Madame Tussauds Millones y millones de personas se han congregado en las puertas de Madame Tussauds desde que se abrieron hace 200 años y actualmente sigue siendo una actividad popular como antes. Hay muchas razones para este éxito duradero. Los visitantes de hoy son enviados en un viaje extraordinario y emocionalmente por los reinos de los poderosos y famosos. Nuevo - 'Marvel Súper Héroes 4D' traerá a la vida de los Súper Héroes más adorados del mundo. ¿A quién quiere encontrar? Shakespeare's Globe Exhibition Es la exposición más grande del mundo dedicada a Shakespeare y el Londres en el que vivió y trabajó. Ubicada debajo del Globe Theatre en Bankside de Londres, la exposición explora la extraordinaria historia del Globe, y trae el mundo de Shakespeare a la vida mediante una serie de pantallas interactivas y demostraciones en vivo. Los visitantes de la exposición podrán descubrir cómo se producian los espectáculos en los teatros de la época de Shakespeare, la escritura, los ensayos, la música, la danza y la performance. También tienen la oportunidad de aprender sobre las artes tradicionales y las técnicas utilizadas durante el proceso de reconstrucción del Globe; también podrá averiguar cómo se producian los efectos especiales en la época de Shakespeare, escuchar grabaciones de algunas de las actuaciones más memorables de Shak o unirse al reparto y añadir su voz a una escena grabada por actores Globe. La visita a la Exposición incluye una visita guiada por el teatro donde expertos guías ofrecen fascinantes visitas de media hora por el auditorio, llevando a los visitantes en un viaje en el tiempo de regreso al Londres isabelino. Un tour de visita a la exposición y el teatro tiene una duración de aproximadamente de una hora y media. Hay fichas informativas disponibles en Inglés, alemán, francés, holandés, español, portugués, italiano, ruso, polaco, rumano, chino y japonés. No hay acceso al teatro durante las actuaciones matinales. Los visitantes serán llevados al sitio arqueológico cerca del Teatro Rose.
This is a premier learning experience in the Everglades Area and is superb for the entire family... from toddlers to the grandparents. Every day is different in the Everglades 10,000 Islands so we try to be very flexible and dynamic. The tour may/will include a bit of birding, some photography, strolling thru tidal pools on a remote beach, exploration of one of the 10,000 Islands. The first part of the experience is a guided boating eco tour in search of dolphins, manatees and other wildlife. The second part is a hands on: interpretive, guided walk on a remote barrier island to explore the beaches, tidal pools and inter-tidal zones. For parents and grandparents wanting an active role as educators, our naturalists will help you be the instructor.
Menú de Brunch Buffet con Mimosas Ilimitadas* Madrugadores Fruta de temporada Sandía | Melón Cantalupo | Piña | Frutos rojos variados Pastas Croissants | Magdalenas | Bagels | Frutas en conserva | Galletas de mantequilla Salmón ahumado escocés Crema de queso | Cebollas Rojas | Tomates | Alcaparras Huevos Revueltos Queso Cheddar Americano | Tomates troceados | Cebollino El Gran Desayuno Bacon ahumado Applewood | Salchichas con sirope de arce Patatas para Desayunar Cebollas caramelizadas | Queso cheddar | Perejil italiano Cazuela de Tostadas Francesas con Canela Crema batida | Sirope de Banana madurada ~ ~ ~ Desayuno Tardío Mezcla de Vegetales Orgánicos Tomates cherry | Pepino | Zanahorias | Queso Cheddar | Cebolla Roja | Cuscurrones de hierbas | Acompañamientos casero ranchero | Vinagre Balsámico | Aderezo italiano bajo en grasas Ensalada de Remolacha y Queso de Cabra Mezcla de vegetales orgánicos | Remolacha roja y dorada asada | Nueces caramelizadas | Vinagreta de naranja y anís Brócoli Asado Ajo tostado | Copos de chili Pasta Ziti al horno Queso Parmesano Reggiano madurado | Queso Mozzarella | Salsa de espinacas y ajo Salmón Provenzal Asado Pimientos rojos y verdes | Aceitunas Kalamata | Salsa de tomate y albahaca Pollo con Glaseado de Mostaza y Arce Salsa de Mostaza Dijon Lomo Cortado a Mano con Grado de Calidad “USDA Choice” Mezcla de especias de Bateaux | Crema de rábano picante Postres Postres de la Casa Bateaux Mini pastas | Pasteles | Pastas | Fruta de temporada Fondue de Chocolate Fruta fresca y postres | Fuente de chocolate Valrhona Café y té incluidos *Menú sujeto a cambios. Por favor informe a su camarero si alguien en su grupo tiene alguna alergia alimentaria.
