This Diamond Glass Hanger Banger 5" Recycler does it all. This wonderfully crafted glass masterpiece is going to give you one of the cleanest, filtered smokes. The elaborate chambers of this beautiful piece allow your smoke to travel through a labyrinth of glass pipes so each draw is sifted and cooled to the utmost quality! The matching flower bowl comes with a unique built-in star shaped screen which keeps solid matter from reaching the difficult to reach areas inside of the glass piece. From the unique mouthpiece to the specialized bowl this glass is one of a kind and is sure to become a standout piece in your collection. This glass piece has a 14mm Female joint that will fit 14mm Male accessories and replacements.
Läufer Schreibunterlage DURELLA EMOTION, Motiv: Pferd glasklar und hochtransparent, mit umlaufender Linienprägung - 1 Stück (43615)
helit Lernkartei BeeBox, A7, Unterteil: himbeer-transluzent Deckel: transluzent-weiß, aus Polystyrol, Deckel sowohl (H6901125)
ROTH Hausaufgabenheft Kids für clevere Faule Einhornportrait Format: DIN A5, 148 x 210 mm, 1 Woche / 2 Seiten, 104 - 1 Stück (88579)
Alassio Schlamper-Rolle, Echtleder, im Thekendisplay bestückt mit farbig sortierten Schlamperrollen in den - 1 Stück (43148)
This stylish and dignified Mushroom Rig by Hippie Butler is nothing short of refined. This 6" glass piece is made of a durable and sturdy glass that sports the Butlers iconic bow tie on the body. The unique, mushroom shaped mouthpiece enables for a smoother hit that keeps water away from your mouth! Your Butler ensures that this quality piece will be an extraordinary addition to any collection. Each order comes in your choice of a green, blue, yellow, white, or black accented glass rig. This glass piece has a 14mm Male joint that will fit 14mm Female accessories and replacements.