Features: HE SAYS WHATEVER YOU SAY -- This little chubby talking hamster talks back whatever you say! Talking and singing in all languages. Able to come up with all the sound you make. CUTE BODY MOVEMENT -- He bops his head up and down automatically when repeating and when you pat him. GIFT FOR ALL OCCASIONS -- Kids for all ages, students, girls, boys, friends, adults and even elders love this little talking hamster. It also will be an ideal gift for coming Valentine's Day. USER FRIENDLY -- Super easy to use. Powered by 3 pieces of normal AAA batteries. Switch on and get ready to be talked back. HIGH QUALITY MATERIAL -- Quality and good touch material without fall off, Safe non-toxic plastic materials.
Viserion Egg Prop Replica from Game Of Thrones. It is made by Noble Collection and is approximately 20 cm (7.9 in) tall
Features: From the movie Big Hero 6. Lifelike hand-painted colors with full details. A cute and stylish action figure. Perfect for any Disney movie fans! Collect and display all Big Hero 6 figures!
Weiche und kuschelige Handpuppe von Sterntaler aus schadstofffreiem Material, mit Puppenkopf aus Stoff.
Pale Man with Underworld Throne Poseable Figure from Pan`s Labyrinth. It is made by NECA and is approximately 18 cm (7.1 in) high