes podrán disfrutar de las focas del Atlántico en su exhibición en la plaza del acuario, antes de comprar las entradas. Vea las focas nadar, jugar y descansar. Aprenda más sobre ellas y vea algunos de sus comportamientos mientras trabajan con los entrenadores sus entrenamientos libres a lo largo del día. Centro Interactivo Planeta Azul Esta nueva exposición es parte de la reciente reforma integral del acuario, una transformación para el siglo XXI. Esta área de exhibición presenta los serios desafíos a los que se enfrentan los océanos y muestra el liderazgo mundial del acuario en la búsqueda de soluciones con una combinación de pantallas interactivas, presentaciones representativas y exposiciones de pequeños animales vivos. Idiomas Hay guías del acuario en español, mandarín, alemán, francés, italiano y portugués de Brasil, y están disponibles en la recepción del acuario bajo petición. Duración Haga planes para pasar de 1 ½ a 2 horas en el Acuario. Si quiere visitar también IMAX film, tendrá una duración de 45 minutos más. Inclusiones La admisión al acuario incluye el Acuario y todas sus exposiciones. Exclusiones El Teatro IMAX Simons y El Avistamiento de Ballenas en el Acuario conllevan un cargo adicional. Ahora en el Teatro Simons IMAX Humpback Whales 3D - Duración: 40 min. Las Ballenas Jorobadas 3D le llevarán a un mundo submarino lleno de magníficas ballenas cantos de ballena hipnotizantes, por primera vez en IMAX 3D. Great White Shark 3D - Duración: 40 min. Prepárese para una visita a ojo de mano del tiburón depredador más conocido: el tiburón blanco. Galapagos 3D: Nature's Woderland - Duración: 40 min. Solo existe un lugar en la tierra donde las iguanas conviven junto a los pingüinos tropicales y el pez más grande del océano. Viaje allí con esta película: el país de las maravillas de la naturaleza en la pantalla más grande de Nueva Inglaterra.
With more than 400 miles of bike lanes and traffic-free bike paths, you’ll love NYC by bike!
Stop when you want, get up close and delight in the freedom of pedaling through NYC’s diverse landscape. Experience car-free, fun, easy riding along the scenic Greenways in the city’s waterfront parks.
We’ll give you maps and locks so you can easily access all of NYC’s must-see sites as well as discover something new and exciting around every corner - all at your own pace.
Inclusions: Bike rental includes comfort hybrid bike, helmet, handlebar bag, lock, city map
PISTE SAFARI Do you dream of a real-life safari? Set out on a journey to meet the most emblematic of the large mammals. Drive the 10km trail in your own vehicle or travel on-board one of our 4 x 4 bush trucks and cross vast plains where over 1,000 animals and 250 different species roam free. A total immersion in the world of wild animals awaits you! Find yourself face to face with the major animal groups from the world over: you're invited to visit the lions, rhinoceros, tigers as well as wolves, elephants and giraffes! Warning: please note that driving in a vehicle without a roof (convertibles, open-top vehicles, motorbikes, trail bikes...) is not allowed in the Safari Trail, for a matter of safety. If your vehicle does not have a roof, please take a ticket for the Raid 4x4 guided tour (depending on the number of seats that are available). TEMPLE DE LA JUNGLE NEW ! The Temple de la Jungle is a mix between adventure and discover thanks to its suspended bridge, that immerses you in the animals environment up to the treetops. Sharing their space with small Asian antelopes and pot-bellied pigs, macaques are fascinating by their social behaviors so close to ours. A new playful universe for the delight of the whole family. CHEMIN DE BROUSSE Welcome to Africa! Planète Sauvage invites you on a journey: one surprise after another awaits you on the pedestrian part of the Bush Trail! You will meet Kirikou who will take you to his brand new village! Immerse yourself in the world of this famous character, as small as he is brave! Visit his hut, play music with the percussion instruments and confront Sorceress Karaba's fetishes! Continue the trail which will take you to Madagascar to discover its famous wild lemurs, roaming freely all around you! Experience the exotic environment and discover the life of the herds of giraffe and rhinoceros from new observation points! CITE MARINE A waking dream! The Marine City is a unique aquatic area where you can go for a memorable time discovering its group of dolphins! Every day you can admire the new show, "Noah's treasure". The adventures of a young explorer who discovers a group of dolphins are told and illustrated with jumps, pirouettes, water jets and special effects! Enjoy the gentleness, the bond formed with and the wonder of the dolphins! Extend your encounter in the depths of the 100m-long underwater gallery for complete immersion and an exceptional view of the world of the dolphins. SENTIER DES INCAS NEW ! This new universe is a lakeside promenade in South America. Squirrel monkeys surrounding you are surprising thanks to their agility and parrots brighten the landscape with their flamboyant colors. Take a break watching the flamingos and have fun watching the coatis game !
