Save on Sightseeing in London with The London Pass!
With a wealth of history, culture and exciting attractions, London always has plenty to offer the visitor. However, sightseeing in London can sometimes not be the easiest or cheapest experience! We at London Pass have spent years understanding the needs of our customers and have ensured that the Pass provides the value and convenience that visitors to our great city demand! The award winning London Pass has been delighting our customers for over 10 years. It's simply the best way to see all that London has to offer while saving both money and time!
How You Benefit from The London Pass:
Free entry to your choice of over 80 Attractions; including the The View from The Shard, Tower of London, Windsor Castle, HMS Belfast and many more. A free 128 page Guidebook; available in 7 different languages containing a wealth of detailed information including maps and directions as well as great tips on how to make the most of the city. Skip the Queue at Top London Attractions, save Time and make the most out of your sightseeing trip by skipping the long queues at Tower of London, London Zoo, Windsor Castle, Kensington Palace and Hampton Court Palace. Added Travel Option add a London Travelcard to your Pass which enables you to use all public buses, the London Underground and trams ensuring that you make the most efficient use of your time
Save up to a pound on £420 worth of entrance fees that's the aggregate price of all Adult entrances to Attractions contained within the 6 day Pass.
Other Special Offers along with the Guidebook, we will provide you with access to other great offers available to visitors to London, including discounted prices on West End theatre tickets, restaurant discounts and much more! You can visit as many attractions as you want - even more with the time saved with fast track entry. You don't need to carry too much cash and the London Pass keeps control on your spending.
How Does The London Pass Work?
The London Pass is a smart card - like a credit card with a computer chip inside - which allows you completely cash free entry to your choice of 56 London tourist attractions. It's a bit like an all you can eat buffet - once you've bought your London Pass you don't have to pay to get into any of the attractions covered by the pass and the more sights you see, the more money you save. Simply show the attendant at a London Pass attraction your card, they will swipe it through a special machine and you will be allowed entry. For the full list of London attractions where you can get in free with the London Pass.
Activating The London Pass:
The smart card records when and where you first use your London Pass, as well as how long the pass will remain valid for. This means that regardless of what start date you give when you buy the pass, your London Pass is activated the moment that you first use it at an attraction or service. Your London Pass is then valid for the number of days that you purchased - be it 1, 2, 3 or 6 days and is subject to the purse value of maximum gate prices related to the number of days. It is important to note that any day is based on a calendar day, so should you first use your pass at 4pm on Monday, Monday is counted as day one of your pass usage.
You will need to present your voucher at the exchange point to receive your London Sightseeing Pass(es) as well as comprehensive details concerning all the attractions that may be visited. Your London Sightseeing Pass(es) will be activated at the first time of use. All customers collecting Passes must provide the following documentation to the house security staff:
- Photo Identification (Passport or Driving License).
- Credit Card used to purchase the Pass(es).
Under no circumstances will any Passes be issued without the above documentation.
*Exchange point:
11a Charing Cross Road, London, WC2H 0EP.
Please note that the Centre is a redemption point only and any queries regarding your purchase must be referred to 365 Tickets on 0203 540 7707.
Travelling in and around London can be fun with transport services that take you to London Sightseeing Pass attraction. When you choose your London Sightseeing Pass with transport, all of your journeys within Zones 1-6 are paid for. You can get to all of The London Sightseeing Pass attractions using the Travelcard, even Windsor Castle, with First Great Western Link Trains. To use your travel, The London Sightseeing Pass and Travelcard must be valid, signed and ready to travel. Purchasers of a 6 day London Sightseeing Pass including travel receive a 7th day of travel FREE!
What you get with your Travelcard:
Unlimited travel on London's Buses, Underground Trains, Overground Trains, Docklands Light Rail and Tramlink, for the dates and duration you require. Additional travel to Windsor Castle on First Great Western Link Trains with a valid Zones 1-6 Travelcard and a valid London Sightseeing Pass. 1/3 discounton Riverboat services.
Travelcard Restrictions.
One Day Travel Card: The One day Travelcard (off-peak) can only be used after 9:30am Monday-Fridays (from 00:01 Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) on the day of validity and for any journey that starts before 04.30 on the following day.
