Antiseptique et anti-inflammatoire, le savon Clear Acnyl au Soufre de Makari reduit les eruptions de boutons et regule la production de sebum.
To intensely purify, moisturise & detox skin, the Emuaid Moisture Bar is perfect for damaged, irritated & dry skin. To boost renewal of skin, Emu, Tea Tree & Jojoba Oils are used in the Emuaid Moisture Bar. The all-natural formula is triple milled for a smooth touch, and is face and body friendly.
Natural DNA regenerator (Cat’s Claw) Contains alkaloids with antiviral and immune-stimulant properties. Protective effect against DNA mutation. Presumed anti-cancer effects.
EmuCare Champu fue formulado para el cuero cabelludo seco y escamoso, con Aceite de Emu natural. El champu EmuCare esta constituido ademas con romero calmante, para purificar e hidratar la piel profundamente. Los mejores resultados provienen de un uso regular y continuo.
Makari Exclusive Lotion fights dark spots, scars, acne marks & hyperpigmentation. Makari Exclusive Lotion can be applied daily to all skin types.
Eco Masters Exclusive Aufhellungsseife ist ideal zur Behandlung von Pigmentflecken und Verfarbungen der Haut, mit zwei beruhigenden, reinigenden Waschriegeln. Zur Reinigung von Talgruckstanden enthalt Eco Masters Exclusive Soap Extrakte aus Mandeln fur eine einfache, einmal tagliche Anwendung.