Admission to KSCVC includes all of the exhibits, attractions, the IMAX theatre tickets and a very comprehensive bus tour to the Apollo/Saturn V Center. It is easy to spend a full day at KSCVC, particularly if you would like to add on 'Lunch With an Astronaut*' or one of the special interest guided tours. Hotels are plentiful in nearby Titusville or the Cocoa Beach area, just south of Cape Canaveral. *Additional fee, to be paid direct at KSCVC. Gatorland Fun Zone Gator Gully Splash Park: For over half a century, Gatorland has been creating fond vacation memories for millions of visitors who have entered through its gaping gator mouth entrance. Families, friends and employees alike have ventured through the glass double doors on their way to a journey through this natural, low-tech adventure. Allie's Barnyard: Drop by Allie's Barnyard and say hello to some of the cute and cuddly barnyard critters that call Gatorland home. Say hello to Gracie, a friendly goat who just loves to eat from your hand, and Harley the Macaw who just might say hello back! Express Railroad: Making its debut in 1965, the original Gatorland Iron Horse gave visitors a glimpse of the south end of the park as it carried passengers over alligators and by the animal displays on its journey back to the station. After 35 years of loyal service carrying millions of passengers, the old Iron Horse was finally retired in 2000 and a new station was built. Very Merry Aviary: Gatorland's Very Merry Aviary, home to the colorful and friendly Lorikeets, is a great place to get upclose to nature. These brightly colored parrots, native to the Western Pacific and East Indies area, are specially adapted to a diet of pollen, nectar, and fruit. Great Shows Gatorland has been entertaining people with fun, exciting and educational shows about dangerous and unusual animals for years! Where else can you help a gator wrestler pick out the gator they are about to wrestle or have an up-close experience with really cool reptiles or see crocs and gators jump high in the air for food? No where! So come and share the adventure at all of our fun shows. The Gator Jumparoo Show: Thrills and chills abound as some of the largest alligators in the world actually jump four to five feet out of the water to retrieve food in this famous one-of-a-kind show. Learn more about alligators and crocodiles and their awesome powers. Watch as giant alligators jump high enough out of the water to actually snatch food from the trainer's hand. A must see for the entire family! The Gator Wrestlin' Show: Gatorland® offers a unique alligator wrestling show done "Florida Cracker" style in a shaded 800 seat stadium. Gator wranglers catch a 6 to 8 foot alligator by hand and climb onto the snapping animal's back to point out survival features to the audience. After doing stunts that only a few are brave (or foolish) enough to try, the alligator is rolled over and put to sleep...only to be awakened by a tickle! Upclose Encounters Show: You never know what kind of animal you might be introduced to next at the Upclose Encounters Show! You'll get to meet fascinating creatures from around the globe as well as Florida's native wildlife - including some of the most dangerous snakes alive. Critters On The Go Show: The newest entertainment experience at Gatorland features the softer side of the animal world and is hosted by either Miss Vera, trail boss Gabe or one of the Gatorland Entertainers. Check out these interactive animal encounters where you and the little ones can oohh and aahh at some of the park’s cute and cuddly critters! Currently these encounters are done on the move so keep your eyes peeled for Vera, Gabe, and the gang, as you stroll through the park.
Observe la ciudad que nunca duerme con Big Bus Tours - Nueva York y pase un buen rato entretenido por uno de nuestros fantásticos guías. Disfrute de la iluminación de Times Square al empezar el trayecto hacia Central Park. Vea algunos de los lugares increíbles como: Columbus Circle, Rockefeller Center, la 5ª Avenida y el Empire State Building. El recorrido se abre paso a través del puente de Manhattan, donde podrás ver el impresionante horizonte de Manhattan desde el litoral de Brooklyn. El Tour empieza en la parada número 17: M&Ms; World (7th Ave. and West 48th St).
