Inclusions: Sea to Sky: Scenic touring from Howe Sound into the Coast Mountain Range Shannon Falls Park: Towering display of Mother Nature's force Sea to Sky Gondala Admission: Spend approximately 1.5 hours at the top of Habrich Ridge to enjoy sweeping views of the Howe Sound coastal forest and surrounding mountains Tantalus Glacier Range: Spectacular view of Mount Tantalus Glacier, 2603 meters above the Squamish River (weather permitting) Whistler Village: Home base for many 2010 Olympic events, pedestrian village with eclectic shops, artisan cafes, and scenic hiking trails
Please note that this combo ticket must be collected at Dublin Airport, Terminal 1, Travel Information Desk. Opening Hours: Monday - Saturday 8am - 9.30pm Sunday - 9am - 5.30pm
Hollywood Made Here!
Touch, tour and explore the iconic 110-acre backlot
Visit the actual working sets and soundstages
Explore the legendary Prop Department
Sit in the iconic couch from FRIENDS
Discover the expansive Picture Car Vault
Learn how we make movies - Stage 48: Script to Screen
The Legacy Room
Tours available in English and Spanish (Monday to Friday at 09:30/12:00/15:00)
Backlots and soundstages
Housed on our 110-acre studio backlot, the Warner Bros. Studio Tour Archive features two floors of iconic memorabilia that tells the story of how all of your favorite movies and TV shows came to life.
This interactive exhibit pays homage to the origins of DC Comics, including original comic books featuring all seven Super Heroes of the Justice League. Studio Tour guests will be able to play three of WB Games' most popular DC games: Batman: Arkham Knight, Injustice: Gods Among Us, and Lego Batman. Additionally, guests will be able to explore authentic props and costumes from "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" and an exclusive sneak peek at David Ayer's upcoming "Suicide Squad" on a rotating basis.
Highlights of the interactive experience include the original Belle Reve prison cell set once occupied by Harley Quinn (portrayed on-screen by Margot Robbie) in “Suicide Squad,” as well as the Bat lab in the Batcave from Ben Affleck’s first outing as Batman in “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" Guests will have the opportunity to interact with Kryptonite, Superman’s sole weakness and see striking Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman costumes.The authentic costumes of Lois, Clark, Alfred, and Bruce Wayne, original Bat Lab in the Bat Cave set pieces, and much more will also be on display.
Reveal the magic of the celebrated HARRY POTTER film series when you visit the Archive. For a limited time, you’ll see many of the costumes and props that appeared in all eight blockbuster movies. Get sorted by the sorting hat and see what house you belong to.
The Picture Car Vault
Our Picture Car Vault has been transformed into the BATCAVE. For a limited time, you can see all the incredible Batmobiles used in the celebrated film series like the TUMBLER, the BATHAMMER, the BAT-POD, and more.
The Prop Department
Home to more than 450,000 registered artifacts, the Warner Bros. Prop Department contains countless treasures used in nearly a century's worth of entertainment. From Casablanca to The Hangover, you'll see history unfold right before your eyes during your journey through the largest prop department in the world.
Stage 48: Script to screen
Our L.A studio tour guests will be able to discover firsthand how our TV programs and movies are created from start to finish in this new interactive soundstage.
Warner Bros. Studio Tour Hollywood proudly presents Stage 48: Script to Screen. This interactive soundstage explores phases of the film and television production process. Here is where you see how Hollywood is made.
Our knowledgeable tour guides will happily answer all of your production-related questions—and reveal even more of Hollywood’s best-kept secrets—during this 45-minute, self-guided experience at one of the best things to do in Los Angeles.
Before the first camera rolls, the writing and casting phase must be picture perfect. Our pre-production soundstage brings these key components into focus. Here, you can build your very own Batmobile at one of our interactive design stations and shift your creativity into overdrive!
As you experience one of the best attractions in LA, you’ll gain insight into the craft of costume design from the talented artists behind the wardrobes featured in Sweeney Todd and Man of Steel. Plus, our interactive design stations let you design your own costume with styles inspired by the fabrics, headpieces and gowns seen in Camelot, Sweeney Todd and The Great Gatsby. Our pre-production experience also includes a high-definition touch screen casting table where you can view the authentic headshots and audition reels from some of your favorite actors like Oscar® winner Leonardo DiCaprio, the cast of The Vampire Diaries, and more!
In production, you’ll learn firsthand how actors and directors make the unforgettable scenes that keep you glued to your seat.
Our production soundstage features the authentic Central Perk set from the hit TV show Friends where you can record a real screen test and reenact scenes from one of the funniest episodes.
Fans of The Lord of the Rings films visiting the Los Angeles can return to Middle-earth and be a part of the mind-bending special effect known as ‘forced perspective filming’, as seen in The Fellowship of the Ring. Don’t forget to take plenty of pictures! Our production soundstage also includes the famous Malibu beach house set from Two and a Half Men, the authentic Russian Soyuz capsule from the 2013 science fiction thriller Gravity, and much more.
