Die sind verrückt, diese Gallier ! Gelächter, gute Laune, gemeinsame Momente mit Familie und Freunden… 2019 können Sie im Parc Astérix sensationelle Erlebnisse genießen. Der Parc Astérix ist ein atemberaubendes Abenteuer mit 7 großen Fahrgeschäften, 20 Attraktionen für die ganze Familie und 13 Attraktionen für die kleinen Gallier, darunter der Wald von Idéfix. © 2015 Les éditions Albert René / Goscinny-Uderzo
The Clipper City Twilight Sail from Manhattan by Sail is a two-hour sail that offers a unique setting aboard a 158-foot-long tall ship and dazzling views of the Brooklyn Bridge, Statue of Liberty and other New York City landmarks against the constantly shifting backdrop of a beautiful evening sky. The slow glide of the Clipper City around New York Harbor coincides with the setting of the sun, allowing camera-toting passengers to snap picturesque scenes as the sky turns from light blue to pink-tinged orange to inky indigo during the course of this leisurely cruise. The trip is made even more pleasant by the presence of a friendly crew, who are happy to chat with passengers about their beloved Clipper City or answer questions about the art of sailing in general. Shortly after the Clipper City departs from South Street Seaport, the crew invites all aboard to help hoist the massive sails. This makes for a particularly memorable moment, as the masts and rigging stretch to a dizzying height of 120 feet above the deck. Passengers may enjoy celebrating such a spectacular occasion with a drink that can be purchased at the bar, where a couple of amiable bartenders stand ready to mix up nautically-inspired cocktails or, for those who prefer, they’ll happily pour a glass of wine, beer, soda or juice. Those in the mood for music may want to linger on the adjacent benches and listen to the steady stream of tunes being piped in from speakers above the bar. A quieter ambiance can be found on the raised quarter deck at the rear of the Clipper City, which offers additional seating, equally beautiful views and an up close look at the captain in action. Given the ample size of its decks, the Clipper City provides plenty of room for passengers to sprawl out and enjoy the views. With freedom to move about Clipper City throughout the duration of the cruise, passengers can enjoy the scenery of the New York Harbor from various vantage points. The setting sun makes for dramatic shifts in the views around you, providing a fantastic opportunity to witness the iconic Manhattan skyline and other familiar sights start to sparkle as darkness falls.
What to bring?
Driving licence (if you want to drive yourself)
Swim suit and towel
Spare clothes
Alcoholic drinks are not allowed.
Drivers (min. held full driving licence for 3 years)
Buckingham Palace serves as both the office and London residence of Her Majesty The Queen, as well as the administrative headquarters of the Royal Household. It is one of the few working royal palaces remaining in the world today. Today the Buckingham Palace State Rooms are used extensively by Her Majesty The Queen and Members of the Royal Family to receive and entertain their guests on State, ceremonial and official occasions. When The Queen makes her annual visit to Scotland, the Palace's nineteen state rooms are open to visitors. What there is to see? The Buckingham Palace State Rooms form the heart of the working palace and are lavishly furnished with some of the greatest treasures from the Royal Collection - paintings by Rembrandt, Rubens, Poussin and Canaletto; sculpture by Canova; exquisite examples of Sèvres porcelain; and some of the finest English and French furniture. The Garden Described as a 'walled oasis in the middle of London', the Palace's garden is home to thirty different species of bird and more than 350 different wild flowers, some extremely rare. Visitors end their tour with a walk along the south side of the garden, with splendid views of the west front of the Palace and the famous lake. Multimedia Guide A multimedia guide is included in the ticket price and is available in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, Russian and Mandarin. There is also a family multimedia guide (in English only) and accompanying activity trail, suitable for children 7-11 years. Changing of the Guard The Changing of the Guard ceremony takes place at 11:30 daily from April until the end of July and on alternate days for the rest of the year, weather permitting. The new guards arrive at the forecourt of the Palace at 11:30 from Wellington Barracks. The journey takes about 5 minutes and the soldiers are accompanied by a band. The ceremony is conducted on the Palace forecourt and takes approximately forty minutes to complete. [The Army have not yet released the schedule for July, August or September.] Wheelchair Access If you require wheelchair access or the use of the lift, you should not book with 365 and should pre-book tickets directly with Buckingham Palace. Access booking line: 030 3123 7324 or email [email protected] Image Credits: Image 1: Photographer: Derry Moore, Royal Collection Trust / © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2013 Image 2 : Photographer: Peter Smith, Royal Collection Trust / © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2013 Image 3 : Photographer: Andrew Holt, Royal Collection Trust / © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2013 Image 4: Photographer: Derry Moore, Royal Collection Trust / © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2013