HISTORIC BUILDINGS Tower Bridge Exhibition - £9.00 Royal Mews - £9.00 Royal Albert Hall - guided tour - £12.25 Royal Observatory - £7.70 Monument - £4.00 Banqueting House - £6.00 Jewel Tower - £4.20 Wellington Arch - £4.30 Apsley House - £8.30 Benjamin Franklin House - £7.00 Eltham Palace - £13.00 The Wernher Collection at Ranger's house - £7.20 MUSEUMS Imperial War Museum - £5.00 The London Transport Museum - £16.00 Household Cavalry Museum - £7.00 Charles Dickens Museum - £8.00 London Motor Museum - £30.00 Guards Museum - £6.00 Cartoon Museum - £7.00 Foundling Museum - £7.50 Science Museum - IMAX Theatre - £11.00 Handel House Museum - £6.50 London Canal Museum - £4.00 Royal Air Force Museum - £3.00 Museum of Brands, Packaging and Advertising - £7.50 Old Operating Theatre, Museum and Herb Garret - £6.50 Fan Museum - £4.00 Firepower Royal Artillery Museum - £5.30 Florence Nightingale Museum - £7.00 The Garden Museum - £6.75 The Jewish Museum - £6.50 Pollock's Toy Museum - £6.00 Design Museum - £12.40 V & A Museum - Show your valid London Pass at the main Information Desk in the front entrance to gain free entry to selected exhibitions at the Victoria and Albert Museum - £7 - £16 Keats Museum - £5.00 Museum of Comedy - £5.50 Handel & Hendrix - £10.00 PLACES OF INTEREST HMS Belfast - £14.50 Kew Gardens - £15.00 Cutty Sark - £12.15 ArcelorMittal Orbit - £15.00 Chelsea Physic Garden - £9.00 London Wetland Centre - £11.23 Chislehurst Caves - £6.00 GALLERIES The Queen's Gallery at Buckingham Palace - £10.00 Courtauld Gallery - £6.00 Estorick Collection of Modern Italian Art - £5.00 Guildhall Art Gallery - Show your London Pass to receive a free guidebook (worth £6). TOURS AND CRUISES Wembley Stadium Tour - £19.00 Beefeater Gin Distillery Tour - £12.00 Arsenal Stadium Tour - £20.00 Chelsea FC Stadium Tour - £20.00 Wimbledon Tour Experience & Museum - £24.00 Twickenham Stadium Tours & Museum of Rugby - £20.00 The Sherlock Holmes Tour - £10.00 London Bicycle Tour Company Bicycle Tour - £23.95 Jason's Canal Boat Trip - £9.00 Rock 'n' Roll Walk - £9.00 Royal London Walking Tour - £10.00 National Theatre Backstage Tours - £8.50 LEISURE Curzon Cinemas (Chelsea, Mayfair, Soho and Bloomsbury) - £14.00 - £15.00 The London Brass Rubbing Centre - £4.50 Namco Funscape - £3.00 Queens Ice - £7.50 - £13.50 Save on up to £420 worth of entrance fees that's the aggregate price of all Adult entrances to Attractions contained within the 6 day Pass. Other Special Offers along with the Guidebook, we will provide you with access to other great offers available to visitors to London, including discounted prices on West End theatre tickets, restaurant discounts and much more! You can visit as many attractions as you want - even more with the time saved with fast track entry. You don't need to carry too much cash and the London Pass keeps control on your spending. How Does The London Pass Work? The London Pass is a smart card - like a credit card with a computer chip inside - which allows you completely cash free entry to your choice of 56 London tourist attractions. It's a bit like an all you can eat buffet - once you've bought your London Pass you don't have to pay to get into any of the attractions covered by the pass and the more sights you see, the more money you save. Simply show the attendant at a London Pass attraction your card, they will swipe it through a special machine and you will be