The final finishing touches that turn a director’s vision into reality are added in post-production. Join in the movie making magic yourself by riding the Nimbus 2000 or Firebolt brooms seen in the Harry Potter film series or ride the Bat-pod through the streets of Gotham in our green screen experience just like the actors do while filming. We’ll also reveal the secrets behind the visual effect known as ‘motion capture.’
You’ll also see how green screen technology was used to create the celestial, deep space visuals in Gravity and the thrilling fight sequences in The Matrix. Our post-production soundstage includes a fully equipped, state-of-the-art recording studio. Once inside, you’ll learn how speech, sound effects and music are all added to film by examining the soundtrack from Gravity, which won Oscars® for Sound Editing and Sound Mixing.
The Warner Bros. Legacy Room is a striking visual testament to the passion, creativity and determination of the studio’s four founding brothers—Albert, Jack, Sam and Harry Warner. Along with a towering collection of awards the studio has earned, the room features many iconic costumes and props from some of the biggest movies and television shows in entertainment history.
On display, guests will see Harry Callahan’s handgun from Dirty Harry, Maggie’s boxing gloves from Million Dollar Baby, the authentic Blimp Model featured in the science fiction classic Blade Runner, and many more unforgettable pieces from the Warner Bros. archives.BATMAN
Studio Cafe
Studio Retail Store
Starbucks Coffee
Free Wifi
Wheelchair Friendly
Highlights: The venue is an 80,000 square feet mini-city that combines play with learning through an innovative approach. KidZania activities promotes psychomotor, cognitive, emotional and social development in children. The park is managed with a high ratio of trained staff to kids and a wristband policy to monitor kids’ activities. The official currency is KidZos which kids can earn, spend or save. AVAILABLE PACKAGES: Economy - 50 Kidzos Economy Plus - 100 Kidzos + Fast Track to x3 establishments in Kidzania + 1 x AED 20 Squq & Retail voucher + 2 x AED 20 F&B voucher Toodler - 50 Kidzos Why not try our other popular attraction in Dubai like - Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo in Dubai Mall or Burj Khalifa with Explorer Pass?
Como hogar a 2 de las atracciones TOP de Nueva York – la Estatua de la Libertad y el Museo y Memorial 9/11 – Bajo Manhattan es un lugar al que vienen todos los visitantes. Aproveche al máximo su tiempo en la Gran Manzana con este tour completo, con guías locales en pequeños grupos de 20 personas o más.
El tour empieza temprano, en Battery Park. Saldrá hacia la isla de la Libertad, con entrada exprés para el ferri, de tal manera que no deberá hacer colas y podrá conseguir los mejores asientos - y como que salimos tan temprano (normalmente en el primer ferri, dependiendo de la época del año), llegará a la estatua antes que las grandes multitudes. Una vez allí, podrá disfrutar de fabulosas vistas de la ciudad y de un recorrido guiado que le llevará al pedestal, permitiéndole acercarse a la gran dama más que en una visita normal.
A continuación, volverá al ferri y se dirigirá a la isla Ellis, donde podrá seguir los pasos de 12 millones de inmigrantes. Con su guía experto, caminará por las Escaleras de la Separación y se pondrá en el lugar de todas aquellas personas.
Explorará la colección y las exposiciones interactivas de museo, con la oportunidad de hacer preguntas a su guía.
Aquí es donde termina su primera parte del tour, aproximadamente 3 horas antes de la segunda parte en la ruta por el Bajo Manhattan, tendrá tiempo libre para explorar la isla si le apetece, antes de subir al ferri de regreso a Battery Park (incluido en el precio) y comer algo por su cuenta mientras va hacia el lugar de encuentro de la actividad de la tarde.
Más que solo visitar el memorial y el museo, queremos ofrecerle una imagen completa de todo lo que ocurrió en este día fatídico. Con un guía local, aprenderá cómo el suceso impactó a la comunidad (y al resto del mundo) y la dura recuperación de la ciudad.
El tour empieza en la capilla de San Pablo, aquí es donde se juntaron los amigos y familiares de las personas que presenciaron el ataque para darse soporte y rezar.
A continuación, visitará el Memorial Eleven Tears, un memorial conmovedor y personal que conmemora los 11 empleados de American Express que murieron el 9/11.
Después de esto, se dirigirán hacia la Planta Zero, para ver las impresionantes Piscinas del Memorial 9/11, cada una construida en la basa de las torres gemelas, e inscritas con los nombres de todas las personas que fallecieron en el ataque. Su guía le llevará también al Memorial de los Bomberos y se dará cuenta de gran coraje de aquellas personas y de los que trabajaron a contrarreloj para salvar las víctimas del ataque. El Árbol Superviviente es un lugar con el que quizás no se había fijado antes pero de gran interés.
