Seating Chart: Brooks Atkinson Theatre Rating: Recommended for ages 12 and up. Does my child need a ticket? Is there a minimum age requirement to attend the show? All guests require a ticket, regardless of age. We recommend that children be at least 12 years old to attend a performance of Waitress. No children under the age of 4 will be admitted. Runtime: 2 hours and 30 minutes, including one intermission Handicap Accessible: Yes Hearing Assistance: Yes Restrooms are on the mezzanine level. A handicapped restroom is located on the orchestra level There are no steps into the theatre from the sidewalk. Air Conditioned Wheelchair Seating Available Assisted listening system available
All aboard the 'orrible omnibus for a ride around the dark side of London. The Ghost Bus Tours' classic Routemaster bus has been redesigned to give passengers London's first 'Fright Bus' service. On-board actors and technical trickery combine to create the scariest tour in town. A creepy conductor will provide the commentary for this sinister sightseeing show, revealing haunted Palaces, unmarked burial grounds and the many skeletons in the capital's cupboard. The Ghost Bus Tours - The Necropolis Bus Company Earth to earth… The Necropolis Bus Company began in the 19th century as a private funeral bus service. The Necropolis vehicles or ‘Carcass Coaches’ as they were known to Londoners were able to convey the deceased, pall bearers and up to 50 mourners (no standing) to the final resting place. Each bus had an onboard conductor/chief mourner and a special siren or ‘mourning whistle’ to warn pedestrians of the bus’s approach. The sound of the whistle prompted gentlemen to remove their hats and bow their heads as a mark of passing respect. Ashes to Ashes… Regular service ran until 1967 when a tragic fire at the company depot in South Dulstead razed the building to the ground and destroyed almost the entire fleet of buses. Only one vehicle was salvaged from the ashes and was locked in a storage facility for 40 years. It has now been restored to its original design and is operated by NECROBUS as a sightseeing service in central London. Bus to Bus... The bus is painted in the company’s traditional colour of midnight black. The interior seating is arranged in ‘railway style’ for comfort and so that passengers can grieve openly and offer condolences to each other. Decorative features include lamps and window curtains, which were always drawn if a coffin was stored in the vehicle overnight. This is based on the superstition that a departed spirit might be trapped by its own reflection in the glass and would be unable to pass on to the other world. It also helped to keep the bodies cool in the summer months. Please Note: The Ghost Bus Tours take no responsibility for items left on the bus, personal items are carried at the owners risk and The Ghost Bus can take no responsibility for items damaged or lost. Smoking, eating and drinks other than bottled water are not permitted on the bus. There are no toilet facilities on the bus. The vehicle is a 1966 Routemaster and it has not been possible to make the entrance wheelchair accessible.
Languages Living History Audio Guide at Beatles Story Albert Dock has been compiled and is narrated by John Lennon's sister Julia and is complimentary. Ten languages: Brazilian Portuguese (new), English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin (new) Polish, Russian and Spanish. We also have a family audio guide in English. Accessibility Parking – Albert Dock has a number of car parks on site and has in total eight accessible car parking bays, with three available in car park A, near to the estate’s main entrance and five in car park B opposite The Beatles Story and Premier Inn hotel. Wheelchairs – The exhibition is fully wheelchair accessible. Due to fire evacuation procedures, we can only admit three wheelchairs on site at any one time. We have a standard wheelchair available which can either be booked in advance by telephoning +44 (0) 151 709 1963 or borrowed on the day by asking a member of staff at the main entrance (subject to availability on the day). Lifts – We have two accessible lifts: One situated at our main entrance (accompanied with audio announcements) and one located in our Fab4 Store going down to the Fab4 Cafe. Toilets – Wheelchair-accessible toilets are available within the exhibition and also in the Fab4 Cafe area. Please see a member of staff for assistance. Induction Loops – Induction loops are available to use with our audio guides. Please see a member of staff when picking up your audio guide. Large Print Gallery Books – We have large print transcripts available in all 10 languages offered on our audio guide, which are available at our Admissions desk. Please ask a member of staff for more details. Guide Dogs – Guide dogs are welcome. Sign Language – Should you require sign language assistance, please contact us on +44 (0) 151 709 1963 and we will check staff availability to ensure that help is on hand during your day of visit. Cloakroom – Our cloakroom allows guests to store coats, prams/buggies and suitcases. Fab4 Cafe – The Fab4 Cafe is located on basement level and is accessible via the exhibition and our Fab4 Store. The Fab4 Cafe is partially self-served – however, assistance is available if required.
