Vitabiotics Pregnacare Conception 30sPregnacare Conception formula has been developed on the basis of worldwide studies showing that certain nutrients can play an important role in helping to build nutritional stores ready for pregnancy and support good reproductive health.Pregnacare Conception provides a carefully balanced comprehensive formulation of micronutrients for the maintenance of reproductive health in women, including the specific nutrients. The formula also includes vitamin B12 and folic acid at 400mcg, the exact recommended level to help safeguard the early stages of foetal development. The formula includes key nutritional elements: Folic Acid - Pregnacare Conception provides 400mcg folic acid, the exact level recommended by the UK Department of Health for all women who are trying to conceive. As well as the healthy development of the foetal neural tube, folic acid may also play a role in conception, and is required in the first days and weeks of life, before you are even aware that you are pregnant. Minerals with natural vitamin E - Important co-factors in enzymes, to help protect genetic material from free radical damage. Vitamin B12 - Part of the B complex group of vitamins.How to UseUse Pregnacare conception as soon as you start trying for a baby.To help build the body's nutritional stores it can even be used up to 3 months before you start to try for a baby. Directions One tablet per day with or immediately after your main meal. Swallow with a full glass of water or a cold drink. Pregnacare Conception should only be taken on a full stomach. IngredientsPregnacare Conception contains the following active ingredients per tablet: L-Arginine 100mg; Inositol 50mg; N-Acetyl Cysteine; Betacarotene 3mg Vitamin D (300 IU) 15 mcg; Vitamin E 30 mg; Vitamin C 90 mg; Vitamin B1 8 mg; Vitamin B2 5 mg; Niacin 20 mg; Vitamin B6 10 mg; Folic Acid 400 mcg; Vitamin B12 20 mcg; Biotin 150mcg; Pantothenic Acid 6mg; Iron 14 mg; Selenium 50 mcg; Magnesium 60 mg; Zinc 15 mg; Iodine 140 mcg; Copper 1 mg. Pregnacare Conception is free from artificial colourings, gluten, preservatives and yeast.
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Les gelules Lipotransfer du Laboratoire Feniouxvont vous aider a vous soulager de vos problemes de digestion tout en aidant a controler votre taux de lipides present dans le sang. Ce complement alimentaire est en fait une preparation enzymatique qui contribue a reguler le taux de lipides dans le sang pour preserver votre sante. Il sera ideal pour toutes celles et ceux qui veulent reguler leur taux de triglycerides en limitant leur reformation apres un repas pour ainsi freiner l augentation du taux de cholesterol. Votre digestion sera amelioree mais en plus vous pourrez constater son effets sur vos kilos superflus. En effet, il vous procurera une sensation de satiete pour vous assurer une perte de poids reguliere et progressive. Vous vous sentirez bien dans votre peau et serez en pleine forme. Vous pourrez profier de la vie comme jamais et vous faire plaisir autant que vous le voudrez mais bien sur toujours dans la limite du raisonnable.