The Clipper City Lobster & Beer Lovers Sail from Manhattan by Sail is a two-hour sail that offers a unique setting aboard a 158-foot-long tall ship and dazzling views of the Brooklyn Bridge, Statue of Liberty and other New York City landmarks. The slow glide of the Clipper City around New York Harbor allows camera-toting passengers to snap picturesque scenes during the course of this leisurely cruise. The trip is made even more pleasant by the presence of a friendly crew, who are happy to chat with passengers about their beloved Clipper City or answer questions about the art of sailing in general. Shortly after the Clipper City departs from South Street Seaport, the crew invites all aboard to help hoist the massive sails. This makes for a particularly memorable moment, as the masts and rigging stretch to a dizzying height of 120 feet above the deck. A quieter ambiance can be found on the raised quarter deck at the rear of the Clipper City, which offers additional seating, equally beautiful views and an up close look at the captain in action. Given the ample size of its decks, the Clipper City provides plenty of room for passengers to sprawl out and enjoy the views. With freedom to move about Clipper City throughout the duration of the cruise, passengers can enjoy the scenery of the New York Harbor from various vantage points. The setting sun makes for dramatic shifts in the views around you, providing a fantastic opportunity to witness the iconic Manhattan skyline and other familiar sights.
As you soar above the famous Hudson River you will fly right by the magnificent Statue of Liberty in all of her glory. View Governors and Ellis Island and see Manhattans Financial District before cruising past the cavernous landscape of the NYC skyline. Sites include the Empire State Building, Chrysler, Woolworth and Met Life Buildings and the USS Intrepid to mention a few. You will even catch a glimpse of the George Washington Bridge and the world renowned Central Park before heading back to the heliport.
Why You Should Choose NY’s Liberty Helicopter Tour Service?
#1 IN EXPERIENCE - They have been in business and flying safely for over 28 years
#1 IN SAFETY & SECURITY - They are the founding members of the Tour Operators Program of Safety and the only helicopter company in NYC that is a member.
#1 IN CUSTOMER SERVICE & SATISFACTION - Liberty Helicopters is committed to providing its customers with the safest and most enjoyable experience possible.
THE LARGEST FLEET IN THE NORTHEAST - Liberty Helicopters has a fleet of 10 state of the art American Eurocopter helicopters.
AMERICAN EUROCOPTER IS THE INDUSTRY LEADER - Pilots choose American Eurocopter over Bell and others for their ease of maneuverability, more comfortable and quieter ride, less vibration, better visibility for pilots and passengers. All seats face forward allowing customers to see where they are going, not where they have been.
Liberty Helicopters continuously receives the annual Safety Award from the Helicopter Association International, along with being a multiple recipient of the 5 Star Diamond Award and the ERHC Fly Neighborly Award.
Many of Liberty's highly trained pilots are ex-military or NYPD. All receive regular recurrent Eurocopter factory training, specifically the requirement of the Federal Aviation Administration part 135 air carrier standards giving you an assurance of safety aboard the helicopters.
All of the aircraft crews are certified and inspected to meet the demanding standards of the Federal Aviation Administration.
Liberty Helicopters have their own 24 hours 7 days a week maintenance facility to service and maintain our fleet. All of their highly experienced aviation maintenance technicians receive updated Eurocopter factory training on a regular basis.
Liberty Helicopters have a new premier space at the redesigned Downtown Manhattan Heliport located at 6 East River Piers NY NY 10004 with their own souvenir and light snack shop for your convenience.
Multilingual staff.
No minimum passenger requirement on any of our tours.
Ultimate Drive (a subsidiary of supercar and luxury auto distributor EuroSports Global Ltd SGX Symbol-5G1) is pleased to bring Supercars to the mass market so that “Everyone can drive a Supercar”. Experience the thrill of driving on the official F1 circuit in a supercar! We offer thrill seekers the opportunity to drive our fleet of exotic cars from manufacturers including Ferrari, Lamborghini, and more. Unleash the power of the straights of the freeway, or cruise the coastline. Test your mettle behind the wheel or sit back and let one of our Experienced Professional Drivers show you what these cars can do. The Official F1 Circuit goes by Bayfront Avenue, Esplanade Drive, City Hall & Raffles Boulevard! Unleash the power roaring on the straights of the town or simply cruise along the city feeling the wind in your hair. This booking is valid for the Lamborghini Huracan for 45 minutes only: Customers MUST bring along their original driving license, with a min of 2 years driving experience.
There are no hotel pickups for the Hop-On-Hop-Off Tours. However, all Hop-On Hop-Off routes pass within 5 blocks of nearly every major downtown tourist hotel as well as in various locations at Fisherman’s Wharf. A hotel shuttle to Fisherman's Wharf is available in the morning. For further information and specific schedule times, please call the City Sightseeing office at +1.415.440.8687. AUDIO GUIDE in VARIOUS LANGUAGES: The tour is available with audio guide in English, Spanish, German, Mandarin, and Korean on every other bus throughout the day. Please ask at the City Sightseeing office for further information.
Preguntas Frecuentes (FAQ)
¿Qué es la tarjeta Chicago Explorer Pass?
Un pase múltiple para atracciones que le da acceso a 3, 4 o 5 atracciones de Chicago por un precio muy bajo.
¿Cómo funciona la tarjeta Chicago Explorer Pass?
Sólo debe comprar un pase por el número de atracciones que quiere visitar – hay para 3, 4 o 5 atracciones.
Su pase le garantiza la admisión a algunas de las 25 atracciones incluidas. No le hará falta decidirse antes de su viaje, escoja sobre la marcha.
Simplemente presente su pase en las atracciones incluidas para entrar. No tiene que pagar nada en la entrada.
