Madame Tussauds London Millions and millions of people have flocked through the doors of Madame Tussauds since they first opened over 200 years ago and it remains just as popular as it ever was. There are many reasons for this enduring success, but at the heart of it all is good, old-fashioned curiosity. Today’s visitors are sent on a unique, emotionally-charged journey through the realms of the powerful and famous. The museum-style ropes and poles have gone so guests can truly get up, close and personal with A-list celebrities, sporting legends, political heavyweights and historical icons, reliving the times, events and moments that made the world talk about them…. Filled with 14 exciting, interactive zones and the amazing Marvel Super Heroes 4D movie experience, Madame Tussauds London combines glitz and glamour with incredible history. Walk down the red carpet and strike a pose with Kate Winslet, before challenging your favorite sportstars like David Beckham or Lewis Hamilton. Start your royal experience with an audience with the Queen, before standing alongside The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. For the brave, get face-to-face with scary serial killers in our live fear experience SCREAM. After a sneaky behind-the-scenes look at how our World-renowned sculptors create the figures, relax in our taxis and relive the rich history of London. Then step up to your favorite Marvel Super Heroes before getting ready to experience the spectacular and exclusive Marvel Super Heroes 4D movie, where our Marvel Super Heroes battle it out to save London from impending doom. So, who do you want to meet? London Eye At 450ft high, the London Eye is the world's highest observation wheel. 32 Capsules, each carrying 25 guests, take you on a 30 minute journey through the most spectacular views of, over and around London spanning 25 miles in all directions. Combine your experience with the London Eye River Cruise Experience, a 40-minute sightseeing circular cruise on the River Thames, passing the Houses of Parliament, Tower of London and St Paul's Cathedral. London Eye 4D Experience The London Eye 4D Experience is a groundbreaking 3D film with in theatre effects, such as wind, bubbles and mist, to make the 4D. The film itself is a touching story of a little girl in London with her father. Her view of famous London landmarks is obscured by people and traffic, but a seagull draws her attention to the London Eye and her father takes her for an experience; finally she has an amazing view of the city. Colorful parties inside the capsule, time lapse of the London Eye day and night and a spectacular firework display all add up to an emotional and entertaining experience; the perfect prelude to an experience on the London Eye itself. Please remember that the boarding procedure for the London Eye takes 30 minutes so you will need to arrive at least 30 minutes before your reserved time. Please take this into consideration when choosing your time. Tower Bridge Exhibition Over 100 years ago, the Victorians built a bridge that has become one of London's most famous landmarks. High level walkways were built to allow people to cross the Thames whilst the Bridge was lifted to let tall ships sail past - Tower Bridge Today these Walkways act as viewing galleries, giving visitors the most spectacular views across an ever changing London skyline. Walkways & Exhibition: Visitors enter Tower Bridge Exhibition via the North Tower. They are then transported by lift to the top of the Tower (47 meters above the Thames) where they have a unique opportunity to see the Bridge’s steel skeleton from within. A short film explains the history and provenance of the Bridge and then there is the chance to admire the spectacular views – from both covered Walkways. On the east Walkway there are fantastic views of the Docklands and from the west Walkway you can see the new GLA building, the Tower of London, St Paul’s, the city, the Pool of London and Big Ben and the London Eye in the distance. Interactive computerized kiosks and graphic panels explain the significance of the views to visitors, as well as providing more information on the history and building of the Bridge. The interactive material and graphic panels are written in seven languages and an audio loop for the hard of hearing is also in place for the video show. There is another film to view in the South Tower before descending for the short walk to the historical Engine Rooms, included in your ticket price. Victorian Engine Rooms: These provide a fascinating insight into late 19th century engineering. Installed for the completion of Tower Bridge in 1894, these huge, and beautifully maintained, coal-driven engines were used to power the thousands of bascule Bridge lifts performed until 1976. Although lifts are now operated by electricity, the original steam engines are still in place. The Engine Rooms give visitors a chance to experiment with models demonstrating the technology behind the Bridge. There are also some amazing photographs of Tower Bridge throughout its lifetime – including a revealing picture of the heavy steel structure of the Bridge as the stone cladding was installed over it.
