1 Day Tour - Hop-on Hop-off Hop on board a Big Bus Sightseeing Tour of the ‘City by the Bay’and experience the best views of its distinctive landmarks, and delve into its fascinating history. You can explore San Francisco’s famous landmarks; from the Golden Gate Bridge to Fisherman’s wharf. This really is the best way to discover all that San Francisco has to offer. Our unique city tour stops at 20 key points of interest all around spectacular San Francisco. Experience the diverse culture, beautiful parks, stunning architecture and picturesque views atop an open air bus. Hop on or Hop off at your leisure to create your own customized journey around the city. Night Tour (NOT A HOP-ON HOP-OFF) The one hour Panoramic Night Tour of San Francisco begins in Fisherman’s Wharf and explores the most scenic neighborhoods; as the sunsets and the city begins to sparkle. See the ornate City Hall and the San Francisco Symphony Hall. The tour then climbs up the historic Nob Hill for a stunning close up view of the magnificent Grace Cathedral. The tour makes its way across the grand Bay Bridge for picturesque views of the city skyline from Treasure Island, site of the 1939’s World Fair. Heading back into the city, the tour will continue along the Embarcadero to view the glittering lights on the Port of San Francisco. Duration: 1 hr Operated: DAILY 18:30 & 19:00 (April to October) 19:30 No Tours Dec 24th & Dec 31st OR SAUSALITO TROLLEY LOOP Visit the picturesque waterfront community of Sausalito, a short distance from the Golden Gate Bridge, on the Big Bus Trolley. Discover distinctive boutiques, wide selection of restaurants and cafes, and unique art galleries. Relax in the park, or explore the narrow streets in the hills of this quaint Mediterranean town. Duration: 30 minutes Operates: 9:00am –5:00pm Frequency: 20-30 minutes / Departs stop from Stop 12 WALKING TOURS Chinatown Walking Tour: (Tour begins at Stop #6 - operates daily @ 10:00 & 14:00) Walk through the world famous historic neighborhood. See the magnificent Chinatown gates, the busy marketplace and the vibrant mix of historical and modern day culture. Northbeach Walking Tour: (Tour begins at Stop #3 - operates daily @ 16:00) This tour will take you on a journey through the eclectic Little Italy district. From Washington Square Park to the incredible St. Peter & Paul Church, the tour will leave you with a taste of the bohemian lifestyle that inspired so many of the artistically gifted San Franciscans of previous generations. Barbary Coast Walking Tour: (Tour begins at Stop #4 - operates daily @ 12:00) Tour takes you through a nine block radius of what was once the haunt of the low and vile. Hear about San Francisco’s small beginnings, its boom-town growth because of the California Gold Rush and the end of The Barbary Coast due to the Red Light Abatement Act. The walk will take you through the present Financial District and Jackson Square Historic District. Fisherman’s Wharf Walking Tour: (Tour begins at Stop #1 - operates daily @ 14:00) The Fisherman’s Wharf walking tour takes you all the main attractions of the Wharf area, including Ghirardelli Square, the Cannery and Pier 39. See and learn about the famous food and restaurants and the historic ships at Aquatic Park. This walk will familiarize you with role the wharf has played in the history of the city—from the Gold rush, through the labor struggles of the 1930’s and the psychedelic explorations of the 1960’s.
