Produkteigenschaften: Haarausfall, Schuppen, Läusebehandlung Begünstigt die Wirkung der RAUSCH Original HAARTINKTUR bei Haarausfall. Befreit nachhaltig und mild von Schuppen. Schützt aktiv und m...
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Tubifast GlovesTubifast Gloves with 2-way Stretch Technology form part of the Tubifast garments range for eczema treatment and dressing fixation. They are comfortable to wear as they allow freedom of movement and feature flat seams to help to prevent skin irritation. To treat atopic eczema on the hands, Tubifast Gloves can be used for wet or dry wrapping using an emollient such as Epaderm Ointment.Wet wrapping: An emollient is applied to the affected skin, which is then covered with a damp layer of Tubifast Gloves. Working together, the emollient and the damp layer keep the skin hydrated and moist and help reduce inflammation. The damp layer also ensures that the emollient stays in contact with the skin and cools and soothes the skin, helping to reduce the itch. A second, dry layer is then applied, which keeps clothing dry and prevents further scratching from aggravating the skin and causing potential injury.Dry wrapping: This is a similar process to wet wrapping. An emollient is applied to the affected skin, which is then covered with a single, dry layer of Tubifast Gloves.Tubifast Gloves are supplied as a pair in the following sizes:Child Extra Small (Manufacturer ref: 5922)Child Small (Manufacturer ref: 5923)Child Medium-Large / Adult Small (Manufacturer ref: 5921)Adult Medium-Large (Manufacturer ref: 5920)The Tubifast garment range also contains socks, tights, leggings and vests.
Il est important de prendre soin de votre peau. La peau n est pas seulement un accessoire puisque c est le premier organe en contact avec l exterieur : il s agit de la premiere barriere de protection de votre corps. Avec leGel Nettoyant Purete AromatiqueEdenensvotre peau sera nette et revigoree.Il va contribuer a vous liberer de vos impuretes quel que soit votre type de peau. Cependant, le gel sera particulierement le meilleur ami des peaux mixtes a grasses du fait de sa composition riche en extrait d iris, zinc et vitamine A pour purifier et affiner votre grain de peau. Il n est pas simplement un gel : c est egalement un soin nettoyant grace a sa base lavante sans savon. En effet, il offre une mousse fine et legere pour une fraicheur instantanee. De plus, ce gel fera en sorte d hydrater votre peau pour un fini parfait.