This Diamond Glass Hanger Banger 5" Recycler does it all. This wonderfully crafted glass masterpiece is going to give you one of the cleanest, filtered smokes. The elaborate chambers of this beautiful piece allow your smoke to travel through a labyrinth of glass pipes so each draw is sifted and cooled to the utmost quality! The matching flower bowl comes with a unique built-in star shaped screen which keeps solid matter from reaching the difficult to reach areas inside of the glass piece. From the unique mouthpiece to the specialized bowl this glass is one of a kind and is sure to become a standout piece in your collection. This glass piece has a 14mm Female joint that will fit 14mm Male accessories and replacements.
The Pocco Mesh Office Chair With Folding Arms This eye-catching mesh back office chair is a brilliant choice for the modern office. A variety of brightly coloured fabric are available to choose from to create your own look. The deep padded cushioned seat can be upgraded to a seat slide optiont. The Pocco is ideal for those seeking an ergonomic option - It is lockable in 4 positions with user weight tension control, plus the synchronised mechanism provides a free floating back action for further user comfort. As well as offering support with their soft cushioned pads, the folding arms are also a brilliant space saving solution.
Rectangular Flexi-table - Meeting Table 1600mm- Beech The Flexi-table is an ideal choice for your meeting room, reception, boardroom or classroom. This meeting table is designed to create range of configurations and shapes, but is also an affordable option as a single unit. For easy and convenient storage, this dams desk gives the option for spiral stacking when not in use. Also available in maple and oak Tabletops can be made level and secure with an optional linking device, available for purchase alongside this table Semi-circle and trapezoidal options are also available to create a variety of desking clusters, as can be seen below
HERMA Motivordner ""Waldbeeren"", DIN A4, Rückbreite: 70 mm aus stabilem Karton, bedruckter Innenspiegel, mit Griffloch - 1 Stück (7112)
Simply the best. Der neue Best Writer für charaktervolle Handschrift. Der neue Campus Best Writer bietet viel Freude am kreativen Schreiben und jede Handschrift erhält einen charaktervollen Ausdruck. Die Top-Auswahl an trendigen Designs ist ein echtes Statement zu mehr Individualität und Persönlichkeit. Hochwertige, technische Details und die angenehme Soft-Lackierung garantieren zusätzlichen Spaß am Schreiben. Die bewährt hochwertigen Federn in den drei verschiedenen Stärken 0,8 mm, 1,4 mm und 1,8 mm sind einfach in der Handhabung und stehen für viel Freude am kreativen Schreiben. Sein ergonomisch geformtes Griffstück sorgt für flüssiges, entspanntes Schreiben. Nachfüllbar mit ONLINE Kombipatronen oder Standard-Tintenpatronen. Stück für Stück geprüfte Qualität - Made in Germany.