For filing slots, keyways and surface filing. Slightly tapered towards point.Double cut teeth.Size 250mm (10in)Cut square second Tanged.
The RIDGID Heavy-Duty 4 Wheel Pipe Cutter is designed for work in areas where a complete turn is impossible. Both models are equipped with four heavy-duty wheels. The 42-A Model has a short handle for use in confined areas. The 44-S Model has a second handle, making two-man leverage possible for large pipe sizes.RIDGID 42-A Heavy-Duty 4 Wheel Pipe Cutter Capacity: 20-50mm (3/4 - 2in).Weight: 3.1kg.
Faithfull cabinet (also known as Glasspaper) is probably the oldest form of abrasive still in use today. Manufactured using C-Weight paper, using flint not glass. This selection is graded for general use for finishing on wood prior to painting or varnishing. These sheets can be cut to any shape or size making them extremely versatile for use in a wide variety of applications. Size: 230mm x 280mm.Pack of 25 Grade: OO, very fine (240 grit).
IRWIN Record 200-45 Pipe Cutter is perfect for cutting plastic pipe with exceptionally thin cutting wheel and roller.It will also cut copper tube but its use should be confined to one or the other as cutting copper will reduce the effectiveness of the wheel on plastics. Die-cast body with stove enamelled rust resistant finish. Capacity: 15 to 45mm (9/16 to 1 3/4 in).
The Faithfull FAIPROEXTB14 pair of spare 350mm (14 inch) bolts are made from galvanised steel and used for external building profiles.
Cómodo organizador de células de almacenamiento portátil con probador Kit de bricolaje de caja de caja de soporte portátil