Entre las atracciones históricas más famosas en el English Heritage Pass se incluye:
Stonehenge - Una de las maravillas del mundo y el monumento prehistórico más conocido de Europa
Down House, en el sur de Londres - el hogar de Charles Darwin donde escribió "El origen de las Especies"
1066 Batalla de Hastings Abbey and Battlefield, East Sussex - Descubre el campo de batalla donde se luchó por el futuro de Inglaterra
Castillo de Dover, Kent - La fortaleza inglesa más icónica, al mando de Inglaterra durante nueve siglos
Castillo de Tintagel, Cornwall - donde nació la leyenda del Rey Arturo
Audley End House & Jardines, cerca de Cambridge - una magnífica mansión de estilo jacobino rodeada de bellos jardines
Apsley House - también conocido como "Número 1 de Londres”, maravillate con el interior de esta gran casa
Osborne, Isla de Wight - La casa familiar y retiro junto al mar de la Reina Victoria
Castillo de Kenilworth y los jardines isabelinos, cerca de Warwick - una de las ruinas de Inglaterra más impresionantes
Abadía de Whitby, Yorkshire - En lo alto de un acantilado, los inquietantes restos de esta abadía inspiraron la famosa película de Bram Stoker "Drácula"
La Muralla de Adriano - Patrimonio de la Humanidad, posee una longitud de 73 millas de lado a lado, llegando a ambos mares y pasando por a través de uno de los paisajes más salvajes de la zona
Palacio y Jardines de Eltham - Experimenta la decada de la decadencia en el Palacio de Eltham, transportandote a los años 30
Brodsworth Hall y jardines, South Yorkshire - Una visión vistoriana d ela vida en una casa de campo
Acceso a la lista completa de atracciones disponibles con este pase
Beneficios para el consumidor:
Gran ahorro
Amortice este pase de gran valor visitando sólo TRES atracciones. Aunque solo lo use durante un fin de semana, ¡todavía ahorrará dinero! Cuanto más use el pase, más ahorrará.
¿Qué es el Overseas Visitor Pass?
El Pase Turístico de English Heritage es una entrada de precio fijado a todas las atracciones incluidas en el pase English Heritage durante 9 o 16 días consecutivos.
¿Qué incluye?
Entrada GRATUITA a más de 100 majestuosas casas, castillos, abadías y restos romanos y prehistóricos. Puede visitar gratuitamente todas las atracciones directamente gestionadas por el English Heritage.
No puedo visitar 100 atracciones en 9 días. ¿Por qué debería comprar el Overseas Visitor Pass?
Está claro que es muy poco plausible visitar tantas atracciones. ¡Pero la ventaja del Overseas Visitor Pass es que amortiza el pase sólo con tres visitas!
¿Cuánto ahorraré?
Se dará cuenta de la ventaja que supone este pase tan pronto haga su primera visita. Por ejemplo, el precio de la guía más la entrada combinada de adulto para el Castillo de Dover, el Campo de Batalla y la Abadía de la Batalla de Hastings, el Castillo de Walmer y sus jardines, y el Hogar de Charles Darwin, Down House – sólo por estas atracciones el precio es de £54,65. Con su pase Overseas Visitor Pass ahorrará más de 30€.
Recuerde que puede visitar tantas atracciones como quiera. ¡Cuánto más atracciones visites, más ahorrará!
Si mi estancia es menor a 9 días, ¿tiene sentido que compre este pase?
Sí, el Overseas Visitor Pass se amortiza aproximadamente después de 3 visitas, ¡por lo que puedo ahorrar desde el primer día de su estancia!
¿Quién puede comprar el pase?
El Pase está disponible sólo para visitantes de otros países. Se pedirá una prueba de su residencia cuando visite alguna atracción.
El pase está disponible para grupos e individuos. Los grupos deberán contactar primero con el sitio que quieran visitar con una lista del nombre de los miembros del grupo, para que puedan realizar las tarjetas de acreditación y asegurarse de que hay suficientes guías para todos.
¿Necesitan los niños un pase para ellos solos?
El Pase Familiar es válido para dos adultos y hasta cuatro otros miembros de la familia con menos de 19 años residentes en la misma dirección. A parte del Pase Familiar, no hay pases con precio reducido para niños. Los niños por debajo de 5 años tienen acceso gratuito, y los niños de hasta 15 añospagarán entradas reducidas de precio en algunas de las atracciones históricas..
