Die perfekte Lösung für Ihre Preisauszeichnung! Der schwarze Preisauszeichner von Avery Zweckform ist robust, leicht, vielseitig einsetzbar und ganz einfach zu bedienen (inklusive Anleitung). Das spart Zeit und Geld, wenn es um die professionelle Auszeichnung von Produkten geht. Der 1-zeilige Preisauszeichner druckt bis zu 8 alphanumerische Zeichen, die Einzugs- und Druckrichtung ist dabei horizontal. Verwenden Sie dazu unsere hochwertigen, weißen Preisauszeichner-Etiketten, sie sind als permanente oder wiederablösbare Version verfügbar. Hauptmerkmale Technische Details Typ Manual label applying machine Etikett Position Vorderseite Eingebaute Anzeige Nein Zahl der Drucklinien (max) 1 Produktfarbe Schwarz Gewicht & Abmessungen Breite 165 mm Tiefe 280 mm
Beschreibung tarifold tcollection Dokumententasche DIN A4, PP, sortiert in den Farben: je 2 x blau, lila, grün, gelb, pink, transparent, mit Siebdruckdesign und Klettverschluss gepackt zu 12 Stück (510209)
Blackout privacy filters are designed for use in open, high-traffic environments where on-screen data needs to be kept private. The technology makes on-screen information visible only to persons directly in front of the screen without blurring or distorting the image.With mobile devices being used more in public, privacy protection has become an increasingly important issue. Shoulder surfing as it has become labelled, is a growing form of identity theft in which private on-screen information is either viewed or photographed over the shoulders of anyone using a mobile device. Whether you use a smartphone, laptop or tablet, you can protect your privacy in public with PrivaScreen™ Filters. PrivaScreen™ Filters blackout the screen image when viewed from 30º side angles to prevent prying eyes from reading your screen. Yet on-screen data is clearly visible from a straight-on view, allowing you to work worry-free, even on the go.To find the perfect privacy screen for your computer click here.Dimensions:Aspect Ratio - 16:10Diagonal (inch) - 25.6Width (inch) - 21.7 Height (inch) - 13.6Width (mm) - 551 Height (mm) - 345Widescreen Privacy filter for laptops, measurement of 26 inch (viewable area only), 16:10 aspect ratio, easy to attach and remove, reduces screen glare to help prevent eye strain, blackout side view when viewed from a 30º side angle, protects screen from scratches and fingerprints, 100% recyclable
The Everbuild range of fire sealants are five hour rated, one part, emulsion acrylic based, intumescent acoustic sealants that gives a firm yet flexible seal to joints in a variety of fire rated structures. Tested following the principles of BS 476 part 20 (1987) as detailed in Warrington fire research report No. 144508/B (Feb 2005). The product, in suitably designed joints, will resist the passage of fire for up to 5-hours. The selected fillers used in this formulation also make it suitable for use as an acoustic sealant. When exposed to heat, it swells greater than 3 x its original size, so creating a char that will resist the passage of fire for up to 5 hours and no priming is required for most construction substrates. The Everbuild fire sealants are for use in joints up to 50mm wide and give excellent acoustic properties for sound deadening and the sealant is easy to apply and tool off for the perfect finish. Fast cure - tack free in 15-minutes, can be overpaintable and is Availiable in White or Brown.Areas for use; Sealing joints, voids and irregular holes in fire walls, partitions and other structures; also for maintaining the integrity of pipes and cables that penetrate them.For internal perimeter pointing of fire rated door and window frames. Colour: White.