Aperitivos por un cargo adicional Torre de mariscos Langosta De Maine | Centollo de Alaska | Camarones Jumbo | Ceviche De Concha De Bahía | Salsa de Cóctel Sriracha | Alioli de perejil Cóctel de gambas Salsa de Cóctel Sriracha ~ ~ ~ Entrantes Ensalada de remolacha y queso de cabra (V) Verduras mixtas orgánicas | remolacha dorada y roja | vinagreta de anís y naranja con pecanas caramelizadas Sopa de calangosta Picatostes | Cebolleta Patrami de pato de las granjas del Valle del Hudson Puré de dátiles Medjool | trozos de naranja | chips de alcachofa | rúcula Atún togarashi a la sartén Champiñones Enoki | pepino inglés | edamame | pimiento rojo | crema de wasabi ~ ~ ~ Platos principales Pastel de Cangrejo Maíz dulce, pimiento rojo y succotash de romero | Salsa de nata cajún Bacalao glaseado con miso Puré de guisantes con wasabi | setas ostra | zanahorias 'baby' | guisantes dulces | glaseado de soja y mirin dulce Pollo glaseado con mostaza y sirope de arce Dados de patata y cebollinos | judías verdes | Salsa cremosa de mostaza de Dijon Costillas de ternera estofadas Puré de patatas Idaho y rábano picante | zanahorias 'baby' | salsa de Cabernet Sauvignon Buñuelos de calabacín griego (V) Orzo de limón con cebolla roja y tomates secados al sol | Tzatziki de cebolleta y pepino Filet Mignon y cola de langosta (con suplemento) Patatas trufa | Zanahorias 'baby' glaseadas | Mantequilla de hierbas ~ ~ ~ Postres Dúo de sorbetes (V) Sorbete de temporada | Fruta variada Tarta de queso al estilo neoyorquino Pastel con sirope de caramelo Ganache de chocolate negro | salsa de frambuesa Tarta de mantequilla templada al estilo Bateaux Helado de vainilla | salsa de ciruela Plato de quesos artesanales Queso de vaca | oveja | cabra | frutos secos con chile y romero | pasta de membrillo Café y té incluidos * V = Vegetariano *Menú sujeto a cambios. Le rogamos que nos informe si alguno de los invitados a la fiesta tiene algún tipo de alergia alimentaria.
Highlights Explore and absorb all the major classic sights of Gdnask - Długi Targ, St Mary's Church and St Bridget’s Church Ticket Includes Bus ticket professional audio tours guide
VISIT THE NEW ENGLAND AQUARIUM Tentacles Take Hold NEW! Get ready to be wrapped up in Tentacles! Look for the giant Pacific octopus in its newly expanded habitat brimming with species found in the chilly depths of the Pacific Northwest. Eye the cuttlefish levitating in its tropical tank while the chambered nautilus jets through its inky dark display. From petite red octopuses to graceful seajellies, dive into the dazzling diversity of these mysterious ocean animals as Tentacles take hold at the New England Aquarium! GIANT OCEAN TANK Enjoy 360-degree views of spectacular, four-story Caribbean coral reef teeming with more animals than ever before. In 2013, the iconic Giant Ocean Tank underwent a top-to-bottom, 21st century transformation, including windows that provide crystal-clear viewing opportunities: a vibrant, revitalized coral reef with more than 1, 000 fishes: and the Yawkey Coral Reef Center at the top fo the exhibit. The colorful Caribbean coral reef is home to sea turtles, eels and hundreds of tropical fishes of all sizes. SEALS AND SEA LIONS AT PLAY AT THE NEW BALANCE FOUNDATION MARINE MAMMAL CENTER The seals and sea lions are always at play. Watch California sea lions dart through the water and limber Northern fur seals frolic in this beautiful openair exhibit space, and find out about the challenges marine mammals face in the wild! THE LARGEST SHARK AND RAY TOUCH TANK ON THE EAST COAST The Trust Family Foundation Shark and Ray Touch Tank features sharks and rays in a mangroved - themed tank surrounded by shallow edges and viewing windows, allowing visitors to experience a close encounter with these animals. Visitors to this exhibit can reach out and gently touch the backs of cownose rays. Atlantic rays and sharks as they swim gracefully through the crystal-clear water. The exhibit presents these incredible species in a way that highlights their importance in a healthy ocean ecosystem. It also emphasizes the valued of conserving essential coastal habitats, such as mangroves and lagoons. ATLANTIC HARBOR SEALS Visitors can enjoy the Atlantic harbor seals in their exhibit on the Aquarium