Lido de París Lido de París, el mítico cabaret famoso a nivel mundial, es la encarnación de la elegancia y el glamour parisinos. Fundado en el 1946 en los Campos Elíseos, un lugar marcado por el alma de “Miss Bluebell” que fundó el coro Bluebell Girls. Con una combinación de tradición e innovación, el Lido es el símbolo de la vida nocturna parisina. Un nuveo espectáculo creado y dirigido por Franco Dragone. Un nuevo espectáculo creado y dirigido por Franco Dragone, cuya obra ha cautivado ya a más de 85 millones de personas en todo el mundo. Sus producciones incluyen “The House of Dancing Water” en Macao y “A New Day”, de la acutación de Céline Dion en Las Vegas. Un nuevo espectáculo que le hará soñar y se convertirá en leyenda. Con una serie de actuaciones impresionantes, trajes suntuosos con diamantes, plumas y lentejuelas… Los espectadores vivirán un viaje inspirador. Museo del Louvre ¿Qué ver en el Museo del Louvre? El Museo del Louvre, antiguo palacio de los reyes de Francia, presenta obras de arte occidental, des de la Edad Media hasta el 1848, y las antiguas civilizaciones que precedieron y lo influyeron. . Las colecciones están distribuidas de la siguiente manera: el antiguo Egipto, la antigua Grecia, la civilización Etrusca y Romana. Arte Islámico, esculturas, pinturas y dibujos y, artes gráficas. También hay una sección dedicada a la historia del Louvre, con notables toques medievales y torres. Información: - No hay ascensores disponibles durante la visita. - Guardarropas obligatorio para paraguas, maletas y sillas de ruedas que no se llevarán a la visita. - Este tour no es adecuado para clientes con problemas para caminar.
Brussels - From Amsterdam This day starts with a drive through the Dutch country side to Brussels. Here You will the amazing Atomium, the largest iron atom in the world and the symbol of Brussels, constructed in 1958 as a part of the World Exhibition. During a short bus tour you will see the tomb of the unknown soldier and the imposing Royal Palace of Brussels. You will stay for 3 hours in Brussels, which is the unofficial capital of Europe. In a guided walking tour you will see among other things the 16th century Market Square and off course “Manneken Pis”. Along the way, you will get a demonstration by a chocolatier and get the change to taste some famous Belgian chocolate. At the end of the Belgium Tour, there will also be time for you to explore on your own, do some shopping and try the famous chocolate and waffles. Deluxe Coach Guide Guided walking tours in Brussels Atomium picturestop Manneken Pis
Fun Spot America Orlando Features Fun for All Ages From high school seniors to senior citizens, Fun Spot America Orlando has the ideal level of excitement for you! That includes a choice of roller coasters, Thrill rides, go-karts and games, including: Orlando’s Only Wooden Roller Coaster - White Lightning 4 Go-Kart Tracks - 3 multi-level, 1 speed track 7 Family/Thrill Rides - Including the Paratrooper, Rip Curl and Revolver World’s Second Tallest SkyCoaster at 250 Feet Cadet Go-Kart Track Designed for a 4, 5 and 6-year-old. A child’s First Drive 8 Kid Spot Rides for Preschooler Fun 2 Stories of Over 100 of the Hottest New and Classic Arcade Games Perfect for younger children and adults both! With the “KidSpot,” this park is perfect for parties geared towards younger children. All of the rides in this slower speed section are designed for children between 24 inches and 42 inches tall, so there’s fun for every member of the family. This special section features 8 young child rides, including a mini fun house, Tea Cups, the El Paso Train, the Froghopper and Kiddie Coaster. For high-speed thrills that keep you on the ground, don’t miss the extreme go-kart racing. Put your driving skills to the test with 4 patented track designs! And when you’re ready for some high-flying fun, take a ride on Orlando’s only wooden roller coaster, the brand new White Lightning! Then take the plunge on the spinning, dipping Paratrooper and watch the rest of the park swirl around you as you pick up more and more speed! And whether you need to do some shopping before or after stopping in for the thrills and excitement at Fun Spot America Orlando, the location couldn't be better! Located right near the Premium Outlet Mall, this great location lets some play while others shop! 3 New Rides! Bumper Boats – A great tide for a hot summers day, bump each other and shoot your water guns to see who can get soaked. HR – 46” or ride with an adult Space Invader – Giant arms swing you back and forth until all you see is sky. Then you’re swung back so all you see is the ground rocketing past your face. You swing more than 180 degrees, past perpendicular, first on your back and then on your face! HR – 48” Cadet Track – Not ready for the big tracks? This is a great track for smaller kids. HR – 42” Screamer – What goes up must come down. Or does it? Enjoy this suspense-filled ride where you never know if you’re heading up or down! HR – 42” FUN SPOT AMERICA THEME PARKS POLICIES & FAQS For specific details on the policies and guidelines of Fun Spot America’s two parks, please see the list below. If you have any questions about park policies, simply contact one of our friendly