Al visitar su primera atracción se activará la tarjeta. Después de ser activada, úsela en los siguientes 30 días.
¿Caduca la tarjeta Chicago Explorer Pass?
Tiene un año desde la fecha de compra para empezar a usarla. Después de un año, caducará. Después de ser activada, tendrá un periodo de 30 días para usarla.
¿Cómo recibiré mi tarjeta?
Cuando se haya completado la compra, recibirá un correo con una versión imprimible y para móviles de su tarjeta Chicago Explorer Pass. No necesitará cambiar nada, podrá ir directo a la primera atracción que quiera visitar usan su tarjeta inmediatamente.
¿Qué más incluye la tarjeta?
Obtendrá una guía con descripciones detalladas de la atracción, horarios, y un mapa para poder planear su itinerario. Además de descuentos extra para comer, comprar y actividades de entretenimiento que le ayudarán a ahorrar todavía más dinero por el camino.
Pase válido durante 30 días después de su primera fecha de uso.
¿Es esto sólo una tarjeta de descuentos? ¿Tendrá que comprar las entradas?
No. Los pases incluyen la admisión a cada una de las atracciones, sin necesidad de pagar nada en las taquillas. Algunas atracciones podrán ofrecer mejoras o extras por una tarifa adicional.
¿Debo escoger mis atracciones por avanzado?
No hace falta, podrá escoger entre las atracciones incluidas durante la marcha.
¿Cuál es el margen de edad para las Tarjetas de niño?
Las Tarjetas para niños son para niños entre 3 y 12 años. La mayoría de atracciones no cobran a los niños menores de 3 años. Aun así, hay algunas excepciones (especialmente en museos o atracciones dirigidas a los viajeros más jóvenes). Si tiene un niño menor de 3 años, por favor compruebe con la atracción directamente por avanzado. Puede que tenga que pagar en taquilla.
¿Cómo consigo mi pase?
Cuando se haya completado su orden recibirá un correo electrónico con una versión para imprimir y otra para Smartphones de su tarjeta Chicago Explorer Pass. No necesitará canjear nada, puede ir directo a la primera atracción que desea visitar y empezar a usar su tarjeta inmediatamente.
¿Cómo “activo” mi tarjeta?
Simplemente visite la primera atracción.
¿Es mi tarjeta válida todo el día?
Sí. Puede entrar a las atracciones en cualquier momento con la tarjeta Chicago Explorer Pass.
¿Caduca la tarjeta Chicago Explorer Pass?
Sí. Tiene un año desde la fecha de compra para empezar a usarla. Después de un año, caducará.
¿Cuánto puedo ahorrar?
Compare el precio del pase con los precios de las entradas de las atracciones que quiere visitar para ver cuánto ahorrará. Tendrá la flexibilidad para crear su propio itinerario y escoger las atracciones que quiere visitar dependiendo de sus intereses.
¿Puedo visitar las atracciones más de una vez?
No. Su pase sólo incluye una visita a cada atracción.
¿Necesito hacer reserva para visitar las atracciones?
Las atracciones que necesiten de reserva tendrán un símbolo específico en la guía. Algunas atracciones necesitan una tarjeta de crédito para realizar la reservar. En esos casos, no se hará ningún cargo a su tarjeta de crédito a menos que no se presente para su reserva. ¿Cuál es el truco?
No hay truco. La tarjeta Chicago Explorer Pass está asociado con todas las atracciones que participan para hacer su visita a Nueva York tan memorable como sea posible y para ayudarle a ahorrar dinero.
¿Puedo compartir mi pase con un amigo o venderlo?
No. La tarjeta Chicago Explorer Pass no es transferible y no puede ser revendida.
¿Qué ocurre si una atracción está cerrada o un tour es cancelado por culpa del mal tiempo u otro problema?
Aunque se intenta tener disponibilidad en todas las atracciones, los eventos inesperados ocurren y están fuera de nuestro control. Lo bueno de la tarjeta Chicago Explorer Pass es que hay tantas atracciones entre las que elegir que, si una atracción está cerrada o no se puede visitar, seguro que encontrará una alternativa en la guía.
How does Share Ride work? If you are going to EWR airport: The driver picks up passengers in order from the destinations furthest from the airport to the closest. Your pick-up time will depend on the relationship between your location and how many other share passengers will be picked up and their respective locations. If you are the furthest away from the airport, you will be picked up relatively early to your flight time and will have to visit other locations to pick up share passengers before arriving at the airport. We guarantee that you will arrive to the airport on time. If you are leaving from EWR airport: Simply proceed to the Ground Transportation Desk in your arriving terminal and present the Go Airlink NYC voucher you printed. They also have FREE courtesy phones in every terminal at the baggage claim area. The driver picks up passengers by terminal. Please understand that if you are at the first terminal for pick up, you will have priority seating in the vehicle but it may take time to travel to the other terminals to pick up share passengers before leaving the airport. After all of the passengers have been picked up from their respective terminals, the driver will drop off passengers in order of the closest destination point to the furthest. If your destination is the furthest away from the airport, you will have to wait for the other share ride passengers to be dropped off at their respective destinations before arriving at your final point. Please remember to allow for sufficient travel time to EWR Airport. Please take traffic into consideration when booking your reservation. Please keep in mind that they cannot control traffic, flight delays and other unforeseen circumstances that may increase travel time. Go Airlink NYC EWR Airport share-ride shuttles: Up to 11 passengers. Share ride shuttle with other travellers, allows you to meet new people and socialize! Economical, environmentally friendly. 24 hour/ 7 days a week transportation service. Door to door service Baggage allowance: 1 Suitcase per person and 1 small carry-on per person.