¿Durante cuánto tiempo es válido el pase?
El Overseas Visitor Pass es válido para periodos de 9 o 16 días consecutivos.
¿Cómo se activa mi pase?
Su pase será validado en el primer sitio que usted visite y puede usarse a partir de entonces durante los siguientes 9 o 16 días consecutivos.
¿Cuándo abren las atracciones?
La mayoría de las propiedades abren a las 10:00 h en verano. Casi todos cierran del 24 al 26 de diciembre y el 1 de enero. Todos los lugares tienen horario reducido durante verano (octubre a marzo).
Los horarios de apertura exactos están listados en la guía “Englis Heritage Members’ & Visitors’ Handbook”, que se incluye con el Overseas Visitor Pass.
¿Qué documentos necesito traer para recoger mi pase?
Necesitará imprimir la confirmación de su reserva (su vale de 365Tickets), y deberá llevar con usted la tarjeta de crédito con la que hizo la reserva.
También debe tener una prueba de identidad, ya sea un pasaporte, documento de identidad o carnet de conducir para autentificar que es el propietario válido del vale y demostrar que es un residente extranjero. También sirven fotocopias de buena calidad.
¿Qué ocurre si me roban el pase?
El pase no es transferible ni reembolsable y tampoco se puede reemplazar en caso de robo o perdida.
Buckingham Palace serves as both the office and London residence of Her Majesty The Queen, as well as the administrative headquarters of the Royal Household. It is one of the few working royal palaces remaining in the world today. Today the Buckingham Palace State Rooms are used extensively by Her Majesty The Queen and Members of the Royal Family to receive and entertain their guests on State, ceremonial and official occasions. During August and September when The Queen makes her annual visit to Scotland, the Palace's nineteen state rooms are open to visitors. What there is to see? The Buckingham Palace State Rooms form the heart of the working palace and are lavishly furnished with some of the greatest treasures from the Royal Collection - paintings by Rembrandt, Rubens, Poussin and Canaletto; sculpture by Canova; exquisite examples of Sèvres porcelain; and some of the finest English and French furniture. In celebration of The Queen's 90th birthday, a special exhibition will be staged across each of Her Majesty's official residences during 2016. Fashioning a Reign: 90 Years of Style from The Queen's Wardrobe (23 July – 2 October 2016) The Garden Described as a 'walled oasis in the middle of London', the Palace's garden is home to thirty different species of bird and more than 350 different wild flowers, some extremely rare. Visitors end their tour with a walk along the south side of the garden, with splendid views of the west front of the Palace and the famous lake. Audio Guide An audio guide is included in the ticket price and is available in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Japanese, Russian and Mandarin. There is also a family audio guide (in English only) and accompanying activity trail, suitable for children 7-11 years. Changing of the Guard The Changing of the Guard ceremony takes place at 11:30 daily from April until the end of July and on alternate days for the rest of the year, weather permitting. The new guards arrive at the forecourt of the Palace at 11:30 from Wellington Barracks. The journey takes about 5 minutes and the soldiers are accompanied by a band. The ceremony is conducted on the Palace forecourt and takes approximately forty minutes to complete. [The Army have not yet released the schedule for July, August or September.] Wheelchair Access If you require wheelchair access or the use of the lift, you should not book with 365 and should pre-book tickets directly with Buckingham Palace. Access booking line: 020 7766 7324 or email [email protected] Kensington Palace Kensington Palace unveils a palace of secret stories and public lives. Visitors arrive through beautiful landscaped gardens evoking a past when Kensington was countryside. From the entrance hall start your journey through the magnificent Kings and Queen’s State Apartments. Filled with stories of two royal courts; the Stuarts and the Hanoverians, learn what you would have worn, how you should behave and how to succeed in the heady atmosphere of the palace state apartments. Victoria Revealed, a fascinating exhibition, set within the rooms Victoria grew up in as a child, explores her life and reign in her own words with quotations from her intimate diaries. Imagine how she felt at just 17 years old on her first day as Queen at Kensington Palace, discover her romantic side through letters and gifts exchanged with Prince Albert and take a peep at moments of family life with her children and grand-children. The glossy and glamorous exhibition, Fashion rules: gets a make-over, becoming Fashion rules: Restyled. A new collection of dress from the collections of HM Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Margaret and Diana Princess of Wales represents the