allowed entry. Click here for the full list of London attractions where you can get in free with the London Pass. Activating The London Pass: The smart card records when and where you first use your London Pass, as well as how long the pass will remain valid for. This means that regardless of what start date you give when you buy the pass, your London Pass is activated the moment that you first use it at an attraction or service. Your London Pass is then valid for the number of days that you purchased - be it 1, 2, 3 or 6 days and is subject to the purse value of maximum gate prices related to the number of days. It is important to note that the day is based on a calendar day, so should you first use your pass at 4pm on Monday, Monday is counted as day one of your pass usage. You will need to present your voucher at the exchange point to receive your London Sightseeing Pass(es) as well as comprehensive details concerning all the attractions that may be visited. Your London Sightseeing Pass(es) will be activated at the first time of use. All customers collecting Passes must provide the following documentation to the house security staff: - Photo Identification (Passport or Driving License). - Credit Card used to purchase the Pass(es). Under no circumstances will any Passes be issued without the above documentation. *Exchange point: 11a Charing Cross Road, London, WC2H 0EP. Please note that the Centre is a redemption point only and any queries regarding your purchase must be referred to 365 Tickets on 0203 540 7707.
L'Hemisfèric es una gigantesca sala de proyecciones, con capacidad para más de 300 personas, que cuenta con una enorme pantalla cóncava de 900 metros cuadrados de superficie. Ofrece una cúpula Imax, una pantalla digital 3D y proyecciones digitales, con representaciones astronómicas. Todas estas características han hecho que L’Hemisfèric se haya ganado el sobrenombre de “El ojo de la sabiduría” o “El planetario”. Así que, relájate en tu asiento y déjate llevar a otra dimensión. La belleza está en el ojo del que mira y, en este caso, el ojo es realmente algo digno de observar. La cúpula Imax hace las veces de “pupila” del ojo y el “párpado” se abre y cierra mediante unos elevadores hidráulicos encargados del movimiento de la gigantesca cubierta de acero y cristal. El edificio está rodeado por un gran estanque cuyo fondo es acristalado, lo que ayuda en gran medida a crear la ilusión de estar ante un ojo real.
Character dinner experience with Disney’s biggest superstars: Mickey, Minnie, Donald Duck, Goofy, and Pluto, to name a few! Includes 5-star limousine service, champagne & bottled water included. Stop by Disney Springs to soak up sights and sounds. MENU: Roast chicken, carved beef, pasta, savory sides, and kids' favorites like Mac n Cheese Full children’s menu Desserts you have to see to believe! Delight in the sundae bar, where you can customize your own decadent dessert. **Guests DO NOT get to choose their seating times; this depends on the locations where people are staying. Vehicle and table occupancy is maximized on each trip. **Pickups are from the guest’s accommodation, providing they are staying within the central zoned area. Guests staying in Villas that are out of our pickup zone may be asked to meet at a central meeting point, most Villas are located in the central Kissimmee, Davenport or Clermont area and we will collect from these locations.