condition:brand new and 100% dimension:40mm*3mm(1.57"*0.12") design:double sides packing detail:1 pc with acrylic cover usage:souvenir collection&souvenir art&collectible business gift reminders: this is a replica copy of the original and has no monetary value this is sold only to make your collection better. we assume no responsibility for authentic representation. we will not be liable for any reproductions representation may cause. this is a replica item.
Hi,dear friend,It`s my honor that you are visiting to my shop,I only sell replica coins for collections, none of the coins we sell are original. Please don't buy them as the original coins
5 Lack-Taschen, Stanzformen aus glänzendem Lackpapier zum Zusammenkleben, 200 g/m², türkis, mit hübschen schwarzen Rundhenkeln aus Kunststoff zum Einkleben. Fertige Tasche ca. 21,5 cm x 21,5 cm.
6 LED-Leuchtis mit langsamen, sehr angenehmen Farbwechsel von gelb, orange, violett, blau und grün. Ca. 4 x 4 cm groß. 6 Lithium-Knopfzellen sind bereits in den LED Leuchtis enthalten.