Tipo:Adhesivo; Tamaño de la Laptop:33.78cm,29.46cm,19.11cm; Características:Novedad; Material:PVC
Part of Liberty's 'Aesthetic Renaissance' collection which celebrates the life and vision of the company's founder Arthur Lasenby Liberty. One of the original merchant adventurers Arthur Liberty introduced the fascinating, exotic design ideas he had encountered to the emerging aesthetic movement, of which Liberty became a central pillar. Supplementing the inspiration found in far flung locales are designs which derive from Arthur Liberty's love of the English countryside into which he escaped upon leaving the buzz of the London store. The sunflower was the symbol of the aesthetic movement. This highly stylised design exults in the symmetry and complexity of the glorious flowers - in full bloom or moving towards the seed cluster stage. Parts of the drawing move towards a regular, mandala -like abstraction, playing on labyrinthine ideas suggested by the natural inner structures. An inspired, bold and exuberant piece in inimitable Tana lawn by Liberty. Three button cuff, classic collar. Intelligent, tailored regular fit
LADE Bb Saxofón Tenor Sax Reed Strength 2.5, 10 unids / caja
2 Silikonhandschuhe, hitzebeständig und rutschfest, 27 cm lang, Einheitsgröße, grün. Hervorragend zum Schutz der Hände vor heißem Wasserdampf bei der Gestaltung mit Zauberfolie.
2 x Übernachtung im komfortablen Zimmer, 2 x Frühstück vom reichhaltigen kalt-warmen Buffet bis 10.30 Uhr, 2 x Abendessen in Form der Halbpension, 1 x Wellness - Massage (Rücken/Nacken) mit Aromaöl (45 Minuten), 1 x als Geschenk: 2 Stunden Eintritt in das Crucenia Thermalbad (siehe Covid19 - Info´s), 1 x 10 % Rabatt auf eine weitere, vor Ort gebuchte Wellnessanwendung, 1 x Welcome - Drink an der Fürstenhof - Hotelbar , 1 x Leihbademantel, Badeslipper und Badetücher im Zimmer, 1 x Flasche Mineralwasser im Zimmer