story of the monarchy in the 20th century featuring rare and exquisite dresses from The Queen, Princesses Margaret and Diana, Princess of Wales. Discover how the royal figures and fashions were representative of the spirit of each decade. Surrounded by contemporary photography, film, music and including accessories, get a real sense of the 1950’s through to the 1990s, decades in which the clothes were worn and how they reflected and inspired everyday fashions. Image Credits: Image 1: Photographer: Derry Moore, Royal Collection Trust / © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2013 Image 2 : Photographer: Peter Smith, Royal Collection Trust / © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2013 Image 3 : Photographer: Andrew Holt, Royal Collection Trust / © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2013 Image 4: Photographer: Derry Moore, Royal Collection Trust / © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2013
City Sightseeing Amsterdam - discover all the things to do in this cultural city Discover the city with City Sightseeing's 9 Hop On Hop Off stops, located about the city. Marvel at the original works of the famous Dutch artist in the renowned Van Gogh Museum and Contemplate the heart-rending history of the Jewish community with a visit to the home of the diarist Anne Frank. There are plenty of museums to explore including the Amsterdam's Historisch Museum, Rembrandt House Museum, Madame Tussauds, the Diamond Museum and the Jewish Historical Museum. Other must-see attractions include the Amsterdam Dungeon, the Royal Palace, and Madame Tussauds. You won't be short of things to do in Amsterdam Stake a bet at the Casino, relax in the Hard Rock Café, meander through the Red Light District or encounter the Heineken Experience. If you're looking for souvenirs and gifts, take a stroll around the many shops and boutiques and also discover the multi-ethnic spirit of Amsterdam at the Flower Market and Flea Market. Body Worlds Find out how happiness influences the human body and our health at ‘The Happiness Project’ in the BODY WORLDS exhibition. With more then 200 anatomical specimens of human bodies it will educate you on the complexity, resilience and vulnerability of the human body. This exhibition will show you how to be a healthier, happier person and does not revolve about shock factors
Everybody needs good neighbours! Welcome to Ramsay Street, where the dramas unfold every day on the set of Australia’s long-running soap opera, 'Neighbours.' On this official tour, see the actual houses and the street that provide the backdrop of this internationally loved Aussie The Ultimate Fan Tour, you’ll go to the Global Television Studios and visit the exterior sets of the Lassiter’s Complex including Harold's Store, The Waterhole and Lassitier's Lake. Also, enjoy a walk down Power Road and visit Fitzgerald Motors, Grease Monkeys and Dial-A-Kyle. This is a great day out, and the professional guide will let you in on all the gossip, insider information and tricks of the trade in filming Neighbours. Highlights See the famous street tucked away in Melbourne’s suburbia, reminisce about those great moments* Come prepared to take photos of the houses with authentic props See the exterior sets from the TV show at Global Television Studios Your exclusive entry will give you the opportunity to see the Lassiter’s Complex (including Lassiter’s Lake), Fitzgeralds Motors, The Waterhole, Harold’s Cafe & more The professional guides will provide you with plenty of gossip, laughs & on-board entertainment! If you’re lucky you may even see some filming!!! Complimentary Neighbours postcard
Chicago Trolley:
Bus Tracker
Guests can now head to to see when the next double decker or trolley is headed their way!
Language App
Chicago Trolley & Double Decker Company now has a FREE, foreign language app for both Android and iPhone!
This new, easy to use app provides a fully narrated tour in Chinese (Mandarin), German, Portuguese (Brazil) and Spanish. We're excited to offer this option to our international guests!
How to download? Easy as 1, 2, 3!
On the guest's phone, search and download "Chicago Trolley Tour" in the application store.
Once downloaded, open the app and the language options will appear. Choose the language needed and download.
There will be a prompt to enter a password. The password is Chicago (not case sensitive). Please provide password information only once ticket has been purchased. That's it!
So how does it work?
Headphones will be provided for any guest using the app.
Using GPS, the app follows the guests as they enjoy the views from our double deckers and trolleys. The narration is based on plotted points along our tour route. Guests can even click on each point to read the information.
Once downloaded, the app does not use data. Guests can turn cellular data OFF if they would like to. However, GPS accuracy IS improved when Cellular Data is left ON, even though no data is use.
