Servicios: Además de las distintas actividades que ofrecemos sin descanso, ponemos a disposición de nuestros visitantes una serie de servicios para que la visita sea de lo más completa. Jungle Bus: de forma completamente gratuita, el Jungle Bus traslada al visitante desde una zona cercana al Show de Leones Marinos hasta el Jardín Botánico con la superficie más extensa de Canarias. Frequencia: 10 minutos. Tiendas: disponemos de dos tiendas, abiertas los 365 días del año de 10:00 de la mañana a 18:00 de la tarde, donde podrás adquirir todo tipo de regalos y objetos agradables que inmortalicen tu visita y dejen un recuerdo para siempre entre tus seres más queridos. Alquiler de Scooter: date una vuelta con una de nuestras motos eléctricas por el parque o cualquier lugar del Jardín Botánico que desees conocer. Muy recomendable en caso de tener problemas de movilidad. Foto con Animales: desde el inicio del trayecto, en alguna de nuestras instalaciones o al lado de tu favorito, el parque pone a tu disposición a uno de nuestros fotógrafos profesionales, quienes sabrán exprimir el jugo de una escena memorable. No olvides recoger tus fotografías en la tienda Oasis Shop, abierta hasta las 18:00 horas de lunes a domingo. Bolsita de Comida: podrás adquirir cada dieta en los distintos stands, en las taquillas del parque o en la misma entrada, donde el equipo te espera con una bolsita. preparada para que no pierdas tiempo en seleccionar la comida de cada uno. Todas las bolsas llevan una etiqueta donde indicamos las normas y el tipo de dieta de nuestros animales. Restaurantes: podrá elegir entre el restaurante Sea Lion, el restaurante Oasis y el restaurante El Patio Majorero.
Take a 60 minute airboat tour of the Florida Everglades. Your tour will be guided by one of our experienced captains who have received extensive training. During the tour, you'll listen to tales of how the Seminole and panther once coexisted in this lush wilderness. Also, you'll catch a glimpse of endangered wildlife as you skim across the glassy water. On our tours, feel free to let your spirit soar as you view nature at its finest. Note: All airboat ticket purchases automatically include entrance into our exhibit areas! Shows are included in all of the Exhibit Areas! Reptile Exhibit: Our reptile exhibit features dozens of species, both native and exotic to Florida. Along with our friendly turtles and iguanas, you can learn about Cannibal, our 1000 pound alligator. Our handlers are happy to demonstrate how these animals live and survive in the wild. We also have a variety of monitors and rescued exotic snakes. Be sure to bring your camera, so you can capture the excitement of you cradling one of these majestic animals with our "Hold a Baby Alligator" experience! Glades Exhibit: Start off by spending a few leisurely minutes enjoying the "Our Everglades Story" video presentation. This video touches on the history of the Glades and some current subjects of importance to its conservation efforts. Exotic Wildlife Exhibit: A separate organization that brings a variety of animals to the park each day to visit. They strive to educate and enlighten the public about endangered species like the Florida Panther. Mammals in their care are adopted and rescued from facilities who lose their licensing or individuals who possessed the animal illegally. Playful critters abound and amaze as you get up close and personal with many different animals that often include panthers, leopards, caracal's, a bobcat and even some surprise smaller mammals each day. Currently, they display Mia, a beautiful Florida panther, their black leopards, Damien and Jessie and a variety of other small mammals. The handlers are passionate about the care of these gentle animals and are happy to answer any questions. Please note that the variety of animals on display may change from day to day and there is no guarantee of specific animals at any time.
ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO One of TripAdvisor's Top Museums in the World—Four Years in a Row - 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 Adler Planetarium Featured Shows: Planet Nine - In July 2015, the New Horizons spacecraft gave us our first close look at Pluto, the most famous dwarf planet in the outskirts of our Solar System. The New Horizons flyby was big news, and the pictures it continues to send back to Earth reveal a world far more complex than anyone realized. Destination Solar System - WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER The year is 2096. Space tourism is booming, and you’ve signed up for a quick trip around the Solar System with Space Express Tours! In this live show, your guides are Jesse, a lovable rookie tour guide who can’t wait to show you the wonders of your celestial neighborhood, and Max, the much more experienced—if slightly grumpy—shipboard computer. With Max steering the ship and Jesse chattering excitedly about each place you visit, you’ll soar through the Asteroid Belt, explore the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and hover over the roiling surface of the Sun. Hold on tight! Cosmic Wonder - WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER Ever since the first curious person looked up at the night sky, people all over the world have challenged themselves to uncover its secrets. What are stars? How did they get there? Why does our view of the sky change throughout the year? What holds the Universe together? Skywatch Live - WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER The Adler’s view of downtown Chicago is magnificent, but the lights of the city make it a little tough to see the ones in the sky. What’s a stargazer to do? Join us for Skywatch Live! In this show, your live presenter will turn down the city lights and crank up the stars to show you the night sky over Chicago like you’ve never seen it before. You’ll learn how to navigate by starlight, get to know the stars behind your favorite constellations, and witness the incomprehensible vastness of the Universe without ever leaving your seat. Earth, Moon & Sun - WHAT YOU WILL LEARN With the help of Coyote, an amusing character adapted from Native American oral traditions, kids will laugh and learn as they explore the relationship between the Earth, Moon, and Sun. Coyote has lots of misconceptions about our world, the universe, and well… just about everything. Coyote’s humorous mistaken ideas about the universe help the audience understand how the Earth, Moon, and Sun work together as a great big system. Undiscovered Worlds - WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER Until very recently, the only planets known to us were the familiar worlds in orbit around our Sun. In the last two decades we have confirmed more than 1500 new planets, called exoplanets, orbiting other stars; thousands more are awaiting study. Undiscovered Worlds tells the tale surrounding this explosion of discovery and examines what will be required to determine which, if any, of these new exoplanets can support life. Welcome to the Universe - WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER In Welcome to the Universe, you’ll get a clear picture of your place in this jaw-dropping cosmic landscape. With the guidance of a live presenter, you’ll explore the Pleiades star cluster, sail past the Andromeda galaxy, navigate the galaxies of the Coma Cluster, and discover hidden wonders of the Universe. One World, One Sky: Big Bird's Adventure - WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER Join Big Bird and Elmo on an unforgettable journey to the Moon and back! When Elmo’s friend Hu Hu Zhu stops by Sesame Street for a visit, he notices that Sesame Street is a little bit different from his home in China. But when he looks up at the sky, he feels right at home. Elmo and Hu Hu Zhu may live in different cities, but they share the same sky! Featured Exhibits: (Temporary) - What is a Planet? - What You’ll See And Do: Witness how astronomers and the media reacted to Pluto’s reclassification in 2006. Learn what the current definition of a planet is and hear what Adler Astronomers think of the current definition. Voice your opinion about Pluto alongside skeptics and space enthusiasts through an interactive voting poll in real time. Explore artifacts from the Adler collections that illustrate the ever-evolving definition of a planet. This temporary exhibition, which is included with general admission, will be open to the public from March 19, 2016 through January 8, 2017. Mission Moon - WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER Mission Moon invites you to experience America’s first steps into space through the eyes of NASA’s Captain James A. Lovell Jr. and his family. You’ll find out how the United States became the first nation to put a man on the Moon, what it’s really like to be an astronaut, and why it takes a team to explore uncharted worlds. Community Design Lab - In the Community Design Lab (CDL), you can test different materials to find out which ones will survive the journey to 100,000 feet above the Earth’s surface. Your discoveries may find their way into a future flight with Far Horizons, the Adler’s high-altitude ballooning program! If you could photograph an object in space, what would it be, and who would you share it with? In the CDL, you can build a DIY telescope-mount for your smartphone and become an instant astrophotographer! Test it out on one of our ’scopes and share your photos on social media. Our Solar System - WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER Our Solar System is much more than a star and eight planets; it is home to a set of diverse and amazing objects that we are only beginning to understand. Pilot your own adventure in Our Solar System and explore the variety of objects currently orbiting our Sun. The Universe - A Walk Through Space & Time - WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER Transport yourself to the distant corners of the cosmos and witness how the Universe evolved over 13.7 billion years, from the Big Bang to this morning’s sunrise. Follow the Universe from its meager beginnings and see how galaxies, stars, planets—and all the atoms in your body—were created as the Universe grew. Explore regions farther than our Solar System, billions of light-years from home. Zoom from one wondrous location in the Universe to another and investigate the most diverse and beautiful objects in deep space in ultra high resolution from the world’s most advanced telescopes. Planet Explorers - WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER Are you interested in going to space and exploring other planets? Prepare for your out-of-this-world adventure in Planet Explorers. Begin by exploring your home, your backyard, and the sky above. What you discover will prepare you for your mission to space and the mysterious Planet X. Telescopes: Through the Looking Glass - WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER Astronomers have studied the cosmos for thousands of years, but until about 400 years ago, they did it without telescopes! In Telescopes: Through the Looking Glass, you’ll find extraordinary beauty and technology in some of the world’s most important telescopes and learn how these clever light-catching devices helped us discover our Universe. Clark Family Gallery WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER This futuristic, constantly changing environment features a one-of-a-kind architecture with vibrant lighting and video presentations. It was created using approximately 13,000 linear feet of aluminum tubing and 20,000 square yards of fabric. The gallery also has 125 LED lights, each capable of producing sixteen million different colors and over two billion different lighting combinations. Astronomy in Culture - WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER Go back in time and learn about some of the people and societies who have challenged themselves to understand our place in the Universe. This exhibition features spectacular astrolabes, armillary spheres, and sundials to illustrate the medieval European and Middle Eastern conception of the Universe. Visit our medieval classroom to find out how much different school was back then. Learn how to use early astronomy tools including astrolabes and sundials. Atwood Sphere - WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER Experience the night sky over Chicago as it appeared in 1913 in the Atwood Sphere – Chicago’s oldest planetarium. Although the star positions have not changed since then, we can see only a small percentage of these stars in our current night sky due to light pollution. The sphere is seventeen feet in diameter and has 692 holes drilled through its metal surface. These holes allow light to enter and show the positions of the brightest stars in the night sky. Take a live guided tour of the Atwood Sphere and identify stars and the constellations they form.
