Features: Highly water resistant: It keeps your items from dust, water, snow, rain, etc. Durable to use: With a detachable strap to used as a shoulder strap and a durable buckle to help fix firmly. Portable and practical: When not used, it can be rolled or folded, saving space and portable. An ideal product for your outdoor sports: River rafting, boating, sailing, and fishing, hiking, cycling, etc. IPX7 waterproof phone case: The phone case features a very simple lock to keep out water, dust, dirt. Slim transparent cover will not hinder touch screen use, you can operate your phone, take pictures and videos. It fits large smartphones below 6 inches, great for outdoor water sports, travels. Notes: 1. The dry bag is highly water resistant but not guaranteed to be 100% waterproof. It should not be fully submerged. 2. Dry Bag and Phone Case ONLY, other items displayed in pictures are for illustration purpose ONLY, they are NOT included in the listing!
Fisco professional and high quality Chalk Line with hard wearing grey polystyrene frame and a tough braided line which can be locked at any length. The long, grey handle ensures a secure grip and the 1.5mm braided yellow line is coloured throughout its thickness for superior resistance to UV lights.A rotating rewind knob on the handle provides fast rewinding, and the detachable hand grip allows insertion into a ranging pole.Length: 100m.
6" calibre digital pie de rey de fibra de vidrio LCD electrónico Callipers 150mm herramienta de medición
7 x Übernachtung, 7 x reichhaltiges Frühstücksbuffet, Begrüßungstrunk, 7 x 3-Gang-Wahlmenü am Abend, 1 x Besuch in der Schauwerkstatt in Seiffen - frei -, 20 % Ermäßigung im Wellnessstübel, kuscheliger Leihbademantel und Badeslipper liegen auf dem Zimmer bereit, Wander- und Routenvorschläge, 1 x Stunde Kegel- oder Bowlingbahnnutzung (pro Zimmer) - gratis -, 1 x Teilmassage - gratis -
Tipo:Alfombrilla Ratón; Características de la Alfombrilla del Ratón:De Videojuegos; Dimensiones de la Alfombrilla del Ratón (cm):22180.2; Peso de la Alfombrilla del Ratón (kg):0.05
1 hochwertige Schablone zum Prickeln und Prägen, 9,4 x 14 cm (ideal zur Verzierung von Grußkarten im Format B6). Anleitung: Legen Sie die Schablone auf eine Schaumstoffmatte und platzieren Sie einen Bogen Paraffinpapier (oder anderes prägbares Papier) darüber. Fixieren Sie die Schablone am besten mit Klebequadraten an dem Papier, damit nichts verrutschen kann. Nehmen Sie eine Prägenadel zur Han...