This robust T-Square in Tufnol provides an instant means of squaring off, marking out, setting up jigs etc. Can be hung up when not in use. Length: 680mm.
2 x Übernachtungen, 2 x Genießer-Halbpension, 1 x wundervolle Gesichts- und Dekolletémassage mit pflegender Maske (30 Min.), 1 x entspannende Rücken- / Nackenmassage (20 Min.), 1 x Begrüßungssekt & Süßes auf dem Zimmer, 1 x Harzer Waffelbäckerei mit Heißgetränk und Bailys, 1 x Cleopatrabad mit Sekt, 1 x Ab der 3. Freundin gibt es für alle eine Fangopackung gratis
2 x Übernachtung, 2 x reichhaltiges Frühstück vom Buffet, 1 x 3-Gang-Wahlmenü, 1 x 4-Gang Candle-Light Schlemmermenü, 1 x Kokosmassage, 1 x Kokos-Bad unter Sternenhimmel, inkl. Nutzung von Hallenbad, Sauna und Infrarotkabine, Kuscheliger Leihbademantel
Stahlwille Series 40ADL Bi-Hexagon, extra deep sockets have 1/4in square drives. They come in AF imperial sizes, and are made from HPQ® high performance steel, with chrome plating. The sockets have an extremely high load capacity with exceptionally thin rings and walls. They are free from cadmium and therefore suitable for use on titanium alloy parts and titanium fasteners, such as those used in the aerospace industry, where safety is crucial. The sockets are equipped with anti-slip drives which permit high transmission of forces to the lands of the nuts and bolts without damaging them. Manufactured to DIN 3124/ISO 2725-1 standards.Overall length: 50mm. MADE IN GERMANY.Stahlwille Extra Deep Bi-Hexagon Socket 1/4in Drive. Size: 9/32 AF.Overall length: 50mm.