Designed as an imaginary journey behind the scenes of the film, this interactive audio tour immerses you in secret, captivating world of the 7th Art with the creation of a film through a series of sets: projection room, principal's office, film set… It is also a unique opportunity to go behind the scenes of a monument of French heritage rich in history and boasting its original decor since 1932. Highlights : Starting every 5 minutes / duration of 50 minutes Not accessible route to people with reduced mobility Visit recommended from 5 years, available in French only. Please note that the visit of the Rex Studios will be closed from Monday 18th September to Friday 6th October 2017.
¡Disfrute de la vida marina, el cine y la diversión en el Aquarium de Paris! Esta atracción única en el corazón de París combina pantallas marinas de vanguardia con las más modernas técnicas de presentación audiovisual. Vea el colorido mundo marino de cerca. Descubra 43 acuarios que contienen más de 10 000 peces e invertebrados marinos, incluidos 25 tiburones, una piscina sensitiva, 2 cines, varios espectáculos y charlas informativas que le brindarán a usted y su familia un día mágico. Camine a través del túnel de 11 metros y sumérjase con los peligrosos habitantes de las profundidades. ¡Es una experiencia como ninguna otra! También hay un montón de cosas prácticas. A los niños les encantan las piscinas donde se puede tocar y alimentar a los peces. Si nunca ha acariciado una carpa, esta es su oportunidad. Descubra los secretos del cine a través de espectaculares escenarios, actividades interactivas, efectos especiales inspirados en escenas míticas. ¡Hay algo para todos en el Aquarium de París!
Grand Carillon (2017) In the middle of the Village from XVIII, Grand Carillon is an unusual musical that will take you back in time. At 16 meters from the ground, the ringers twirl and hit 70 giant bells to the rhythm of the most famous tunes: a spectacular melodic choreography! Le Signe du Triomphe After the highly-charged atmosphere of the Gallo-Roman Stadium, relax with a spell in the Middle Ages. In the Medieval City, admire the expertise of the master craftsmen before setting off on an adventure with ‘The Knights of the Round Table’. Les Vikings After witnessing the assault by the Viking longboats and being serenaded by the Traditional Musicians, take time out to visit the Fort of the Year Thousand and travel through time in the Puy du Fou Odyssey. Le Secret de la Lance Leave the Hundred Years War behind and go through the moat to discover a wide range of activities for the whole family and the Grand Parc’s new show «The Lovers of Verdun». Mousquetaire de Richelieu By the Grand Carrousel, the wonderful French gardens lead you to the Imaginary World of La Fontaine. Then experience the Belle Epoque atmosphere of the Market Town in 1900. Le Bal des Oiseaux Fantômes Deep in the ancient forest, Puy du Fou’s natural surroundings become part of a unique show. From the birds of prey aviaries to Flower Valley, enjoy wandering through a world in which nature reasserts itself. Les Orgues de Feu The Puy du Fou is also the kingdom of children. They are fascinated by the shows and have fun in the Grand Parc’s games and entertainment, before the magic of the Organs of Fire.
Si le entra el hambre, podrá escoger entre cinco restaurantes mexicanos e internacionales. Además también podrá quedarse a presenciar el show nocturno, donde se combinan rituales mayas, demostraciones de rodeo e increíbles acrobacias, en un escenario exterior iluminado por antorchas. Con esta excursión necesitará su propio transporte hacia el lugar. Aviso: algunas de las atracciones de Xcaret tienen un coste adicional. Este paquete incluye entrada al parque, show nocturno, comida tipo bufet, refrescos, guía, taquilla y alquiler de equipo de snorkel. Acuérdese de traer traje de baño y toalla, crema solar biodegradable, gorro, ropa de recambio y dinero adicional. Los niños entre 0 y 4 años entran gratis. Los niños entre 5 y 11 años pagan la mitad del precio de adulto si presentan el documento de identidad. También se deberá mostrar al subirse al tour. En caso de que los niños no tengan documento de identidad se aplicará una política de alturas. Los niños de menos de 1 metro de altura entran gratis. Entre 1 metro y 1,40 metros pagan la mitad del precio de adulto y los niños de más de 1,41 metros pagan como un adulto.
Embark on a fun New York City adventure when you reserve a Central Park Rowboat through
L'Hemisfèric’s function is as a projection hall with three separate systems projecting onto a curved 900sq.m screen above more than 300 patrons. There’s an Imax dome, a 3D digital screen and digital full dome projections, often of an astronomical nature. Lie back and be transported to another dimension. All these dramatic features have earned nicknames such as the Eye of Knowledge and the Planetarium. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and in the case of L'Hemisfèric, it truly is a sight to behold. The Imax dome serves as the ‘pupil’ of the eye and the ‘eyelid’ opens and closes by means of hydraulic lifts, which operate the steel and glass shutter. The building itself is surrounded by a massive pond, the bottom of which is glass, creating the illusion of the eye as a whole. The interior boasts a delightful little effect that allows you and a friend to stand at two opposite pillars inside the eye that allow you to talk with each other as if you were side by side.