Enjoy a premium smooth smoking experience with ease when you utilize this handy glass rig from Conviction Glass! Featuring a pop of color in the center, this beautifully crafted rig is made of high-quality glass to give you a piece that will last. Branded with the classy Hippie Butler logo on its body and the iconic bowtie inside the rig, it also has the added benefit of offering you a storage compartment on the side for your concentrate tool so that it is easier to find. This breathtaking rig will easily win you over with its easy to use design and the masterful craftsmanship put into it! This glass piece has a 14mm Female joint that will fit 14mm Male accessories and replacements.
Get an enjoyable smoking and torch experience that wont hurt your bank account when you utilize the quality Ignitus torches! With an array of uses and an easy to hold and manage design, these torches are comfortable but feel high-quality. This torch features a flame strength adjuster wheel at the bottom so that you can easily control how powerful the dual flames are. With an easy to grip ignition button as well as a gas valve for turning it on and off, this torch is sleek and masterfully crafted! The perfect accessory for any of your high-powered flame needs.
Made of premium aluminum, every Diamond Grind offers you a high-quality grinding experience every time you use it. Each grinder is milled from a solid block of 6061 aircraft grade aluminum to guarantee that you get the best grinder possible that will resist wear and tear over time. Convenient, easy to use, and fits the perfect amount of herbs, each grinder features diamond-shaped teeth to give your herbs the perfect cut. These 4-piece grinders fit comfortably in your hand and each grinder features useful features such as high-quality diamond-shaped teeth, sifting mesh screen, and a storage compartment to give you the exact grind that you are needing for your herbs and spices. Every Diamond Grind comes with a lifetime manufacturers warranty so you can rest easy knowing you and your favorite legal smoking herbs are in good hands with Diamond Grind.
Das schöne Freundebuch kleines Pony mit niedlichem Tier-Motiv ist eine wunderbare Erinnerung an die Kinder- und Jugendzeit. Auf 60 vorgedruckten Seiten können sich alle Freundinnen und Freunde mit ihrem Alter, ihrer Größe, ihren Hobbies, Lieblingsfarben etc. verewigen - so wird das Freundschaftsalbum später zu einem ganz besonderen Nachschlagewerk für vergangene Zeiten, an dem man auch im hohen Alter noch viel Freude haben wird. Der wunderschöne Motivdruck des Freundebuchs kleines Pony lässt die Herzen von Pferdefans höher schlagen und macht das Freundebuch zum idealen Begleiter durch die Schulzeit oder den Kindergarten. Einband mit laminiertem Motivdruck kleines Pony zur Erinnerung an die Kinder- und Jugendfreunde ideal als Geschenk zum Geburtstag, zur Einschulung oder für den Kindergarten Hauptmerkmale Funktionen Produktfarbe Grün, Weiß Menge pro Packung 6 Stück(e) Gewicht & Abmessungen Breite 150 mm Höhe 220 mm Dicke 1 cm
Diamond Grind 40mm aluminum 4-piece herb grinder comes with a lifetime guarantee. This Diamond Grind has a unique diamond-shaped tooth pattern made specific for grinding herbs to just the right consistency. Each Diamond Grind is milled from a solid block of 6061 aircraft grade aluminum, that will strongly resist wear and tear over time. These 4-piece grinders feature a 60-micron stainless steel screen for collecting precious flavorful pollen.