The Park to Park Ticket entitles one (1) guest admission to All Three Parks Universal’s Volcano Bay™, Universal Studios Florida® AND Islands of Adventure® on the same day for the duration of the base ticket. Ticket is valid for any 2 or 3 calendar days during a seven (7) consecutive calendar day period which includes the first day any portion of the ticket is used. This ticket also includes seven(7) consecutive calendar days of admission to the paid entertainment venues of Universal CityWalk® which commences and includes the first day any portion of the ticket is used. The Official Universal Orlando® Resort App puts the whole resort right in the palm of your hand. From real time wait times for all rides and attractions to a GPS guide with photos to show which way to go, it’s the must-have essential to make your trip even more epic. DOWNLOAD FREE! THE OFFICIAL UNIVERSAL ORLANDO® RESORT APP Finding Your Favorite Attractions Create your own Favorites list and see info, directions and wait times. Guests with visual disabilities can access VoiceOver support for iPhone and Talkback for Android to enhance their in-park experience. Access ride, show, and attraction wait times outside the parks whenever, wherever. Getting Around the Resort Locate all restrooms in the parks and CityWalk®, including family restrooms. Set a parking reminder to find your car by section, level and row. Find info on all on-site hotels, dining and shopping. Locate and get photo directions to ATMs, Lost & Found, lockers, and First Aid stations. Share your experience on Facebook and Twitter. NOTE: Guide Me photo navigation features are only available when visiting Universal Orlando® Resort
Conozca la gran dama de la ciudad de Nueva York desde cerca y personalmente con el tour a la Estatua de la Libertad.
El recorrido empieza con un poco de contexto, visitando sitios alrededor de Battery Park. Allí los monumentos conmemorativos rara vez reciben la atención que merecen, como los visitantes con prisa para subir al ferri. Las historias que tienen para contar merecen la pena, de manera que emplearemos menos tiempo en el Monumento Nacional del castillo Clinton, Pier A Harbor House, el memorial a los marineros comerciantes americanos, The Sphere y el memorial a los veteranos de guerra de Corea.
A continuación, saldrá hacia la isla de la Libertad, con entrada exprés para el ferri, de tal manera que no deberá hacer colas y podrá conseguir los mejores asientos - y como que salimos tan temprano (normalmente en el primer ferri, dependiendo de la época del año), llegará a la estatua antes que las grandes multitudes. Una vez allí, podrá disfrutar de fabulosas vistas de la ciudad y de un recorrido guiado que le llevará al pedestal, permitiéndole acercarse a la gran dama más que en una visita normal.
Allí su guía le hablará sobre este icono de la ciudad. Fue un regalo a América de parte de Francia y fue diseñado por arquitectos incluyendo Gustav Eiffel (cuya torre parisina le pueda ser familiar) aunque no fue acogida como se pensaba. Con un guía experto, aprenderá sobre la problemática y qué la hizo tan especial para la gente de Nueva York.
A continuación, volverá al ferri y se dirigirá a la isla Ellis, donde podrá seguir los pasos de 12 millones de inmigrantes. Con su guía experto, aprenderá sobre el largo proceso que las personas pasaron, caminará por las Escaleras de la Separación para entender los 2 nombres tan diferentes de la isla – ‘The Island of Hope’ (la isla de la esperanza) y ‘The Island of Tears’ (la isla de las lágrimas). Explorará la colección y las exposiciones interactivas de museo, con la oportunidad de hacer preguntas a su guía. El tour finaliza en la isla Ellis, así que podrá permanecer un rato más en la isla, o podrá volver en ferri con el guía.
Con pequeños grupos de 20 personas o menos, y saliendo en uno de los primeros ferris de la mañana, le aseguramos un viaje tranquilo y relajado, eliminando el estrés y frustraciones de una visita normal.
Tour guiado por la Estatua de la Libertad y el Museo de la isla Ellis.
Entradas para el pedestal
Billetes exprés para el ferri (para ahorrarse las colas)
Grupos de 20 personas o menos
Corona de la Estatua de la Libertad
Recogida en su hotel
Comida y bebida
Lugares que se visitan:
Museo de la Estatua de la Libertad y Pedestal
Museo de la Isla Ellis
Monumento Nacional del Castillo Clinton
Pier A Harbor House (desde el exterior)
Memorial de los Marineros Comerciantes Americanos
The Sphere
Memorial a los Veteranos de la Guerra de Corea
Tenga en cuenta que esta excursión solo está disponible en inglés.