representatives and we’ll get you the answers you need fast! Do you offer assistance for guests that have difficulty walking? Yes, Scooterbug Mobility provides electric scooter rentals on first come/first served basis. Do you offer strollers? Yes, Scooterbug Mobility provides stroller rentals for parents of small children or infants. What are the height requirements? Height requirements for the rides are located on the park maps, which can be found in the Orlando or Kissimmee sections of the web site. How much does it cost if I'm not riding anything? Our Free Admission means that there is NO Cost to come in and watch others enjoying the rides. So if you are not riding, you are not paying. It is FREE! Do I need an armband if all I am doing is driving my child on the go-karts? If a child is not tall enough to drive themselves on a ride/go-kart, then someone over 18 may drive them IF the driver has either an Armband (54+) OR a Chauffeur Armband which is only permits you to drive a child and only drive a child on rides they could not do without an adult. The cost of a Chauffeur Armband is only $9.95. Is the arcade included in the armband? Because you can win prizes the more you play certain arcade games, we do not have any unlimited arcade. With our arcade you pay per game with a Fun-E-Card you purchase. Game prices vary from $.25 to $2.00. Is the SkyCoaster ride included in the armband? The SkyCoaster is a unique, one of a kind ride. To ride the SkyCoaster by yourself, it costs $40, BUT if you have already purchased an Armband, you may include the SkyCoaster for only an additional $20. What happens when it rains? Fun Spot has lots of options when it rains. First of all we can offer you a rain check, if you have had an Armband for less than 90 minutes. So you can go and come another day. OR keep your Armband and wait until the rain ends and return to the park to continue riding and racing. We are open until Midnight. OR ride in the rain. Many rides stay open in the rain. How heavy the rain is, and whether or not there is lightning will determine which rides remain open. If you choose to stay, get a poncho from us. We value price them to make it attractive for you to stay. Can I bring in my own food? We do allow you to bring in your own birthday Cake if you are having a birthday celebration. Other than that we ask for no outside food or drink in our park. We are free admission, it is easy to leave the park and return after eating. Of course, once you see our fun food options, we hope to tempt you into staying and recharging here. Can I leave and come back? With Free Admission you may come and go as often as you would like. Your armbands will be good until Midnight. So if you leave at 3 pm and want to return at 9 pm, as long as your Armbands are still on your arms there is no additional charge. How much is it for my baby? For anyone who is not doing the rides, we are a FREE admission park. We do not recommend our rides for any child under 24 months. If your two year old only wants to do one carousel ride, it is $3 a ride. Speak with a manager if your child needs you to ride with them on one of our pre-school rides. So your baby is free, but if your toddler chooses to ride then they are a customer. Where are the restrooms? This is our most common question. Please check the park maps or ask any employee. We know we need to answer that question often and in person. Fun Spot America Theme Parks Drone Policy All drones (Unmanned Aerial Systems) are prohibited at (in) all Fun Spot America Theme Parks. Any unauthorized drone(s) observed over any Fun Spot America Theme Park will be reported to the FAA and local law enforcement, regardless of its point of origin or operation. We promote safe-clean-fun at our parks and drones may pose a potential safety risk to our guests. Drones may also violate Federal Aviation Administration guidelines.
Todos los días en el teatro Simons IMAX: Aventura Amazónica 3D Escápese a los frondosos bosques del Amazonas, donde perezosos torpes nadan a través de bosques inundados y mariposas de colores juegan a los depredadores. Basado en una historia real, Aventura Amazónica le lleva atrás en el tiempo para seguir a un científico curioso mientras se desplaza por las selvas y flota a lo largo del extenso río Amazonas. Sea testigo del nacimiento de una especie en IMAX 3D mientras se maravilla con las increíbles especies que llaman hogar a este foco de biodiversidad. Galapagos 3D: El País de las Maravillas de la Naturaleza Haga el viaje de su vida con Galapagos 3D: El País de las Maravillas de la Naturaleza en la pantalla de cine más grande de Nueva Inglaterra. Observe a las sonrientes iguanas abriéndose camino a lo largo del fondo marino para picar algas. Nade con pingüinos tropicales que se tiran agua para refrescarse. Revuélquese en piscinas fangosas con los gruñidos de tortugas gigantes. Explore las islas que ayudaron a comprender la vida de nuestro planeta. Gran Tiburón Blanco 3D Prepárese para tener una vista de tiburón mientras se sumerge en el mundo submarino del depredador más famoso de la naturaleza en el Gran Tiburón Blanco 3D. Vea la ciencia trabajando detrás de esa temible sonrisa dentuda y descubra la importancia de esta espectacular especie.