A List Beneath the stars, high up in the hills of the Californian countryside you have been invited to the most exclusive party in town... The party is filled with the most glamorous and gorgeous A-Listers all waiting to meet you. George Clooney has reserved a space for you on the sofa in the VIP area - sit down next to him and watch as the lights dim and create a romantic setting. Gaze at the stars with Leonardo Di Caprio by the open balcony. Elton John stands at a grand piano, waiting for you to join him to entertain your guests. Madame Tussauds San Francisco is inviting you to this ultimate star-studded party. Film Join the stars on set to recreate some of the most iconic scenes in film history. No homage to San Franciscan movie history would be complete without a scene from both Bullitt and Dirty Harry. Pose with Steve McQueen next to a replica of his green Mustang. Perhaps you feel more comfortable behind the camera? No problem! Steven Spielberg has reserved his Director’s Chair for you on the set of Jurrassic Park! You can also put your own martial arts skills to the test by taking on the kung fu master, Bruce Lee. History and Leaders As you enter the Leaders and History room witness the moment Johan Sutter first discovered gold, setting off a chain reaction that would see the beginning of the great Californian Gold Rush. Visit Alcatraz prison cell and experience first-hand what it was like to be behind bars on ‘The Rock’, then plan an escape with your friends and hear the sirens go off. Meet Civil Rights campaigner Rosa Parks and join her on a bus ride which changed history! Stand proud with Martin Luther King as he delivers a speech and meet with the Dalai Lama; a man who not only won the Nobel Peace prize but who also influenced the peace loving hippies of 1960s California. Continue on your epic journey of discovery with a trip to the White House to meet Barack Obama, the first African American president of the United States of America, then finish you trip meeting a couple of the most famous entrepreneurs of the current generation. Spirit of San Francisco A street sign points you in the direction of Haight Asbury where you travel back in time to the era that shaped San Francisco’s liberal attitudes and gave birth to a generation of free thinking idealists and iconic musicians. After a very special welcome from Ed Lee, the Major or San Francisco, you will marvel at grafitti from a local artist as well as become a participant in Harvey Milk's triumphant campaign for equal rights. As you follow the winding path of Lombard Street you end up outside the Sentinel Building home to Francis Ford Coppola’s movie production company. The man himself is waiting for you outside with his latest film script in hand; perhaps he has you in mind for the leading role! A short distance away you can hear the faint sounds of music and smell burning campfires. As you investigate closer you step into a living breathing festival. Jimi Hendrix rocks out to Purple Haze on the main stage waiting for you to step in and jam with him. The dominant stance of the iconic Golden Gate bridge frames the middle of this area. As you step through the red arch you step further back in time, witnessing the bridge's construction, before picking up the hose and colour the Coit Tower in beautiful patterns. ...and many more!!
Venga y visite estas fantásticas exposiciones en el Museo de la Ciencia e Industria de Chicago:
Explore el poder del juego con las estructuras gigantes de Lego y los retos de construcción.
La mina de carbón - Descienda al pozo de la mina, de un paseo en los carriles y aprenda la tecnología de la minería del carbón.
Submarino U-505 - Descubra la verdadera U-505, el único submarino alemán en los Estados Unidos.
El Futuro de la Energía en Chicago - Colabore en una simulación acelerada para crear una ciudad más sostenible.
Genética y el criadero de pollitos - Descubra la compleja interacción entre los genes y los elementos ambientales que producen una nueva vida.
Los números en la naturaleza: Un laberinto de espejos - Descubra los patrones matemáticos que abundan en el mundo natural.
La Ciencia de las tormentas: Sienta la física y descubra la química de los fenómenos naturales como tornados y avalanchas.
La Gran Historia de tren: Viaje de Chicago a Seattle viendo todos los detalles en esta grandiosa maqueta de la red de ferrocarril.
¡You! The Experience: Examine la misma experiencia de la vida y la conexión entre mente, cuerpo y alma.
Todos a bordo del Silver Streak: el Zephyr Pionero - Suba a bordo del primer tren de pasajeros diesel-eléctrico optimizado de América.
El Castillo de cuento de Colleen Moore: Viva la magia de un castillo de cuento real en el Collen Moore's Fairy Castle.
DARPA: Redefiniendo posible - Conoce a la agencia detrás de algunas de nuestras tecnologías favoritas.
La Factoría de Ideas: Los más pequeños podrán chapotear, apilar y girar a través de experimentos para probar los principios científicos.
Transportation Gallery: Descubra como la humanidad ha volado, se ha elevado, ha acelerado y ha avanzado a través de los años.
Farm Tech: Entre en una moderna granja y explore las innovaciones que le traen la comida a la mesa.
Fast Forward - Inventando el futuro: Sumérjase en el mundo de los inventos del mañana y los visionarios de hoy en día.
Henry Crown Space Center: Recupere la emoción de la Carrera Espacial y aprenda acerca del futuro de la exploración espacial.
El Arte de la Bicicleta: Vea el arte y la técnica de esta exposición de raras y antiguas bicicletas junto a las bicicletas de última tecnología.
Earth Revealed: Tenga una visión cercana y casi en 'tiempo real' de nuestro planeta Tierra.
Ciencia de los Materiales: Explore la historia y futuro de los materiales que impactan nuestra vida día a día.
