La Catedral de Saint Paul, cuya cúpula domina el horizonte de Londres, es la obra maestra y el lugar de celebración nacional de la arquitectura de Inglaterra. La catedral fue diseñada por el famoso arquitecto Sir Christopher Wren, después del Gran Incendio de Londres en 1666 que destruyó el edificio predecesor. La catedral tardó 35 años en reconstruirse de 1675 a 1710, que abarca la vida de cinco monarcas y fue la primera catedral que se ha empezado y terminado en la vida de su arquitecto. La Catedral de San Pablo es donde se han celebrado los acontecimientos de más importancia nacional. Allí se celebraron los funerales de Estado para héroes británicos como Sir Winston Churchill y la boda real del príncipe Carlos con Lady Diana Spencer. Podrá encontrar guías multimedia de pantalla táctil en 9 idiomas que ofrecen hasta 90 minutos de comentarios de audio, videos e imágenes. También puede optar por un tour guiado, por lo general, empiezan a partir de las 10.00, 11.00, 13.00 y 14.00 y duran 90 minutos. Podrá explora la planta baja de la catedral y luego visitar la Galería Whispering, subir más a la piedra y las galería de oro, que ofrecen impresionantes vistas panorámicas de la ciudad. Descienda a la cripta donde encontrará tumbas y monumentos conmemorativos a británicos famosos como el almirante Nelson, el duque de Wellington y el propio Wren.
Bring with you: Swimsuit Towel A bottle of water Sun screen Dry clothes to change Shoes that you don't mind getting wet Includes: 5 hours of fun kayaking experience BCU certified guide(s) Kayaking equipment Snorkelling gear Picnic Return transfers from your hotel All taxes Important: Before participating in any activities all parties are required to sign a declaration regarding their fitness and health. *** Please note that this tour is not suitable for children younger than 10 years old and to participate swimming skills are assumed***
The Relais Saint Michel Menu*: Baked Camembert in phyllo dough with apples and arugula salad ** Salmon with rice and two vegetable sides (e.g. mushrooms and broccoli) ** Apple tart ** 1 bottle of cider + 1 bottle of water for 6 pers. Coffee or tea Vegetarian Menu*: Baked Camembert in phyllo dough with apples and arugula salad or Crudité plate ** Tagliatelle with vegetables or Omelet with vegetables ** Apple tart ** 1 bottle of cider + 1 bottle of water for 6 pers. Coffee or tea Children menu* (under 12 years old): Tagliatellis with ham or Ground beef with french fries or 'Moules Marinières" with french fries Apple pie or Chocolate mousse or Ice cream vanilla-strawberry Soft drink * Exemple of menus, subject to modification * The menu is not available in english From December 19th, lunch in the Mont Saint Michel at the restaurant "Terrasses Poulard" or "Mouton Blanc" with the following menu: Normandy salad with warm baked camembert ** Cod-fish loin, butter sauce with basmati rice and vegetables ** Caramel cream with salted butter ** 1 Bottle of cider for 6 persons 1 bottle of water for 6 persons Coffee or tea Please note : Those with reduced mobility should note that the climb up to the abbey can be tiring Comfortable shoes and warm clothing are recommended in Winter On-site visit duration: 4h30
PISTE SAFARI Do you dream of a real-life safari? Set out on a journey to meet the most emblematic of the large mammals. Drive the 10km trail in your own vehicle or travel on-board one of our 4 x 4 bush trucks and cross vast plains where over 1,000 animals and 250 different species roam free. A total immersion in the world of wild animals awaits you! Find yourself face to face with the major animal groups from the world over: you're invited to visit the lions, rhinoceros, tigers as well as wolves, elephants and giraffes! Warning: please note that driving in a vehicle without a roof (convertibles, open-top vehicles, motorbikes, trail bikes...) is not allowed in the Safari Trail, for a matter of safety. If your vehicle does not have a roof, please take a ticket for the Raid 4x4 guided tour (depending on the number of seats that are available). TEMPLE DE LA JUNGLE NEW ! The Temple de la Jungle is a mix between adventure and discover thanks to its suspended bridge, that immerses you in the animals environment up to the treetops. Sharing their space with small Asian antelopes and pot-bellied pigs, macaques are fascinating by their social behaviors so close to ours. A new playful universe for the delight of the whole family. CHEMIN DE BROUSSE Welcome to Africa! Planète Sauvage invites you on a journey: one surprise after another awaits you on the pedestrian part of the Bush Trail! You will meet Kirikou who will take you to his brand new village! Immerse yourself in the world of this famous character, as small as he is brave! Visit his hut, play music with the percussion instruments and confront Sorceress Karaba's fetishes! Continue the trail which will take you to Madagascar to discover its famous wild lemurs, roaming freely all around you! Experience the exotic environment and discover the life of the herds of giraffe and rhinoceros from new observation points! CITE MARINE A waking dream! The Marine City is a unique aquatic area where you can go for a memorable time discovering its group of dolphins! Every day you can admire the new show, "Noah's treasure". The adventures of a young explorer who discovers a group of dolphins are told and illustrated with jumps, pirouettes, water jets and special effects! Enjoy the gentleness, the bond formed with and the wonder of the dolphins! Extend your encounter in the depths of the 100m-long underwater gallery for complete immersion and an exceptional view of the world of the dolphins. SENTIER DES INCAS NEW ! This new universe is a lakeside promenade in South America. Squirrel monkeys surrounding you are surprising thanks to their agility and parrots brighten the landscape with their flamboyant colors. Take a break watching the flamingos and have fun watching the coatis game !
Take a twisted detour into the 1950s in a burlesque show that features everything from snappy musical numbers to the sexiest zombies in town.
Le Trésor de Noa (El Tesoro de Noa): el nuevo espectáculo adecuado tanto para niños como adultos La Ciudad Marina le está esperando para que descubra su memorable manada de delfines. Contemple los espectáculos diarios y comparta un momento tierno y cómplice con los delfines. Le Trésor de Noa (El Tesoro de Noa) es un cuento para aprender las características de los delfines de una forma divertida (su anatomía, su comportamiento, cómo cazan, su vida en grupo...). Giros, saltos y efectos especiales se suman para ilustrar mejor la historia de Noa, la joven exploradora. Observe sus sesiones de juego en ciertos momentos del día. Luego aprofundice su visita pasando por una galería subacuática de 100 metros de largo, que ofrece unas vistas impresionantes de los delfines. Siga con la aventura pasando a través del puente de la jungla, situado a una altura de 6 metros y que mide 250 m de largo, mientras va en busca de una tribu de macacos que conviven con cerdos vietnamitas… Finalmente, descubre el nuevo Le Chemin de Brousse (El Camino del Arbusto): Esta ruta africana conocida como "Planeta Salvaje" le permite observar animales típicos e icónicos (suricatas, cálaos, grullas, ibis, dik-dik ...) en grandes áreas mientras cruza el puente de madera. El recorrido continúa con una visita a la Villa Africana, disfrute de sus cuentacuentos y de la percusión en cabañas (sólo en verano) y también encontrará jardines, animales domésticos y salas con reptiles. Luego saldrá del continente para visitar la hermosa isla de Madagascar, donde podrá observar a lémures moviéndose libremente entre los visitantes. Finalmente, la ruta le ofrece una experiencia única, ya que el camino le lleva a un mirador donde podrá observar rinocerontes, jirafas y antílopes.