KidZania London KidZania is a world of fun and learning for children aged four to fourteen. Set their imagination free with a visit to the UK’s first educational entertainment experience. Located in Westfield London, KidZania features a child-size city spanning 75,000sq. ft. Over four exciting hours, kids can learn real-life skills and have a go at trying out grown-up jobs in realistic environments. From the Aviation Academy to the Radio Station, Police Station or Hospital, KidZania’s streets are lined with authentic establishments. Real-life role play will bring these professions to life as kids learn in a fun and safe environment. Children can even have a go at being a tour guide on a mini Golden Tours hop-on hop-off bus! Young minds will learn about money as they are paid for the activities they undertake, earning ‘KidZos’ (KidZania currency). Kids can open a personal savings account and deposit the money they have earned for their work. This currency can be used to purchase goods and services inside the city. Each experience lasts four hours, and children over the age of seven can enjoy KidZania without an accompanying adult. Visitors are given a bracelet to wear around their wrist which can only be removed by employees with parental permission, so you’ll know where your kids are at all times. Children are in safe hands, leaving you free to shop or dine while keeping track of their movements. KidZania has welcomed over 38 million visitors worldwide and now the global phenomenon has arrived in London! Kids can have fun while learning valuable skills during at this exciting new education experience. Accessibility KidZania accommodates visits for those with special requirements. We believe all kids should be able to experience role-play in a fun and unique way. Hearing Impairments: All activities are equipped with a 'Help Hearing Guide' - a read-a-long guide for visitors with hearing impairments. This is a free service and can be obtained by an activity staff member on the day of your visit. Visual Impairments: Service Animals (Registered Guide Dogs, Hearing Dogs and Medical Alert Dogs) are welcome around KidZania, however due to health and safety reasons, there are selected activities where they will not be permitted. Accessible Parking: Westfield London offers a selection of accessible parking. Blue Badge holder will be permitted four hours free parking Monday to Friday. To qualify for this, you must provide a Blue Badge and parking ticket to Westfield staff at the Shopmobility desk. Getting Around: KidZania is entirely accessible to wheelchair users, with many lifts and escalator available. There are several accessible toilets, a variety of rest areas and all food and retail outlets are wheelchair friendly. Kew Gardens Kew Gardens, is a World Heritage Site located in 121 hectares of stunning vistas with six magnificent glasshouses set in a beautiful landscape beside the River Thames between Richmond and KEW in south-west London. Kew Gardens represents more than 250 years of historical gardens. It is home to a remarkable collection of over 30,000 types of plants from all over the world that range from the decorative to the peculiar. Kew Gardens provide opportunities for public enjoyment and enrichment and the behind-the-scenes scientific work helps ensure a sustainable future for plants and people. In the summer of 2004, Kew's determination to make serious botany great fun for children was demonstrated with the opening of 'Climbers and Creepers'. Bringing a new use to an old cycad house by White Peaks, Climbers and Creepers engages children from around 3-9 years in the pleasures of learning more about plants and their relationships with animals and people. Apart from the sheer beauty and tranquillity of the garden's landscapes Kew offers a wonderful day out for all, whether horticulturally, historically or botanically inclined.
London Eye
Con 140 metros de altura, el London Eye es la noria más alta del mundo. 32 Cápsulas, en que cada una puede cargar 25 personas, le llevarán en un viaje de 30 minutos a través de las vistas más espectaculares de todo Londres y sus alrededores, abarcando 40 kilómetros en todas las direcciones.
La Experiencia London Eye 4D
La Experiencia London Eye 4D es una película 3D pionera en efectos especiales, como el viento, la niebla y las burbujas, que hacen el 4D. La película en sí es una conmovedora historia de una niña con su padre en Londres. Su punto de vista de los monumentos de Londres está oscurecida por las personas y el tráfico, pero una gaviota atrae su atención hacia el London Eye y su padre la lleva a esa experiencia; finalmente, puede disfrutar de unas increíbles vistas de la ciudad. Una vistosa fiesta dentro de la cápsula, un time lapse del día y la noche en el London Eye y un espectacular castillo de fuegos artificiales se muestran para sumarse a una experiencia emocional y entretenida; el preludio perfecto para una experiencia en el propio London Eye.
Por favor, recuerde que el procedimiento de embarque para el London Eye dura unos 30 minutos.
Nuestro precio es el mismo que el que podría pagar comprando en el sitio web del London Eye o en líneas telefónicas de reserva y no hay restricciones en las reservas de última hora.
Para una perspectiva diferente, visítelo al atardecer y vea como se encienden las luces de la ciudad y el horizonte se inunda de colores vibrantes.
No se permite subir al London Eye a los niños no acompañados. Cualquier reserva hecha para un niño no acompañado será tomada como una confirmación de que el niño se unirá a un grupo bajo la supervisión de un adulto. 365Tickets no se hará responsable si a un niño no se le permite acceder al London Eye por ir solo, ni su vale será reembolsable.
La seguridad es su prioridad número uno. Para su seguridad y comodidad, por favor lea la siguiente información sobre qué elementos pueden y no pueden ser subidos al London Eye. Tenga en cuenta que todos los visitantes pueden ser sometidos a un registro de seguridad al subir al London Eye.