Barcos a través de los Siglos: Siga la historia de la conquista del mar a través de la colección de modelos de barcos del Museo.
Swiss Jolly Ball: Vea la máquina de pinball más grande del mundo ante usted.
ToyMaker 3000: Una aventura de la automatización - Esta cadena de montaje de robots manufactura diversión al montar peonzas de juguete personalizada ante sus ojos.
Yesterday's Main Street: Viaje en el tiempo y viva la América de principios del 1900.
Hay actividades adicionales que se pueden comprar en el Museo. Requieren una entrada con hora adicional: 12$ adulto, 9$ niño (de 3 a 11 años). Sujeto a disponibilidad:
Coal Mine (La mina de carbón)
The WOW! Tour
U505 Submarine On-Board Tour
Edge Zones Edge Zone 1 - 1945 - 1962 The Anglo-American special relationship of the Second World War triggered an evolution of musical trends in Britain. Big band music became popular through visiting GIs and the revived sounds of Dixieland and New Orleans trad jazz were introduced into the London scene. The do-it-yourself creed of 1950s skiffle encouraged young musicians to pick up cheap guitars and start their own groups. British pop was transformed by the rock'n'roll craze in the mid 1950s. Edge Zone 2 - 1962 - 1966 In the 1960s, British music went global with the irresistible tide of the 'British Invasion'. The original look and sound of beat groups like The Beatles, R&B bands like The Rolling Stones and female singers like Petula Clark took America by storm and Britain became known as a pop powehouse. Edge Zone 3 - 1966 - 1970 British pop became increasingly involved in cultural exchanges with underground political activity, fashion, art and drugs. Inspired by the 1967 'Summer of Love' in San Francisco, Britain began to stage their own 'love-ins' and 'happenings', with themes of peace and love becoming the inspiration for music in this period. The 12" album toook centre stage and pop evolved into rock as music broke out of the small clubs onto the arena circuit and emerging festival scene. Edge Zone 4 - 1970 - 1975 In contrast to the tough social and economic crisis of 1970s Britain, the charts began to fill with performers singing of escapism, glamour and excitement. A darker vision of 1970s Britain soon appeared through albums like the post-apocalyptic Diamond Dogs by David Bowie and progressive rock flourished. The music industry expanded and audiences sought entertainment, making sell-out arena tours the pinnacle for any successful artist. Edge Zone 5 - 1975 - 1985 This was a period of economic recession in Britain. Pop music reflected this with tougher, more outspoken styles. Punk dramatised Britain's social divisions, while the grassroots Rock Against Racism movement popularised reggae and brought a return to political involvement. Edge Zone 6 - 1985 - 1993 The mid-to-late 1980s was a time of accelerated social, economic, technical and political change. Videos, CDs and satellite broadcasting meant that music was more accessible to the masses. The late 1980s were also a time of regional and musical diversity. Heavy metal was reborn, imported house music reached ecstatic heights with the 'Second Summer of Love' and the 'Madchester' scene was blossoming in the North. Edge Zone 7 - 1993 - 2004 In the mid-1990s, 'Cool Britannia' swept through all areas of British identity. Britpop revived the traditional pop values of the 60s and 70s. The period also saw the rise of manufactured boy bands and The Spice Girls unleashed 'Girl Power' on the world. The rise of Youtube and streaming gave audiences new ways to access music. It presented artists with unchartered waters in the form of new channels emerging to promote their music. Edge Zone 8 - 2004 - Present 2004 saw the launch of X Factor. The manufacturing of pop stars by UK audiences is balanced by the diversity of artists rising to the top of the charts. Rap and R&B stars, indie bands and singer-songwriters take the download chart by storm. The Future It is impossible to predict the future of British music. Who will be the next superstar? how will we listen to music in 2025? Whatever the future, one thing we can be sure of is that the intimate relationship between music and the fan will always continue to transcend any technological, cultural or social barriers. No photography is allowed in the the exhibition.
Erleben Sie 65 Jahre schillernde Leidenschaft, Wagemut, Sinnlichkeit und Humor verpackt in 90 zauberhafte Minuten und lassen Sie sich vom Charme des Crazy Horse Paris in den Wahnsinn treiben! Genießen Sie dieses symbolträchtige Kabarett mit seinen ikonischen Performances, die das Kabarett weltweit revolutioniert haben: Philippe Decouflé, Christian Louboutin, Ali Mahdavi & Dita Von Teese, Chantal Thomass - allesamt vereint in einer Show - die Sie gesehen haben müssen!