En 1762, John Montagu, el cuarto Conde de Sandwich, tenía las manos llenas, literalmente. Como Primer lord del Mar, comando la poderosa marina Británica, fue un destacado explorador, y también un jugador con una gran afición por los juegos de cartas. Todo esto le dejaba con poco tiempo para comer, así que se le ocurrió la ingeniosa idea (algunos dicen que en la mesa de juego) de poner carne entre dos rebanadas de pan. A partir de entonces, no importaba si estaba luchando en una gran batalla naval, o poniendo sobre el tapete una escalera real, ya que podía comer una fantástica comida sin mucho esfuerzo. Así en 1762, el Sándwich fue llamado como su inventor, John Montagu, el cuarto Conde de Sándwich. Ahora, 250 años después, el onceavo Conde y la familia Sándwich siguen apasionados por la comida rápida más conocida en el mundo y que lleva su nombre EL MEJOR SÁNDWICH CALIENTE DE TODO EL MUNDO® Los sándwiches calientes están en el corazón del menú. Su carne está recién cortada y asada al momento. Todos los sándwiches calientes se hacen por encargo, usando ingredientes frescos de gran cualidad, y servidos en su propio pan horneado artesanal untado con salsas únicas. Menú Full Monthy Sándwich o ensalada de la casa + Bolsa de patatas + Refresco o botella de agua de 50 cl + Pieza de fruta o Brownie de chocolate Menú Explorer Sándwich o ensalada de la casa + Bolsa de patatas + Refresco o botella de agua de 50 cl Menú Infantil: Sándwich (jamón y queso) o Pizza o Pasta (pollo, mozarela) o Hot-dog + Refresco + Postre (poste de chocolate o macedonia)
Mit dem Magic Your Way - Base Ticket haben Sie Zutritt zu einem Park pro Tag im Magic Kingdom Park, Epcot, Disney's Hollywood Studios and Disney's Animal Kingdom Theme Park
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Ihr Ticket ist undatiert, Beim ersten Besuch wird es aktiviert. Ab diesem Moment ist das Ticket 14 Tage lang gültig. Sie müssen die Prks nicht an aufeinander folgenden Tagen besuchen.
Öffnungszeiten Die Öffnungszeiten können sich im Verlauf des Jahres ändern. Von April bis August gelten erweiterte Öffnungszeiten.
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Wenn die Sonne über dem abenteuerreichen Tag untergehterwacht der Tree of Life mit Farben und Licht, die Discovery Island Carnivale startet während die Harmonie der Natur in einer Light Show mit Musik gefeiert wird. Vergessen Sie nicht die Festival of the Lion King Show - eine wunderbare Show wie am Broadway.
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Two monuments in one! Visit two of Paris’s historical monuments: The Conciergerie and the Sainte-Chapelle. The Sainte-Chapelle : The first of the Holy Chapels to be decorated with exceptional stained-glass windows. Known for having housed Christ’s Crown of Thorns, it has spectacular stained-glass windows. Veritable walls of light that make the Sainte-Chapelle the jewel of French Gothic. N.B: The Conciergerie / Sainte- Chapelle will be exceptionally closed the 06.23.2014 The Conciergerie: On the Île de la Cité, exceptional Gothic rooms of the first royal palace in Paris and reproduction of the prison cells of the revolutionary tribunal. At the end of the 17th century, numerous people were imprisoned in the prison of the Conciergerie, including Marie-Antoinette. Listed a historical building by Unesco. Self-guided tour of the two monuments (visit the same day) Tickets are hard copy tickets that you can only exchange at the Paris Story (11bis Rue Scribe, 75009 Paris, near Galeries Lafayette) by presenting your voucher 365Tickets. Free for under 18s, and 18-25s from the European Union.