Tenga en cuenta que los siguientes artículos se pueden subir a bordo del London Eye:
Ordenadores portátiles
Bolsas pequeñas y mochilas (tamaño máximo de 18 "x 13" x 8 "o 46cm x 33cm x 20cm)
Bolsas de bebé
Los siguientes artículos no pueden ser subidos a bordo del London Eye:
Bolsas grandes / maletas
Cascos de motocicleta
Monopatines y patines
Trípodes (salvo que se acuerde de antemano con el London Eye)
Cochecitos de bebé *
Artículos prohibidos **
Si no está seguro.
* Los cochecitos de bebé se pueden dejar en nuestras instalaciones del área 'Buggy' en la sala de entrada, aunque sólo durante la duración de la experiencia.
** Los artículos prohibidos incluyen objetos afilados o cualquier cosa que pueda ser considerada un riesgo para la seguridad, incluyendo navajas, tijeras, limas de metal, juguetes o réplicas de pistolas. Si se encuentran o se declaran tales objetos le serán revisados y devueltos después de su experiencia, siempre que el artículo sea legal en el Reino Unido.
Términos y Condiciones
1. Los objetos confiscados se dejaran en todo momento a riesgo del propietario.
2. London Eye Company (LEC) no asume ninguna responsabilidad por la pérdida o daño de cualquier objeto que deje en el London Eye.
3. LEC tiene el derecho de rechazar el almacenamiento de objetos de cualquier visitante a su discreción, ya sea por razones de seguridad pública o cualquier otra razón.
SEA LIFE London Aquarium
El Acuario SEA LIFE Londres es el hogar de la mayor colección de vida marina global de Europa y la joya de la corona de los 28 Acuarios SEA LIFE en el Reino Unido y Europa. Situado en el corazón de Londres, la experiencia lleva a los visitantes en un viaje inmersivo e interactivo a través de la Cinta Transportadora Oceánica.
La misteriosa experiencia, repartida en tres plantas, empieza con un viaje submarino hacia las profundidades del Océano Atlántico. A lo largo del viaje, una pasarela en el impresionante túnel de cristal les ofrece a los visitantes una inolvidable experiencia de adentrarse bajo un Océano Tropical. Hay muchas formas de interacción por el camino, desde alimentar las rayas y ver muestras submarinas hasta las zonas de descubrimiento y de experimentación táctil. Otras estrellas de este espectáculo son las tortugas verdes, los caballitos de mar, los pulpos, los tiburones cebra y el siempre popular pez payaso. Pero el verdadero espectáculo empieza cuando los visitantes completan su viaje en la zona más profunda y oscura del Océano Pacífico - pasee por el lado más salvaje y observe 10 especies de tiburones nadar tan sólo unos centímetros por encima de usted en una plataforma de cristal suspendida.
Así como permitir que millones de personas descubran la maravillas del mundo marino, la red SEA LIFE también realiza una importante función de conservación y ayudando a salvaguardar los océanos para el futuro. El Acuario SEA LIFE London también es un centro puntero en gestión, conservación y preservación del medio marino del Reino Unido.
¡Los cocodrilos establecen su residencia en el Acuario SEA LIFE Londres!
Cocodrilos, Pirañas, una familia de Ranas Punta de Flecha y una gran cantidad de exóticas criaturas acuáticas establecerán su residencia en el espacio completamente nuevo del Acuario SEA LIFE Londres "Selvas del Mundo" en Pascua. Selvas del Mundo sustituirá completamente la anterior zona selvática y dará una instantánea de los vulnerables ecosistemas de Malaysia, el Oeste de África o el Sur de América. Los visitantes se encontrarán con algunas de las criaturas más temidas y famosas de las selvas en este inmersivo viaje a través de tres continentes. Un par de Cocodrilos Enanos Africanos de casi 2 metros en un espacio especialmente habilitado para ellos que recrea su hábitat africano. La familia de Ranas Punta de Flecha, muy tóxicas, otorgará un caleidoscopio de colores al lugar. ¡Pero cuidado con la fascinante Rana Venenosa Dardo amarilla, es la más letal de todas ellas! Continuando con los pequeños pero mortales animales, el Acuario también tiene una de las colecciones más importantes de Europa de Pirañas, peces conocidos por su preferencia por la carne.
Puente de la Torre
Hace más de 100 años, los victorianos construyeron un puente que se ha convertido en uno de los monumentos más famosos de Londres. Se construyeron pasarelas en la planta superior para permitir que la gente cruzara el Támesis mientras se levantaba el puente para el paso de grandes barcos.
En la actualidad, estas pasarelas se utilizan como lugar de observación, ofreciendo a los visitantes las vistas más espectaculares del skyline de Londres.
