Das Pflegemittel oculsoft easy ist eine ALL IN ONE Lösung und für alle weichen Kontaktlinsen geeignet. Es besticht durch seine einfache und unkomplizierte Handhabung. Weiter liefern wir dieses Pflegemittel mit 380 ml Inhalt statt der üblichen 360 ml. Vorteile: Reinigen Desinfizieren Aufbewahren Benetzen Abspülen 100 ml = 2,17 ? Inhalt: 1 Flasche 380 ml
Benefits: Relieves dry eye. Formulated to combat symptoms of dry eye, especially those caused by meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). Lubricates and hydrates. Locks in moisture for increased comfort. 10ml bottle. Portable container makes this product easy to carry and travel with. Systane Balance lubricant eye drops offer extended relief of dry eye symptoms, designed specifically for patients with meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). These eye drops lubricate your eyes and provide prolonged lipid layer restoration, which gives longer-lasting protection against dry eye symptoms. The patented formula helps to lock in moisture, ensuring increased comfort and hydration. This product contains 10ml of Systane Balance solution. Contact lens wearers are recommended to instil eye drops before and after inserting lenses.
Fesche Tradition in Loden! Toller Trachtenhut mit rustikaler Strickkordel, silbernen Edelweià und klassischem Einfass... - - robuster Wollhut im Alpin-Style - mit schöner, uriger Strickkordel - Lederapplikation mit Metall-Edelweià als Garnitur - traditionelle Dreispitz-Form - Krempe mit Einf...
item type : sleep & snoring material : high-grade fabric type : eyeshade eyeshade type : 3d eyeshade work mode : eye cover
Finde Deine neue Sonnenbrille der Marke KING KEROSIN®!
MesmerEyez Naturalz 1 Day Sea Green Contact LensesFor a strong colour change.Bored of your current eye colour and fancy a change? Then MesmerEyez coloured contact lenses are the perfect product for you!MesmerEyez Naturalz 1 Day Sea Green Contact Lenses are fun, safe and easy to use. MesmerEyez Naturalz feature a unique pattern which overlays your natural base to create a stunning new eye colour.Comfortable, light and soft, MesmerEyez coloured contacts are easy to wear and your eyes will feel hydrated, fresh and comfortable all day long.Sold as a pairLast for 1 day once openedWear for maximum of 8 hours45% water contentPackaged in sterile buffered isotonic salineManufactured in accordance with the EU Cosmetics DirectiveProduced under ISO International Standards quality controlManufactured in the UK