HIGHLIGHTS A day of fun in the sun on the Gulf Coast of Mexico at Clearwater Beach Enjoy a relaxing day at the beach Café lunch to enjoy at your leisure Free time to enjoy the beach, walk along the pier, take a swim etc. MENU SANDWICHES (served with French fries & coleslaw)-Hot & Cold varieties SALADS Greek-Caesar-Chef-Chicken or Tuna PASTAS-Choice of Spaghetti-Ziti (Variety of sauces) PIZZAS-Various toppings GREEK SPECIALS-Chicken Souvlaki-Gyros SEAFOOD (served with French fries & coleslaw)-Fish & Chips-Grilled Grouper Sandwich KIDS-Burgers-Hot Dog-Chicken-Fingers-Fish & Chips Clearwater Marine Aquarium - CMA is host to Atlantic bottlenose dolphins, sea turtles, river otters, stingrays, sharks and more. At CMA, you can find yourself with a dolphin, feeding a stingray, watching our world-famous dolphin shows or having your picture taken with a dolphin. Take a behind the scenes tours to see how our animal hospital works or visit our theatre to watch footage of our team recuing and treating injured marine animals. You won’t want to miss Winter the Dolphin, the world’s most famous dolphin, and star of Dolphin Tale, which was even filmed even at Clearwater Marine Aquarium. Winter lost her tail in a crab trap, but is now healthy and swimming freely with a prosthetic tail. Winter’s incredible story has also been seen on Oprah, NBC Today Show, ABC’s Good Morning America and others. Winter may have lost her tail but she will capture your heart.
Tanque Interactivo de Tiburones y Rayas (Fundación The Trust Family) Los visitantes de esta exposición podrán alcanzar y tocar suavemente la parte posterior de las rayas gavilán, de las rayas del Atlántico y de los tiburones, mientras nadan con gracia a través del agua cristalina. La exposición muestra estas increíbles especies de una manera que pone de relieve su importancia para un ecosistema marino sano y hace hincapié en la importancia de la conservación de los hábitats costeros, como los manglares y las lagunas. Abierto todos los días a partir de las 9:30 am. Centro de Mamíferos Marinos (Fundación New Balance) Conozca a estos enérgicos osos marinos Árticos y leones marinos de California, y descubra cómo puede ayudarles en su hábitat natural. Contemple a los leones marinos de California lanzarse rápidamente al agua y a los agiles osos marinos Árticos juguetear en esta hermosa sala de exposiciones al aire libre. Descubra los desafíos a los que se enfrentan los mamíferos marinos en su hábitat natural, y obtenga una nueva perspectiva los viernes con las sesiones especiales de formación de New Balance. Foca Común del Atlántico Los visitantes podrán disfrutar de las focas del Atlántico en su exhibición en la plaza del acuario, antes de comprar las entradas. Vea las focas nadar, jugar y descansar. Aprenda más sobre ellas y vea algunos de sus comportamientos mientras trabajan con los entrenadores sus entrenamientos libres a lo largo del día. Centro Interactivo Planeta Azul Esta nueva exposición es parte de la reciente reforma integral del acuario, una transformación para el siglo XXI. Esta área de exhibición presenta los serios desafíos a los que se enfrentan los océanos y muestra el liderazgo mundial del acuario en la búsqueda de soluciones con una combinación de pantallas interactivas, presentaciones representativas y exposiciones de pequeños animales vivos. Idiomas Hay guías del acuario en español, mandarín, alemán, francés, italiano y portugués de Brasil, y están disponibles en la recepción del acuario bajo petición. Duración Haga planes para pasar de 1 ½ a 2 horas en el Acuario. Si quiere visitar también IMAX film, tendrá una duración de 45 minutos más. Inclusiones La admisión al acuario incluye el Acuario y todas sus exposiciones. Exclusiones El Teatro IMAX Simons y El Avistamiento de Ballenas en el Acuario conllevan un cargo adicional. Ahora en el Teatro Simons IMAX Humpback Whales 3D - Duración: 40 min. Las Ballenas Jorobadas 3D le llevarán a un mundo submarino lleno de magníficas ballenas cantos de ballena hipnotizantes, por primera vez en IMAX 3D. Great White Shark 3D - Duración: 40 min. Prepárese para una visita a ojo de mano del tiburón depredador más conocido: el tiburón blanco. Galapagos 3D: Nature's Woderland - Duración: 40 min. Solo existe un lugar en la tierra donde las iguanas conviven junto a los pingüinos tropicales y el pez más grande del océano. Viaje allí con esta película: el país de las maravillas de la naturaleza en la pantalla más grande de Nueva Inglaterra.