Con el objetivo de suavizar las imperfecciones, la crema Skin Doctors Gamma Hydroxy es ideal para los signos visibles de envejecimiento, como cicatrices, arrugas y lineas de expresion. La Gamma Hydroxy combina en su formula activos revolucionarios e innovadores.
Qué es::face mask sheet; Origen::South korea; Peso neto (KG):35ml
Relaxing & nourishing face care The nourishing oil is enriched with rose geranium and serves as an excellent moisturiser for dry skin. The nourishing effect is beneficial on scarred tissue as it supports cell regeneration. Farfalla's Rose Geranium Moisturising Facial Oil also soothes & tones the skin. Application: Use in the morning.
Neutriherbs Blackhead Removal Mask es una mascarilla negra natural para la limpieza de poros profundos y la limpieza de la piel.