Multi-day travelcards incur no restrictions and are valid for use on consecutive calendar days.
The following validity rules apply:
1 day Travelcards (off-peak) can be used from 9.30am Mondays to Fridays, all day Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, on each day of validity and for any journey that starts before 4.30am on the day following the expiry date.
2 and 3 day Travelcards (off-peak) have the same rules as 1 day Travelcard and can only be used on consecutive days.
7 day Travelcards can be used at any time during the period of validity and for any journey that starts before 4.30am on the day following the expiry date.
Children under 11 years of age may travel free of charge on the tube, buses, DLR and London Overground if accompanied by an adult holding a valid travelcard. Children travelling on National Rail services are required to pay extra.
Please note: Delivered Visitor Travel Cards are date stamped on issue. Please ensure you have selected the correct start date when ordering as your Travel Card will have the date you selected.
The transport network is closed on Christmas Day and limited services may be running around this time.
Travelcard and London Pass days are still consecutive and days cannot be carried over even if the Travelcard or London Pass are unable to be used. This is also the case during transport strikes.
Head to the Wollman Rink Central Park for your fun ice-skating experience! Simply present your ticket, pick out your ice skates (rental included), and head out onto the ice.
Guaranteed admission to Wollman Rink Central Park
Skate rental
Hotel pickup and drop-off
Locker rentals
Food and drinks
Additional info
Confirmation will be received at time of booking
Paper voucher must be exchanged for admission ticket.
Lockers are available for rent
Additional equipment such as ice walkers, helmets, pads, etc. are not available at the the rink
Skating times may be cancelled due to inclement weather. In this event, tickets may be redeemed on a different day. Contact 365 Tickets USA for details
All Around Town Double Decker Bus Tour - 48 Hour Pass
Tour Includes: Hop on Hop off double-decker tickets valid for 48 hours from the time you arrive in NYC and exchange your confirmation voucher for a boarding ticket.
Hop-on, Hop-off Sightseeing Ferry
Enjoy the fun & flexibility of hop-on, hop-off by sea! Learn about NYC with guided tour commentary while traveling from stop to stop. This service operates with four stops:
1. Pier 78, West 38th Street and Hudson River;
2. 199 Vesey Street Pier (lower Manhattan) - connection to Downtown Tour at stop #11, Park Row
3. Pier 11 (Wall Street and South Street) - connection to Downtown Tour at stop #13, South Street Seaport
4. DUMBO (Fulton Street and Furman Street) - connection to Brooklyn Tour at stop #2, Brooklyn Promenade
What You'll See:
Statue of Liberty
Ellis Island
Battery Park
Governors Island
Brooklyn Bridge
Manhattan Bridge
Williamsburg Bridge
South Street Seaport
Chrysler Building
Free cruise is only available till 4pm (Sunday thru Saturday).
*Ticket valid for the date purchased or date redeemed.
All Around Town Tour Now Offered in 11 Languages!* Listen along in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Russian and Hebrew.
Siam Park Algunas de las atracciones que encontrará en Siam Park Parque Acuático… La atracción más representativa de Siam Park, Tower of Power, le dejará boquiabierto. Ascienda a lo alto de la torre, coja aire y agárrese fuerte mientras baja por una pendiente, casi vertical, de 28 metros de caída libre hasta emerger a través de un misterioso acuario. The Lost City – descubra los secretos de esta fortaleza acuática mientras se aventura a través de puentes, cascadas y toboganes. La atracción para niños que les encanta a los adultos. Baby Zone – para no olvidarnos de nadie, Siam Park tiene una zona especial para bebes. Los más pequeños también podrán disfrutar en estos toboganes especialmente diseñados para ellos. Relájese y tome el sol debajo las palmeras mientras contempla las bonitas vistas de la isla La Gomera y del océano, o disfrute de un snack en la tierra blanca de la playa en un maravilloso ambiente Thai. Con sus cómodas hamacas y parasoles, el agua turquesa le transportará al paraíso. Temperatura del agua = 24º. Sea Lion Island – al entrar al parque, será bienvenido por nuestros simpáticos leones marinos. Ellos le enseñarán lo mucho que puede uno divertirse bañándose y jugando en el agua. Castillo de San Miguel Venga al castillo que se encuentra en la Aldea Blanca, antes de San Miguel. Una vez allí, se le dará un tabardo coloreado que le indicará dónde se sentará y a qué caballero podrá animar. Su comida se le servirá en la mesa pero no espere que le traigan cubiertos… ¡después de todo, se encuentra en la Edad Medieval! Así que podrá beberse la sopa de un sorbo y comer con los dedos. Mientras tanto, podrá animar a su caballero que tomará parte en las batallas. Los caballos bien entrenados son las estrellas del número y mientras este está en marcha, habrá barra libre de vino. El precio de la entrada incluye el espectáculo y la bebida, a mitad de precio para los niños. Déjese llevar y forme parte de una noche llena de diversión. Cuando termine el espectáculo, pasará a otra sala donde podrá bailar con la música de una banda y donde encontrará un bar por si aún tiene sed después de todo el vino. El castillo cierra alrededor de media noche. Para finalizar, podrá asistir a un espectáculo de flamenco antes de irse acasa después de una buena noche.
