En cas de problemes de circulation sanguine pensez auxgelules vigne rouge bio de chez Nat et Form.La vigne rouge permet de prevenir ou de soigner les problemes de circulation sanguine, comme la sensation de jambes lourdes par exemple. En tonifiant votre sang, dites adieu aux varices, aux regles abondantes ou encore a l insuffisance veineuse. Ces problemes peuvent etre douloureux et genants. Rassurez-vous, ils ne seront bientot plus qu un lointain souvenir. La feuille de vigne rouge soigne aussi les hemorroides, tout comme une digestion compliquee. Principales caracteristiques : Poids :0.061kg Etiquette en francais Conseils d utilisation : Prendrequatre gelules a differents moments de la journee Ingredients / INCI : Poudre de vigne rouge biologique : 250 mg Gelule d origine vegetale : 75 mg Vigne rouge Bio 200 gelules - Nat et Form
Nach dem Grundsatz der Homöopathie erfolgt jede Behandlung mit einem individuell auf den Patienten und sein jeweiliges Krankheitsbild abgestimmten, homöopathischen Arzneimittel. Dabei können die v...
HemaPRO Cream, eine naturlich beruhigende Formel fur Hamorrhoiden, ist vollstandig dermatologisch getestet und reich an naturlichen schutzenden Extrakten. Mit Aloe Vera, Calendula & Kamille wird die HemaPRO Cream mit schutzendem Vitamin E angereichert, das beruhigt und Feuchtigkeit spendet. Es ist i
New Hycosan Extra are convenient and extra long lasting eye drops that provide daily eye comfort for more severe cases of dry eye. They contains 0.2% Hyaluronic Acid, are preservative free and can be used with all types of contact lenses. Still presented in the unique patented delivery system, Hycosan Extra is the latest addition to the Hycosan range of products. Multi-dose eye drops provide long lasting comfort and relief from eye discomfort of non-medical origin without the use of preservatives. For intensive, therapeutic lubrication of the eyes in severe and persistent dry eye cases.
Care for your skin from the inside out with Hyaluronic Acid Capsules, a potent beauty supplement enriched with skin-loving vitamins and minerals.
Features: Safely measure surface temperature of hot, hazardous or hard-to-reach objects without contact. Widely used for measuring the temperature of the object's surface. Professional infrared thermometer with high performance and high accuracy. Data locking, switchable laser positioning auto power off function. Switchable temperature units: Celsius(?) and Fahrenheit(?). Can measure maximum, minimum, temperature-difference, average value and also can set high and low temperature alarm which is especially suitable for batch measuring. With data storage function, can store at most 200 groups of temperature. You can store, recall and clear the data as you want. Digital LCD display with switchable backlight, convenient to read at night. Low battery indication and laser indication functions.