Admission to KSCVC includes all of the exhibits, attractions, the IMAX theatre tickets and a very comprehensive bus tour to the Apollo/Saturn V Center. It is easy to spend a full day at KSCVC, particularly if you would like to add on 'Lunch With an Astronaut*' or one of the special interest guided tours. Hotels are plentiful in nearby Titusville or the Cocoa Beach area, just south of Cape Canaveral. *Additional fee, to be paid direct at KSCVC. Orlando Balloon Rides Orlando Balloon Rides is the Premier Balloon Company in Central Florida and is the largest passenger ride operator on the Eastern seaboard of the United States. The well established companies of Blue Water Balloons and Orange Blossom Balloons have merged to form Orlando Balloon Rides. They fly thousands of people a year in balloons specifically designed and engineered for passenger comfort. Their balloons are all 2007 models or newer and have all the latest safety features with you in mind. Orlando Balloons are most proud of their 100%, unblemished safety record. Their reputation has been built over many years and Orlando Balloon Rides is held with great regard not only by the ballooning community but also in the travel and tourist industry. The company holds contracts with more than 80 national and international tour and travel operators as well as many local guest service organizations. These contracts cover many American and Canadian operators, every British Tour Company, the top 7 Japanese Tour Companies and many other European operators. They are the only company in the South East US contracted to fly guests from AAA motor club.
¡Descubre las profundidades! 1 km de viaje dividido en 5 mundos: el Viejo Mundo, el Nuevo Mundo, la Jungla, los Jardines y el Gran Azul . 55 tanques. 8.000 ejemplares de 700 especies. En las que se incluyen tiburones, peces payasos, peces cirujanos, tiburones martillos, peces globos y muchos más... Uno de los tanques de tiburones más profundos en Europa (con 8,5 m de profundidad contiene 3,5 millones de litros de agua salada natural). La mayor muestra de corales vivos de Europa. El único paisaje visto de una vez, uno de los más bonitos y diversos ecosistemas del mundo (un hábitat explorado normalmente solo por buceadores experimentados). Pantallas táctiles interactivas y educativas. Piscinas interactivas táctiles (con estrellas de mar, con erizos de mar y muchos más). Alberga la única exposición dedicada al problema del atún rojo. El área de la Jungla es la jungla de azotea más grande de Europa y recrea fielmente el microclima, la fauna, la flora y las cascadas de la Cuenca del Amazonas. 2 áreas de juego para niños (en el área exterior: el barco pirata, el castillo hinchable y el área de chapoteo. En el interior: zona de juegos blandos) Entretenimiento y diversión para todas las edades: Guías multilingües del océano con amplio conocimiento. Entretenimiento de niños (pinta caras, guerras de globos de agua, mini disco...). Alimentación/Charlas durante el día en español, inglés y alemán. Actividades extra: Barco para ver a los tiburones. Bucea con tiburones. Buceo/ Buceo con tubo con rayas (solo en verano). Nuestros valores: Nuestra filosofía es: conocer para valorar, valorar para proteger. El único centro de recuperación y rehabilitación de Mallorca (área vedada). Información de utilidad: Diversión para todas las edades con independencia del tiempo. Zonas de comida, en los que se incluye el buffet y comida a la carta. Wi-Fi gratuito. A pocos minutos del aeropuerto, la playa, el Centro Comercial Fan Mallorca y Palma. Paradas de transportes públicos justo fuera. Aparcamiento público exterior y subterráneo. Premio de accesibilidad (totalmente accesible para coches capota y sillas de ruedas).
See Cirque du Soleil's LUZIA at the Big Top at Citi Field with tickets at great prices from
Adapted, easy version designed for people with reduced mobility. If you walk with the aid of a stick, need a wheelchair to get around, or get tired when you have to stand for too long, this is the guided accessible route through the Gothic Quarter. An itinerary adapted to your needs! A walk through the centre of Barcelona to find out what the Roman colony of Barcino was like and about the changes that have taken place over the centuries… or curious facts such as why the Gothic Quarter is said to be a 20th-century "invention". Discover details and anecdotes that will reveal a new way of connecting to the architectural heritage around you. Experience the atmosphere of this historic neighbourhood and take part in its everyday activities which are constantly evolving and often surprising.
The ultimate night out in New York awaits on Hornblower's Rock the Yacht Cruise with tickets at great prices from
Currumbin Wildlife Hospital Sanctuary guests can have a bird’s eye view of the vets working, and can experience the depth that Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary has for the care and welfare of the Australian native animal population. See xrays, ultrasounds and endoscopes streamed live on a flat screen for guests to observe during the procedure. Even watch from a surgeons eye view by a camera mounted on the surgical light! Free Flight Bird Show National Trust Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary presents the Free Flight Bird Show! Meet some of Australia’s most beautiful species of birds from the largest bird in flight, the Australian pelican, to the colourful parrots, birds of prey, endangered species and the majestic wedge-tailed eagle. Marvel at the beauty of these incredible creatures as they free-fly across the audience in a wonderful display set against the Sanctuary’s natural environment. Make sure you hang around to have your photo taken with a bird of prey at the end of the show! Crocodile Live Show Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary is excited to have Boss Hog as a new member of the team. At almost five meters in length this massive salt water crocodile is an incredible sight to see. Come and learn about Boss Hog and his girlfriend Lilly as well as see the fresh water crocodiles.