plaza before buying admission tickets. Watch the seals swim, play and rest. Learn more about them and see some expert behaviors as they work with trainers during free training sessions throughout the day. BLUE PLANET ACTION CENTER This exhibit is part of the Aquarium’s recent top-to-bottom, 21st century transformation. The exhibit area presents the serious challenges facing the oceans and showcases the Aquarium's global leadership in searching for solutions with a combination of interactive displays, interpretive presentations and small live animal exhibits. Languages: Aquarium guide maps in Spanish, Mandarin, Japanese, German, French, Italian, and Brazilian Portuguese are available at the Aquarium's Information Desk upon request. Currently playing daily at the Simons IMAX Theatre: Amazon Adventure 3D Escape to the lush forests of the Amazon, where clumsy sloths swim through flooded forests and colorful butterflies play tricks on predators. Based on a true story, Amazon Adventure takes you back in time to follow a curious scientist as he thrashes through jungles and floats along the sprawling Amazon River. Witness the birth of a species in IMAX 3D as you marvel at the incredible species that call this biodiversity hotspot home. Great White Shark 3D - Running time: 40 min.Get ready for a shark's eye view as you plunge straight into the underwater world of nature's most renowned predator in Great White Shark 3D . See the science at work behind that fearsome toothy grin and discover the importance of this spectacular species. It's an exhilarating shark's eye view of the blue planet fit for the whole family on the largest screen in New England. Galapagos 3D: Nature's Wonderland - Running time: 40 min.Take the trip of a lifetime with Galapagos 3D: Nature’s Wonderland on New England’s largest movie screen. See grinning iguanas claw their way along the seafloor to snack on seaweed. Swim with tropical penguins rocketing through the water to cool off. Wallow in muddy pools with grunting giant tortoises. Explore the islands that gave us a greater understanding of life on our blue planet.
Exclusive Special Offer! HALF PRICE Tickets! Booking & Visit Period: 2nd January - 15th February 2019. Our unbeatable value Hampton Court Palace ticket allows you to enjoy priority, fast-track entrance to Hampton Court Palace at anytime on your chosen date. Ticket Includes: Fast Track Entrance to Hampton Court Palace and Gardens FREE audio guides * available in the langauges listed below Highlights: Explore Henry VIII's magnificent palace Take a stroll around the Maze and Gardens, Discover more with the FREE multi-language Audio Guide* Hampton Court Palace is a story of two palaces: a Tudor palace magnificently developed by Cardinal Wolsey and later Henry VIII, alongside a Baroque palace built by William III and Mary II. Meet Henry VIII and his court in the magnificent Tudor Palace. Feel the heat in the vast Tudor Kitchens and the eerie chill of the Haunted Gallery. Continue your visit through sumptuous Baroque apartments evoking the age of elegance and visit the 60 acres beautiful riverside landscaped gardens. Your ticket includes access to: The Palace, Maze and Gardens, plus a multi-language Audio Guide*, Children's Activity Trails, Entry to the Young Henry VIII exhibition, and much more! Why not combine your visit to Hampton Court Palace with other famous attractions and activities in London such as Tower Of London or London Eye. * Available in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Japanese, Korean & Russian.
Der Panoramapunkt am Potsdamer Platz – ein Erlebnis für die ganze Familie. Mit dem schnellsten Aufzug Europas geht es in nur 20 Sekunden auf 100 Meter Höhe. Oben erwartet uns ein 360° Blick auf Berlin, das rundumverglaste Panoramacafé und die Open Air Ausstellung „BERLINER BLICKE auf den Potsdamer Platz“ über die bewegte Geschichte des Potsdamer Platzes. Von hier oben hat man einen grandiosen Blicek auf die Highlights der Stadt: Brandenburger Tor, Siegessäule, Fernsehturm – alles scheint zum Greifen nah. Bei einer Tasse Kaffee und einem Stück Kuchen im rundum verglasten Panoramacafé kann man die Eindrücke auf sich wirken lassen. Aussicht, Ausstellung & Café in einem – der PANORAMAPUNKT am Potsdamer Platz.