The ultimate pedal for enduro racing and riding.The mallet E was developed with the help some well known enduro athletes. 12% smaller than the Mallet DH pedals but with many of its well loved features.There are 2 different axle lengths available 52mm or 57mm (the 57mm pedal is only available in a half black/half blue colour option). The 52mm will provide an engagement point and Q factor similar to other brands of pedals. If you have been previously using the Mallet DH pedal you may benefit from using the longer axle version. Riders who prefer a wider Q factor / have less crankarm / pedal clearance may also benefit from the longer axle pedals.Available in black or blue colour options with the standard 52mm axle or half black / half blue with the longer 57mm axle.Concave pedal platform for secure foothold. Like it’s DH equivalent you get that flat pedal feel whilst running clipless.49g lighter and 12% smaller pedal body than the crankbrothers Mallet DH pedal with a 52mm Q-Factor compared to 57mm on the DH equivalent.Ribbed body allows for better traction when unclippedChamfered edges for reduction in rock strikesExcellent mud-shedding: the design is very open.4-sided entry: clip in on all 4 sides of the pedal, by pushing forward or pulling backwards on the pedal.Increased float: 6° of side-to-side rotational play. The float of the pedal allows for the rider to shift positions on the bike, while keeping their feet clipped into the pedal. This allows for improved rider control and bike handling.Fit adjustment: crankbrothers premium cleats can be adjusted for either 15° or 20° release angle. Zero-float cleats can be purchased separately (link to these).Customise the fit between your shoe/pedal interface by using integrated traction pads. The pedals come with the 1mm tread pads fitted and include set of 2mm pads in the box.Outer enduro cartridge bearing is designed specifically for pedals. Enduro use superior materials, grease and sealing on their bearings which are designed especially for use on a bike.Inner igus LL-glide bearing has been exclusively formulated for crankbrothers. It performs in even the most adverse conditions out on the trails. Double seal system combines a double lip internal seal and a new external seal to keep water and debris from entering the pedal.crankbrothers pedals are fully re-buildable for simple maintenance. There is a consistency in parts across all pedal models, which allows for ease of servicing, this is easily done using the pedal refresh kit (CRB-16051)
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The Accuri sets the benchmark for premium performance at an obtainable price allowing you to silently focus on your competition. Crafted from the finest materials, the Accuri ensures optimal performance with an enhanced field of vision. Features
Lens: Comes equipped with anti-fog, scratch resistant Lexan lens for unimpaired vision. Shares the same lens shape across the product line Lens Attachment: 9 pin lens retention system. The highest number of retention points in the industry ensures a secure fit Strap: Oversized 45mm silicon coated strap holds your goggles motionless Simplicity: All 100% Adult MX goggles share the same lens and tear-off profile In the Box: Mirrored Lens models include: An extra clear lens and a sublimated microfiber bag. Clear Lens models include: A sublimated microfiber bag
Stable Drive System,This Bafang front drive motor, which is compatible with the disc brake, has a rated power of 500W, providing ideal power for vehicles. Strong and efficient, this motor greatly enhances riding comfort and is suitable for touring bikes, commuter bikes and mountain bikes. Complete Accessories,Comes with all necessary accessories. front wheel & motor, controller, brake lever, thumb throttle, controller case,Bafang LCD display (optional),extension cable, PAS,1T4 cable,LED light.
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