30 Minute Scenic Nature Tour Discover territory that remains unaltered by man in the wilderness of the Central Florida Everglades. Let the experienced Master Captains take you into the breathtaking beauty of natural wonders, including wetlands, cypress trees, and wildlife. Ride with a certified U.S. Coast Guard Captain and see Florida Alligators, turtles, birds and more in their natural environment. This safe, exciting and educational airboat ride is filled with surprises and fascination. View wildlife on a U.S. Coast Guard Inspected 17 passenger airboat. Each airboat tour is a unique experience and never the same. You will enjoy whisking across the surface of the water at speeds up to 45 mph while shooting between walls of tall grass. NOTE: The best time to see alligators is early in the morning (before 10:00) during hot weather and later in the day in the cold. You don't have to be a space junkie to enjoy NASA's Kennedy Space Center, the only spot in the United States from which humans have been hurled into space. The plethora of hands-on exhibits, IMAX movies, and sheer magnitude of the shuttles will surely impress the most passive fan. Space Shuttle Atlantis℠ Your journey begins in the Atlantis theater where we bring to life the story of the people who dared to do the impossible. Gaze in wonder at a close-up view of Space Shuttle Atlantis, displayed in mid-flight glory. With more than 60 interactive exhibits, it's a moving celebration of humankind’s greatest achievements. Twin IMAX® Theater 3D Films Two incredible, five-story 3D presentations tell stories certain to inspire. One explores breathtaking images of Earth in A Beautiful Planet, and the other details projects that NASA is currently working on, like sending astronauts to Mars. Shuttle Launch Experience® Shuttle Launch Experience immerses visitors in the sights, sounds and feelings of a Space Shuttle launch, an incredible journey of launching into space and orbiting Earth aboard a Space Shuttle. Guest crewmembers strap in and go vertical for launch in a one-of-a-kind custom-designed crew cabin. Meet an Astronaut You’re invited to meet a veteran NASA astronaut at the live Astronaut Encounter show. Offered multiple times daily, this exciting presentation features an astronaut every day with more than 30 of the approximately 500 hundred men and women who have flown in space scheduled throughout the year. Numerous Shows and Exhibits* Space Shuttle Atlantis℠ Exhibit Your journey begins in the Atlantis theater where we bring to life the story of the people who dared to do the impossible. Gaze in wonder at a close-up view of Space Shuttle Atlantis, displayed in mid-flight glory. With more than 60 interactive exhibits, it's a moving celebration of humankind’s greatest achievements. Appollo/Saturn V Center Relive the wonder and excitement of the Apollo era in this one-of-a-kind exhibit that celebrates the unprecedented achievement of putting man on the moon and the joy felt in that moment by all humankind. Rocket Garden At NASA, it is often said that we stand on the shoulders of giants. Nowhere is that more apparent than in the Rocket Garden. Behind every rocket you see are great men and women engineers and astronauts, designers and thinkers who turned dreams into history. It is here you find the first rocket to break free from gravity. Eyes on the Universe Journey through time and space to the farthest reaches of the universe at “Eyes on the Universe: NASA’S Space Telescopes,” the newest and only 3D 4K resolution show at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. NASA Now After discovering the history of America’s space program at Kennedy Space Center, view the NASA Now exhibit in the West Gallery of IMAX Theater building to explore the future of NASA’s Commercial Crew program and the Journey to Mars! Astronaut Memorial At the Astronaut Memorial, we honor NASA’s fallen heroes, those among the elite astronaut corps who gave their lives in the pursuit of knowledge that lies beyond our Earth. Journey To Mars: Explorers Wanted The future of space travel lies with you. Learn more about what it takes to explore Mars in this inspiring show. Exhibits provide a look at prototypes and designs that will launch the next generation to Mars and beyond, including rovers, simulators, and the Orion crew capsule. Children's Play dome Imaginations will soar at the Children's Play Dome, a one-of-a-kind space-themed playground. With the majestic Rocket Garden as a backdrop, children can take off in a spacecraft, climb a moon rock wall, crawl through rocket tunnels and slide to the surface of the Moon. KSC Bus Tour There’s no better way to get a glimpse of Kennedy Space Center than on one of our daily tours, departing by bus every 15 minutes from the Visitor Complex. Our experienced tour guides will take you past some of the most iconic NASA landmarks.
The ultimate night out in New York awaits on Hornblower's Rock the Yacht Cruise with tickets at great prices from
Windsor Castle, the largest and oldest occupied castle in the world, is one of the official residences of Her Majesty The Queen. The Castle's dramatic site encapsulates 900 years of British history. It covers an area of 26 acres and contains, as well as a royal palace, a magnificent chapel and the homes and workplaces of a large number of people. What there is to see: The magnificent State Apartments are furnished with some of the finest works of art from the Royal Collection, including paintings by Rembrandt, Rubens, Canaletto, Gainsborough and the famous triple portrait of Charles I by Sir Anthony van Dyck. In 1992 fire destroyed or damaged more than 100 rooms at the Castle. By good fortune the rooms worst affected were empty at the time, and as a result, few of the Castle's artistic treasures were destroyed. The highly acclaimed restoration work, completed in 1997, is a testament to the extraordinary skills of some of the finest craftsmen in Europe. From October to March visitors can also enjoy George IV's private apartments (the Semi-State Rooms), among the most richly decorated interiors in the Castle. St George's Chapel is one of the finest examples of Gothic architecture in England. It is the spiritual home of the Order of the Garter, the senior order of British Chivalry established in 1348 by Edward III. Within the chapel are the tombs of ten sovereigns, including Henry VIII and his third wife Jane Seymour, and Charles I. Among the highlights of a visit to Windsor is Queen Mary's Dolls' House, the most famous dolls' house in the world. The Drawings Gallery shows changing exhibitions of material from the Royal Library at Windsor Castle. The special display below is shown alongside a selection of treasures from the Royal Library. Kensington Palace Kensington Palace unveils a palace of secret stories and public lives following a £12m major project to create a palace for everyone. Visitors to Kensington Palace arrive through newly landscaped gardens and entrance hall to journey through the magnificent Kings and Queen’s State Apartments as a courtier. Filled with stories of two royal courts; the House of Stuart and the House of Hanover 1698 -1714, your success will depend on who you know, how you behave and how you dress. The rewards are great, but there are pitfalls along the way!