The House of Illusion con Bebidas - Ahora un espectáculo todavía más grande en unas instalaciones, justo frente al mar, también más espaciosas. Un misterioso escenario para un excitante e increíble espectáculo que les tendrá absortos y dejará un gran recuerdo para toda la familia. Todos los Paquetes incluyen un fantástico espectáculo donde, una vez se hayan sentado, los camareros le proveerán de tanto vino, cerveza o refrescos como quieran, ¡sin siquiera levantar un dedo y aún menos sacar la cartera! Porque además de un espectáculo fantástico, cabe destacar la barra libre de vino, cerveza y refrescos. Para empezar la noche se le presentarán ante usted los mejores magos de proximidad de Europa que redondearán la primera mitad del espectáculo con un divertidísimo cómico. ¡Y eso es sólo el principio! Porque la emoción de verdad llega con la segunda mitad del espectáculo. El momento en el que se adentrará en el mentalismo, la lectura de mentes y la hipnosis. Y por supuesto el final llega con las ilusiones de primer nivel que de bien seguro les dejarán asombrados y encantados. Vivirá experiencias auténticamente fascinantes en una sola noche. Presencie la prueba de que se puede hacer posible lo imposible delante de sus ojos.
Hop-on Hop-off tour stops at the following places: The Titanic Shipyards The Titanic Dock and Pumphouse Parliament Buildings and Stormont Estate – Public tours every hour on the hour in July and August The new Laganside Area St Georges Market The Old Cathedral Quarter High Street and Bridge Street The Albert Clock St Annes Cathedral Crumlin Road Gaol and Courthouse The Belfast Poorhouse Belfast Peace Wall Shankill Road Falls Road Political wall murals Queens University Belfast City Hall Belfast City Centre
Artistas y fotógrafos han inmortalizado Zion durante los últimos 100 años en un esfuerzo para capturar su infinita variedad de estados. El increíble paisaje es una magnífica muestra de belleza, una perpetua fuente de inspiración y renovación para todo el mundo. Zion es una experiencia espiritual que le conmoverá para siempre. Hace cien millones de años, el río Virgen comenzó a abrirse paso a través de la piedra arenisca del suroeste de Utah. Ahora, si escucha atentamente, sentirá su bienvenida haciendo eco a través de los cañones. El Parque Nacional de Zion es una reserva natural caracterizada por las formaciones rocosas que conforman multitudes de colores y formas. El recorrido pintoresco hacia Zion atraviesa su parte principal, conduciendo por caminos forestales a lo largo del río Virgen. El río fluye hacia las piscinas Emerald que tienen cascadas y maravillosos jardines colgantes. Zion es el parque más antiguo y el Parque Nacional más antiguo de Utha. Fue inaugurado en 1919y muestra las capas geológicas más antiguas de este lado del Gran Cañón (150 millones de años). También es el parque nacional más visitado Utah con más de 3 millones de visitantes cada año. Zion significa “la ciudad celestial” y aunque no hay iglesias en el Parque de Zion, hay muchas cosas que inspiran reverencia.