The Green2Clean 24000 offers tremendous value for money for those pondkeepers wanting to look after a medium/large pond.
This filter can keep a pond volume of 24,000 litres clean and healthy. If keeping goldfish then the capacity is reduced to 16,000 litres (8,000 litres if keeping koi).
Always popular due to it's low price, this filter offers a large amount of filter media necessary when keeping a big pond.
It also boasts a powerful 25 watt UVC to help prevent the water from going green.
Hozelock Pond Air Pump 4500. Adding oxygen into a fishpond is very important for fish health, particularly in denseley stocked ponds and in summer months when oxygen levels decline. The smallest model in the range delivers 320 litres per hour with a maximum operating depth of 1.2m and the largets model delivers 4500 litres per hour with an operating depth of 3m.
Stainless Steel Door Kit. Opening Dimensions: W:94.6cm x H:51.4cm. Part of the Oasis Modular System range. Personalise your outdoor living space with the luxurious Oasis Modular Islands. The Napoleon® Oasis Modular Island series has been developed with versatility in mind“choose the modules that fit your lifestyle and your budget. The cabinets can be assembled in virtually any combination to suit your individual needs. View the brochure download below for more details.
Vielseitig verwendbare Tasche mit Tragegriffen für Gartenarbeiten. Robustes, UV-stabilisiertes PE-Gewebe für lange Lebensdauer. Selbststehend mit Verstärkungsring und großem Öffnungsdurchmesser zum einfachen Befüllen. Volumen180 l 270 l