Pasarelas y exposición:
Los visitantes entran a la Exposición del Tower Bridge por la Torre Norte. Luego son trasladados en ascensor hasta la parte superior de la torre (47 metros sobre el Támesis) donde tienen la oportunidad única de ver la estructura de acero del puente des de su interior. Un cortometraje cuenta los orígenes e historia del puente y luego hay la posibilidad de contemplar vistas espectaculares desde ambas pasarelas cubiertas.
Junto con vistas excepcionales del este de Londres, la pasarela cuenta con 20 reconocidos puentes que forman la popular exposición "Grandes puentes del mundo".
En la pasarela este hay fantásticas vistas de los Docklands y desde la pasarela oeste se puede ver el nuevo edificio del ayuntamiento, la catedral de Saint Paul, la City, la Pool de Londres, el Big Ben y el London Eye en la distancia.
Los kioscos interactivos y los paneles gráficos explican los detalles de las vistas a los visitantes, así como también ofrecen información sobre la historia y la construcción del puente. El material interactivo y los paneles gráficos están traducidos en siete idiomas y para el video también hay un audio en bucle para las personas con dificultades auditivas. En la Torre Sur hay otro video para ver antes de descender a las históricas salas de máquinas, que están incluidas en el precio de su entrada.
Salas de máquinas victorianas:
Estas ofrecen una interesante perspectiva de la ingeniería de finales del siglo XIX. Instaladas en la finalización del Tower Bridge en 1894, estos enormes motores impulsados por carbón se usaron para alimentar los miles de elevadores basculantes del puente hasta 1976. Aunque los elevadores ahora son impulsados por la electricidad, las máquinas de vapor originales todavía se conservan en el lugar. En las salas de máquinas se ofrece a los visitantes la oportunidad de experimentar con modelos que muestran la tecnología que hay en el puente. También hay algunas fotografías increíbles del Tower Bridge a lo largo de su historia, incluida una imagen reveladora de la estructura de acero del puente antes de instalar el revestimiento de piedra.
How does The Dublin Pass work? The Dublin Pass is your ticket into over 30 top attractions, sights, landmarks and museums, saving you both time and money and removing the hassle of carrying around spare change and queuing up to buy attraction tickets. Step straight inside with The Dublin Pass and enjoy the simplicity of your sightseeing experience. Sightseeing Made Easy With The Dublin Pass you don't have to queue to buy tickets, or stand in line to get into the attraction. The pass acts as your ticket into over 30 attractions, sights and museums included. You'll save the hassle of carrying around cash for tickets and allows you to easily budget for your sightseeing when in Dublin. You'll also be able to use the pass to enjoy over 20 exclusive and additional special offers, from restaurant discounts and food trails to pub crawls and gift stores. Where can it be used? The Dublin Pass can be used in a wide range of cultural and historic attractions in Dublin, including: 1 Day Hop on Hop off Bus Tour Guinness Storehouse Dublin Castle Dublinia Jameson Distillery Bow St. National Wax Museum Plus Christchurch Cathedral St Patrick's Cathedral Dublin Zoo EPIC: Irish Emigration Museum Malahide Castle What do you get with The Dublin Pass? ✔ SAVE TIME as everything is included in one pass ✔ SAVE MONEY on paying for the attractions individually ✔ NO HASSLE, just show your Dublin Pass and head straight inside ✔ FAST TRACK ENTRY no queuing at attractions with the Dublin Pass ✔ EASY-TO-USE DUBLIN PASS APP full of useful attaction information, travel tips and more How does it work? The Dublin Pass works through a scan and barcode system and will become activated the first time of use at an attraction. It is always recommended that you activate the pass first thing in the morning to get the most out of your pass usage as the pass works on consecutive calendar days. The pass is valid for the duration of your pass; 1, 2, 3 or 5 consecutive days – so it’s the perfect option for a range of holidays, whether it’s a short city break or a longer vacation. The Dublin Pass also comes with a free guidebook, packed full of useful information, top tips and details on where to use your pass and how to make the most out of it. When you visit an attraction simply skip the lines and show your Dublin Pass and head straight inside. No queuing or ticket buying...leaving you more time to explore the fabulous city of Dublin! Top Tip: Your Dublin Pass is valid for consecutive days, therefore we recommend you start using your pass first thing in the morning to make the most out of your Pass duration. Skip the lines at Dublin's most popular attractions Don’t waste time standing in the busy queues during peak seasons – Fast Track Entry will grant you exclusive