Ensembles de tubes souples en silicone rechargeable
L'Hemisfèric’s function is as a projection hall with three separate systems projecting onto a curved 900sq.m screen above more than 300 patrons. There’s an Imax dome, a 3D digital screen and digital full dome projections, often of an astronomical nature. Lie back and be transported to another dimension. All these dramatic features have earned nicknames such as the Eye of Knowledge and the Planetarium. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and in the case of L'Hemisfèric, it truly is a sight to behold. The Imax dome serves as the ‘pupil’ of the eye and the ‘eyelid’ opens and closes by means of hydraulic lifts, which operate the steel and glass shutter. The building itself is surrounded by a massive pond, the bottom of which is glass, creating the illusion of the eye as a whole. The interior boasts a delightful little effect that allows you and a friend to stand at two opposite pillars inside the eye that allow you to talk with each other as if you were side by side.
Para explorar la ciudad hay disponibles dos rutas: La Ruta Roja que viaja a lo largo del International Drive desde los Premium Outlets hasta Sea World, el recorrido continúa por la parte sur del Iternational Drive y termina en los Premium Outlets. Hay 77 prácticos trolebuses que llegan aproximadamente cada 20 minutos. La Ruta Verde empieza en el distrito de negocios Major Boulevard, viaja a lo largo del Universal Boulevard hasta la parte sur del International Drive. Los trolebuses de esta ruta llegan aproximadamente cada 30 minutos. Mapa y paradas de las dos rutas disponibles
Porte-documents de passeport de portefeuille de poche de cou de voyage avec
Catégorie:Organisateur de Bagage,Organisateur de voyage,Trousse de Toilette,Trousse à Cosmétiques; Pour:Femme; Activité:Voyage; Quantité:1pc; Fonction Première:Vêtements; Matériau:Nylon; Dimensions:/; Type de Fermeture:Fermeture; Fonction:Durable,Grande Capacité,Suspendu,Multifonction,Rangement de Voyage,Portable,Etanche; Motif:Couleur Pleine