Wichtige Hinweise (Pflichtangaben): Chelidonium D 12 . Anwendungsgebiete: Registriertes homöopathisches Arzneimittel, daher ohne Angabe einer therapeutischen Indikation. Warnhinweis: Enthält S...
Snufflebabe Nasal Aspirator with Storage CaseSnufflebabe Nasal Aspirator is a quick, easy, safe and effective method for removing excess nasal mucus from your baby's delicate nostrils. Safe for use from birth, simply position the nozzle at the end of your baby's nostril and suck gently to remove. The unique, reusable filter ensures that the mucus is safely held in the aspirator's chamber and cannot be transferred to you. As it is not actually inserted into your baby's nose, there is no discomfort for your baby.To prevent problems at feeding times, paediatric advice is to clear your baby's nasal congestion before a feed with a nasal aspirator to allow them to feed more easily. You should also suction before bed to aid restful sleep. As well as helping your child to breathe more easily, physically removing excess nasal mucus also helps to prevent secondary symptoms such as ear infection, coughs and stomach upsets.Snufflebabe Nasal Aspirator is much more effective than cheaper "bulb style" aspirators and is recommended by doctors, as well as mothers! It is reuseable so will last through the numerous colds your baby will get through its first years.Paediatrician approved for newborns to toddlers, even premature infants.Superior controlled suction.Guaranteed reusable protective filter.Opens from the middle and is very easy to clean.Snufflebabe Nasal Aspirator is also very helpful for baby's who are suffering from more difficult conditions such as cystic fibrosis and bronchiolitis.Snufflebabe Nasal Aspirator with Storage Case comes with a handy storage case for the aspirator and instructions and 2 guaranteed reusable protective filters.
The Suorin Vagon Replacement Cartridge features a 2ml capacity and a resistance rating of 1.3 to 1.4 ohm, with he import Japan Cotton that will deliver...
Bei Schmerzen oder Fieber ohne ärztlichen Rat nicht länger anwenden als in der Packungsbeilage vorgeschrieben! Wichtige Hinweise (Pflichtangaben): Spalt Plus Coffein N 250 mg/200 mg/50 mg T...
Le bambou est un grand roseau originaire d Asie. La plante dispose aussi de nombreuses vertus en phytotherapie. C est pourquoi Esprit Phyto vous propose une cure de trois mois de gelules de bambou, qui vous aidera a : - ameliorer votrela qualite de vos os et de vos articulations - soulager lesdouleurs du tendonet douleurs inflammatoires - reduire le vieillissement - remedier aux carences en calcium - abaisser le taux de sucre dans le sang - ameliorer votre systeme digestif Rien de tel pour prevenir ou remedier aux pathologies precedemment citees que de demarrer une cure naturelle de bambou ! Principales caracteristiques : Poids : 0,219 kg Etiquette en francais Conseils d utilisation : Prendre une gelule trois fois par jour pendant les repas. Ingredients / INCI : Par gelule : Exsudat de tige de Bambou(Bambousa arundinacea314 mg (75,4 %)) - Antiagglomerant : stearate de magnesium Enveloppe d origine vegetale : hydroxypropylmethylcellulose.