Quirky, unique, and colorful. This funky little glass pipe is made of a durable, color twisted glass and is shaped like an elephant! A perfect addition or replacement pipe for any smoking connoisseur.
These smoking rings from RAW are a must-have accessory for the people who love and live the RAW lifestyle! These high-quality rings come in your choice of a gold or black finish, as well as a flat top featuring the red RAW logo. From the sides, there is even a space for your smoke so the ring can act as a tip, so you can enjoy it with style! These rings are durable and a great addition to any collection for the RAW enthusiast!
These smoking rings from RAW are a must-have accessory for the people who love and live the RAW lifestyle! These high-quality rings come in your choice of a gold or black finish, as well as a flat top featuring the red RAW logo. From the sides, there is even a space for your smoke so the ring can act as a tip, so you can enjoy it with style! These rings are durable and a great addition to any collection for the RAW enthusiast!
These Grape cones from Juicy Jays are one and a quarter inch long and are "sooo... JUICY". Theyre pure hemp papers and are printed with soy ink. Its ingredients include natural gum sugar made in Spain which is the birthplace of rolling paper! Each smell proof tube comes with 2 cones and a filling tool.
With a glossy and chic black shell, this beautiful compact from Jane West holds everything that you need to enjoy a night out with your smokes! The Compact is a perfect addition to your purse or makeup bag, and can easily hold your sesh kit when you are going out on the town. The inside features a non-slip cradle that holds the signature Jane West one-hitter, as well as a compartment for your legal smoking herbs and lighter. The top features a mirror so you can touch up your makeup, and then you can pack it all away again and enjoy your night out!