ROTH Schultüten-Sortiment, rund, 700 mm sortiert in den wichtigsten Motiven für Jungen und Mädchen, - 1 Stück (6770991)
With an Abscent bag, you can assure that you are getting a high-quality product that is going to last you for the long run. Made of premium fabric and lined with activated carbon, these bags will make sure that unwanted smells are kept within the odor-resistant bag. Bags are also antimicrobial and offer you plenty of room for your things when you travel with it! Lockable to keep it even safer and a guard to assure the zipper is water resistant as well, these bags are the only ones you will need. Each bag is 10" 6" x 6"
3 praktische Wassertank-Pinsel mit drei verschiedenen Pinselspitzen: ▪ 2,5 mm x 14 mm ▪ 4 mm x 16 mm ▪ 6 mm x 17 mm Der praktische Wassertank-Pinsel vereint Pinsel und Wasserglas in einem, das Wasserglas wird überflüssig. Durch leichten Druck lässt sich das Wasser prezise dosieren, wodurch sich der Pinsel besonders für die Aquarelltechnik eignet.
23mm square paper label - 1000 labels to fit QL1050/500/550/570/580N/650TD
Enjoy a smooth smoke when you use this fun but iconic Sherlock pipe. Conveniently shaped to stand so that you dont need to worry about it, this pipe is made of high-quality silicone that is easy to clean and care for. Youre sure to fall in love with this wonderfully crafted pipe when you enjoy your smokes with it! Enjoy a whimsical yet distinguished smoking experience with this pipe. Colors may vary.