The Royal Pavilion started as a modest 18th century lodging house. Architect Henry Holland helped George, Prince of Wales, transform his humble seaside retreat into a handsome neo-classical villa – known as the Marine Pavilion. In 1815 George, by now Prince Regent, hired the eminent architect John Nash, to redesign the building in the Indian style. The work was completed in 1823 by which time George had become King. It is this building, an instantly recognisable symbol of Brighton, which we see today. Why visit the Royal Pavilion? We're a former Royal Palace right in the city centre, surrounded by the beautiful Royal Pavilion Gardens. We have audio guides in many languages, a fabulous Tearoom and well stocked gift shop. There's loads to do nearby and we're only a 5 min walk from the beach, so why not make a day of it?
Parque Disneyland® En un Reino Mágico no muy lejano - en algún lugar donde los sueños se hacen realidad – los héroes y heroínas de Disney® viven en un cuento de hadas: una vida feliz que, afortunadamente, nunca termina. 5 tierras mágicas, diversión sin fin, elija una... ¡o todas! Disfrute de su Tierra Disney® favorita tal como la recuerda en las historias Disney clásicas donde los cuentos de hadas se hacen realidad. Un sinfín de atracciones y emociones que vienen en todos los tamaños y formas. Podrá vivir grandes emociones en atracciones como la Space Mountain Mission 2 que le llevará a los confines del Universo. Los más pequeños tendrán la oportunidad de descubrir el Mundo con “It’s a small world”. La diversión para toda la familia se encuentra en cada esquina del Parque, desde “Pirates of the Caribbean” hasta las tazas de “Mad Hatter’s Tea Cups”. Conozca los personajes de Disney® El Parque donde sus personajes favoritos de Disney® viven y están deseando conocerle. A lo largo del Parque podrá saludar a Mickey y Minnie, a Goofy o a Winnie de Pooh. Podrá abrazarles, hacerles fotos e incluso obtener un autógrafo suyo. Cada día es una fiesta en el Parque Disneyland®. Además de todas las maravillosas atracciones y personajes, hay un montón de desfiles increíbles y espectáculos para disfrutar, durante todo el año. ¡Disfrute de nuestros magníficos espectáculos y desfiles todos los días! Parque Walt Disney Studios® Justo al lado del Parque Disneyland®, descubrirá el mágico mundo del cine y la televisión en el Parque Walt Disney Studios. Explore 4 escenarios cinematográficos, con atracciones emocionantes y espectáculos centrados en el cine. Descubra las escenas de 4 platós, ¡donde sus sueños cinematográficos se hacen realidad! ¡El mundo del espectáculo en su máximo esplendor! Haga su debut en la gran pantalla en la “Production Courtyard”, el “Toon Studio”, o los platós “Backlot” y “Front”. Un itinerario repleto de estrellas, y nunca sabe con cual se encontrará. Hay atracciones de algunas de las películas más taquilleras. ¡Y quizás descubra que tiene madera para ser una estrella del cine! Será su día para descubrirlo mientras explora todo lo que se puede encontrar en Disney® Studios – el Tour por los Estudios: “Behind the magic”, “Disney Cinema Parade”, “Animagique” y mucho más. En el Parque Walt Disney Studios® abunda la magia del cine. Vaya detrás de las cámaras con los tours y las exhibiciones nunca antes vistas. ¿Por qué no apuntarse en uno de los alucinantes espectáculos o demostraciones para completar el día? Como por ejemplo el “Behind the Magic” o el espectáculo de dobles de acción “Moteurs… Action!”. Después de todo esto sabrá que es sentirse como una estrella.
Sit back and watch a master of comedy work his magic as Ron White performs during The Mirage's Aces of Comedy. White is known for his work with Jeff Foxworth