30C Entladerate XH Balancer-Stecksystem Unsere neue Conrad-energy Lipo-Serie. Mit 30C Entladerate sind diese Akkus perfekt für Antriebe mit normalen bis hohem Strombedarf geeignet. Hauptmerkmale Funktionen Produkttyp Batterie/Akku Produktfarbe Silber Batterie Batterietechnologie Lithium Polymer Batteriekapazität 800 mAh Batteriespannung 11,1 V Anzahl Batteriezellen 3 Gewicht & Abmessungen Breite 31 mm Tiefe 56 mm Höhe 24,5 mm Gewicht 78 g Verpackungsinhalt Anzahl 1
Can be stretched and bounced like rubber, sculpted like clay, and torn and ripped like paper.
Extraordinary putty that comes to life near a magnet.
It is solid and a liquid, could fit itself into a can slowly if you put it there still.
Can be mold any shape as you want.
An educational toy for the growing kids, who need to understand what is the magnetic field and how various materials can attract or repel each other.
It is a fun and effective occupational therapy tool for finger and hand strengthening.
Extra soft and light, this irresistibly squishy foam putty is unlike any other!
Killerbody 48707 Piezas de conexión de parachoques de acero inoxidable para chasis Axial SCX10 y SCX10II 3.35 '' / 3.75 '' Cubierta de instalación del montaje KB48671