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Venga al castillo que se encuentra en la Aldea Blanca, antes de San Miguel. Una vez allí, se le dará un tabardo coloreado que le indicará dónde se sentará y a qué caballero podrá animar. Su comida se le servirá en la mesa pero no espere que le traigan cubiertos… ¡después de todo, se encuentra en la Edad Medieval! Así que podrá beberse la sopa de un sorbo y comer con los dedos. Mientras tanto, podrá animar a su caballero que tomará parte en las batallas. Los caballos bien entrenados son las estrellas del número y mientras este está en marcha, habrá barra libre de vino. El precio de la entrada incluye el espectáculo y la bebida, a mitad de precio para los niños. Déjese llevar y forme parte de una noche llena de diversión. Cuando termine el espectáculo, pasará a otra sala donde podrá bailar con la música de una banda y donde encontrará un bar por si aún tiene sed después de todo el vino. El castillo cierra alrededor de media noche. Para finalizar, podrá asistir a un espectáculo de flamenco antes de irse acasa después de una buena noche.
Your Journey: Departing from Queenstown, a knowledgeable driver will provide an informative commentary on the points of interest along one of the world’s most picturesque drives – The Milford Road. Stop for some great photo opportunities along the way, before enjoying a two hour cruise aboard one of our specially designed small boats in Milford Sound. Sit back and relax as you cruise the length of the 16km fiord, out past St Annes Point Lighthouse, while skipper highlights points of interest along the way, including the mighty Lady Bowen Falls, Lion Mountain, Copper Point, Seal Rock and Stirling Falls. Keep an eye out for local wildlife that can be found in the fiord, with New Zealand fur seals and dolphins spotted regularly, while occasionally the rare Fiordland Crested Penguin makes an appearance when in season. During the return journey we will have a brief refreshment break in the lakeside town of Te Anau. Once back on board you can sit back, relax and enjoy a NZ made movie on the in-coach DVD system. What to bring: Waterproof Jacket Sunscreen Warm Clothing Insect Repellent
Save up to 40% on admission to your choice of 3 or 5 top San Antonio attractions, tours, museums, and more for one low price with a San Antonio Explorer Pass. Pay nothing at the gate and choose as you go from lots of attractions, including CitySightseeing San Antonio, The Buckhorn Saloon and the Texas Ranger Museum, and more. And, get your choice of one of three premium attractions: SeaWorld™ San Antonio, Six Flags® Fiesta Texas, or Texas Hill Country & LBJ Ranch Tour. Get your Pass instantly via email and print it out or use it right on your phone. Save Money Save up to 40% off combined admission prices. Save Time Skip the line at select attractions. Flexibility Create your own itinerary from 20 top choices. Freedom Do as much as you want each day or take up to 30 days to use your pass. Insider Info Free map. Click here for a complete list of current attractions included with the San Antonio Explorer Pass Frequently Asked Questions Is this just a discount card? Will I still need to buy tickets? No. Passes include admission to each attraction; no need to pay anything at the gate. Some attractions may offer upgrades or special exhibits for an additional fee. How does the Premium Attraction choice work? You may choose one Premium Attraction as one of your San Antonio Explorer Pass attraction choices. So, if you purchased a 3-Choice San Antonio Explorer Pass, you may visit your choice of one Premium Attraction, plus, any two additional non-premium attractions. Where do I pick up my Rio San Antonio Cruise Ticket? Passengers must pick up their River Cruise ticket (by 4:55pm) prior to boarding at: San Antonio Visitor Center, 216 E Crockett Street, San Antonio, TX 78205. Do I need to choose my attractions in advance? Nope, choose as you go. The pass is good for any combination of the number of attractions you purchased. My child is under 3 years old. Can I get them a San Antonio Explorer Pass? Child Passes are recommended for children ages 3-11. Many attractions offer free admission for younger children. Please consult the attraction websites for more details. How do I activate my pass? Easy: simply visit your first attraction! Is the pass valid all day? You bet! Feel free to visit the attractions any time of the day as long as they are open or operating. What is your refund policy? Our Risk Free Guarantee gives you one year from your purchase date to return any non-activated passes for a full refund. How much will I save? Compare the price of the pass to the gate prices of the attractions you want to visit to see how much you can save. Many customers save 40%. We give you the flexibility to create your own itinerary and choose the attractions you want to visit depending on your interests. Can I visit an attraction more than once? No. Your pass includes only one visit per attraction. Does a San Antonio Explorer Pass expire? Yes. You have one year from the date of purchase to begin using your pass. After one year, it will expire. Do I need to make reservations to visit the attractions? Attractions that require a reservation will display a symbol on the guidebook page. Some attractions require a credit card to hold a reservation. In these cases, your credit card will not be charged unless you do not show up for your reservation. What’s the catch? There’s no catch. San Antonio Explorer Pass has a partnership with all of the participating attractions to make your visit to San Antonio as memorable as possible and to help you save time and money. Can I share my pass with a friend or sell it? No. The San Antonio Explorer Pass is non-transferrable and may not be re-sold. What happens if an attraction is closed or a tour is cancelled due to weather or other problem? While we do our best to ensure that all attractions are available, events happen that are out of our control. The great thing about a San Antonio Explorer Pass is that there are so many attractions to choose from. If an attraction is closed, or cannot be visited for some reason, we know you'll find a fun alternative in your guidebook!
Las rocas de Montserrat son de un cemento natural de arena que durante siglos han sido modificadas por el viento y la lluvia, es por ello que tienen esa forma tan extraña y variada. La imaginación popular ha visto formas humanas o animales en alguno de sus picos, dándoles nombre e inventando leyendas para explicar su fantástico origen. Visitará la Real Basílica de Montserrat, la cual acoge la talla románica del siglo XII, la Verge Moreneta (la Virgen Negra). El santuario de Montserrat Benedicto fue fundado en el año 1025 y ofrece un telón de fondo místico de la Virgen de Montserrat, patrona de Cataluña, que está consagrado en la Real Basílica del monasterio. El pequeño monasterio pronto comenzó a recibir a peregrinos y visitantes que han contribuido a la difusión de historias de milagros y prodigios realizados por la Virgen. Hoy, Montserrat ha sido modernizada para seguir atendiendo las necesidades de los peregrines mil años después de su fundación. Tendrá tiempo libre para poder visitar la sala de audiovisuales en donde se proyectan imágenes de la historia y creación del monasterio. Y también podrá degustar los típicos licores creados por los monjes del monasterio. La escolanía de Montserrat es uno de los coros de niños cantores más antiguos de Europa (S.XIV). Los días que hay canto podrán admirar sus magníficas actuaciones. El calendario de actuaciones está sujeto al calendario escolar y a eventos especiales de la escolanía y del monasterio.