Ticket Types
One-Day Adult Ticket
Two-Day Adult Ticket
Three-Day Adult Ticket
Kids Ticket
Valid for 24 hours after time of redemption.
Valid for 48 hours after time of redemption.
Valid for 72 hours after time of redemption.
Valid for up to 72 hours after time of redemption.
Includes access to the Downtown Tour, Night Tour, and Wrigley Field/Lincoln Park Zoo Route
Includes access to the Downtown Tour, Night Tour, and Wrigley Field/Lincoln Park Zoo Route
Includes access to the Downtown Tour, Night Tour, and Wrigley Field/Lincoln Park Zoo Route
Includes access to the Downtown Tour, Night Tour, and Wrigley Field/Lincoln Park Zoo Route
Our living world is full of wonder. Celebrate with us the unbelievable beauty living in our oceans, lakes and rivers in a new special exhibit at Shedd Aquarium: Underwater Beauty. Get a glimpse of the grandeur beneath the waves as 100 species from around the world come together in an evocative new space. What is beauty? Spark your curiosity as you see all the ways beauty moves and coexists. Watch sea jellies pulse, eels ribbon and a rainbow come alive with reef fishes. Feel the rhythms, embrace the colors and savor the patterns found only underwater. Experience a world worth celebrating – and saving.
Get ready for a toadally ribbiting experience! Shedd’s new special exhibit, Amphibians, included with admission.
In Amphibians, you’ll meet 40 species of frogs, salamanders and rarely seen caecilians. Learn how amphibians’ lives are full of change, from their life cycles to their adaptations to live in nearly every environment on Earth. Find out how too much change can spell trouble for amphibians — and how you can help them cope with big changes in our world today!
Waters of the World
Travel the world in 80 habitats.
Dive into Oceans, from coastal kelp forests to the seafloor. Explore the self-contained ecosystems of Islands and Lakes. Visit Rivers—big and small—and learn more about our local waters in the new At Home on the Great Lakes exhibit. Meet hundreds of amazing animals, from tiny mantella frogsto a a giant octopus, from a Grand Cayman blue iguana to Nile knifefish, and from moon jellies to sea stars. We even have map turtles, in case you get lost.
Caribbean Reef
Take a 360-degree tour of an underwater reef community.
Follow a green sea turtle. Peek at a moray eel in a rocky crevice. Watch regal rays glide by. Get eye-to-eye with parrot fish and sharks. Visit Caribbean Reef, Shedd’s award-winning 90,000-gallon circular habitat in the grand rotunda.
Amazon Rising
Take an exotic journey in the Amazon, home to one-third of all living things.
Watch out for anacondas and piranhas, spiders, rays and a camouflaged caiman. In churning river channels, still lakes and even flooded treetops look for tetras, turtles and fruit-eating fish called tambaqui. See how the region’s animals, plants and people adapt to the water’s dramatic annual rise and fall.
Abbott Oceanarium
The Abbott Oceanarium immerses you in the vibrant coastal ecosystem of beluga whales, Pacific white-sided dolphins, sea otters and sea lions. You’ll also find a host of fishes and invertebrates that make their homes where freshwater flows into the ocean or where tides turn seascapes to landscapes and back again each day. Use our self-guided map to discover how animals are linked to each other, their homes and you.
Polar Play Zone
Kids have a place at Shedd that they can call their own—Polar Play Zone. It’s cool as ice and twice as nice! The penguins think so, too.
Play! Splash! Pretend! What would you like to be? A sleek sliding penguin? A deep-sea explorer? How about both? In Polar Play Zone, you can slip into a penguin suit and try being a bird in the Icy South play area. From there, head to the Icy North to explore the belugas’ Arctic waters in a kid-sized submarine. Don’t forget to shake hands—or is it arms?—with colorful sea stars in the touch pools. In Polar Play Zone, you’ll learn about polar opposites—big and small, fast and slow, shallow and deep, even north and south—while you play.
The Oceanarium Aquatic Presentation is included however based on available seating and remaining show times at the time of guest arrival. (2018 Aquatic Presentation Schedule)
Stingray Touch (seasonal experience) is included. Open late May through October.
4D Experience is not included however the 4D experience tickets may be purchased at the theatre for $3.00 per -person
Pets are not allowed in the aquarium