skip-the-line privileges to save you time while sightseeing. Just show your Dublin Pass at the attraction entrance and walk straight in. Fast Track Entry The Dublin Pass saves you not only money but precious hours, too. With Fast Track Entry benefits at selected popular Dublin attractions, just walk straight through without having to stand in line. With a wealth of sights and attractions to visit it’s hard to fit it all in – and that’s where Fast Track Entry comes in. Make the most of these VIP privileges at: Dublin Zoo Guinness Storehouse National Wax Museum Plus Dublinia James Joyce Centre EPIC: The Irish Emigration Museum and many more… Complete your sightseeing experience with free entry and a free guidebook, too – the ultimate sightseeing package! Note: where entry is by guided tour only, such as at the Old Jameson’s Distillery, you will have to wait for the next available tour. Dublin Travel Guide Included in The Dublin Pass is a detailed guidebook packed full of information about the attractions included, as well as maps of the city and helpful tips and directions. Explore Dublin with a free 90 page guidebook As part of the package the Dublin Pass gives customers a 90 page free guidebook with every order; a great resource to help you plan your sightseeing adventure! It contains: Dublin city map Address details of all attractions included Opening times and normal entry prices Contact numbers Useful information Download the Dublin Pass guidebook for free Why not get ahead and start planning your trip in advance. We’re giving you the opportunity to download our guidebook for free. There’s no time like the present to start thinking of that itinerary! Click here to download your FREE Dublin Pass Guidebook.
Highlights You’ll enter the 3 million litre shipwreck coast (Australia’s largest single aquarium) Be lead on an amazing, underwater tour by one of AQWA's PADI qualified Divemasters This is your chance to have a close encounter with 7 different species of sharks, loggerhead turtles, the world’s largest stingrays and schools of WA’s most prized and precious fish, like dhufish, pink snapper, kingfish, trevally and more! Ticket Includes 30 to 45 minute guided snorkel Free all-day general admission to AQWA Comprehensive briefing Souvenir certificate Full equipment Snorkel With Sharks (15+ Years) Plunge into the beautiful world of AQWA’s shipwreck coast aquarium and come face to fin with sharks, stingrays and hundreds of stunning fish. Qualified divers aged 15+ can participate in this Adventure. Maximum 3 people. It is the responsibility of the visitor to bring along their own towel and bathers Explore five diverse discovery zones Danger Zone Face a deadly lineup of marine creatures that can bite, sting or even wrap their prey with suckered arms to immobilise or even kill! The Danger zone is an eye-opening exhibit of WA's most dangerous marine life. Far North The coastal landscapes of the Far North Coast are as ancient as the Earth itself. The landscapes range from the white beaches of Rowley Shoals, to the muddy mangrove flats of Kununurra. Perth Coast Stunning white sandy beaches of the metropolitan coast flow underwater into a shallow sandy seafloor dotted with seagrass beds, reefs and island. Originaly formed dueing the ice age, the reefs have now been worn by the water and waves, creating a marine matrix of crevices, caves and swim throughs. Shipwreck Coast Travel on the largest conveyor belt in Australia to explore AQWA's Shipwreck Coast, through an underwater tunnel. The aquarium you travel through is the largest single aquarium in Australia, which holds THREE MILLION litres of water! Great Southern Dip into the icy waters of the Great Southern, where waves and wind from Antartica shape isolated granite shores.
Please note: this production contains strong language and adult themes; not recommended for children under the age of 12. Performed in English. Handa Opera in Sydney Harbour has wheelchair locations, companion seats and level access seats available. Wheelchair Accessible Seats Customers requiring the wheelchair and/or companion seating should contact the Opera Australia customer service team on +61 2 9318 8200, Monday–Friday, 9am–5pm. On arrival at the venue, customers requiring a wheelchair should make contact with the onsite Box Office to make arrangements for a transfer to the seating by wheelchair. Level Access Seats The best seats for mobility impaired audience members (who are not bound to a wheelchair) are in the first 5 rows of sections A–E. When patrons take the 'Entry to seating section A–E' their entrance will be downhill to their seats in row 1 and then up a few stairs to seats in higher rows. On their way out of the venue, the path is uphill and mobility impaired patrons should consider requesting the use of a Handa Opera on Sydney Harbour wheelchair and assistance in exiting the venue.