La última parada del tour la realizará por su cuenta en el One World Observatory. Con entradas pre-reservadas no deberá hacer cola para acceder a la atracción.
Guía local experto
Entradas para el pedestal
Tour guiado por la Estatua de la Libertad y el Museo de la isla Ellis.
Todos los billetes de ferri necesarios entre Battery Park, la Estatua de la Libertad y la Isla Ellis.
Billete exprés para el ferri desde Battery Park (para ahorrarse las colas)
Entradas prereservadas para el One World Observatory
Pequeños grupos de 20 o menos personas
Corona de la Estatua de la Libertad
Recogida en su hotel
Comida y bebida
Transporte entre los dos tours
Lugares que se visitan:
Museo de la Estatua de la Libertad y Pedestal
Museo de la Isla Ellis
Monumento Nacional del Castillo Clinton
Pier A Harbor House (desde el exterior)
Memorial de los Marineros Comerciantes Americanos
The Sphere
Memorial a los Veteranos de la Guerra de Corea
One World Observatory (Visita no guiada)
Capilla de San Pablo
Árbol Superviviente
Winter Garden
Memorial de los Bomberos
One World Trade Center
Brookfield Place (formalmente conocido como World Financial Center)
Memorial American Express Eleven Tears
Piscinas del Memorial 9/11
Por favor tenga en cuenta que a partir del 1 de marzo 2018 ya no se incluirá en la visita los siguientes lugares:
Brookfield Place (formalmente conocido como World Financial Center)
Memorial American Express Eleven Tears
Winter Garden
Tenga en cuenta que esta excursión solo está disponible en inglés
Las plantas más famosas del observatorio (86th y 102nd) ofrecen vistas increíbles de la ciudad de Nueva York, e incluso durante un día claro se puede ver New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania y Delaware. A 320 metros del ajetreo de la ciudad, se encuentra el piso 86th con vistas desde una terraza de cristal. 200 metros más arriba se encuentra el piso 120nd, en un ambiente privado y tranquilo situado en el centro de la mejor ciudad. Empire State Building El observatorio ha sido una atracción de visita obligatoria para millones de visitantes cada año desde que abrió al público en 1931. Cada año, aproximadamente 4 millones de personas visitan las dos plantas. Podrá visitar el observatorio durante los 365 días del año, durante noche y día, llueva o haga sol, para contemplar las magníficas vistas de Manhattan. El Empire State Building alberga el sentimiento y espíritu de Nueva York. No es solamente conocida por su icónico paisaje que ofrece algunas de las vistas más espectaculares de la Tierra sino que también es reconocida como un símbolo internacional de esperanza, sueños y éxitos. Accesibilidad: disponemos de lavabos adaptados a personas con discapacidad, así como también paredes bajas y binoculares. Los perros guía pueden acceder al edificio acompañados de su propietario. También permitimos el acceso de vehículos motorizados y no motorizados. El piso 86th tiene rampas para facilitar el acceso. Información del edificio El observatorio de la planta 86 está a 320 metros de altura. El observatorio de la planta 102 está a 380 metros de altura. La antena de retransmisión se encuentra a 443 metros de altura. 103 pisos. 1.872 peldaños hasta el piso 103. El edificio ocupa 7.366 metros cuadrados. Pesa 365.000 toneladas. Su volumen es de 1.300 millones de metros cúbicos. Más de 7 millones de metros cúbicos de piedra caliza y granito de Indiana para el Revestimiento exterior. Aproximadamente 10 millones de ladrillos fueron utilizados en la construcción. Se usaron 730 toneladas de aluminio y acero inoxidable en su construcción. 57.000 toneladas de acero fueron usadas en la construcción. Contiene 761 km de cableado eléctrico y 113 km de cañerías. 6.514 ventanas. 210 columnas en la base que soportan todo el peso del edificio. La construcción duró unos 45 años. Hicieron falta 7 millones de horas de trabajo humano para construir el Empire State Building. El coste final de la propiedad ascendió a 41 millones de dólares. 73 ascensores. 5 entradas. 265.000 metros cuadrados habitables. Ripley's Believe It or Not! Odditorium is New York City's Must See Times Square attraction. What is an Odditorium you ask? An Odditorium is a museum like no museum you have ever seen in your lifetime - Believe It or Not! Venture off the hectic New York City streets to enter a world showcasing the odd and celebrating the weird and outlandish from around the world. Your self-guided adventure is sure to astonish as you come face to face and interact with remarkable relics and rare treasures from around the world in our New York City museum attraction. For over 40 years, Robert Ripley - the real-life Indiana Jones - traveled the world collecting the unbelievable, the inexplicable and the one-of-a-kind. His vast collections praised as “amazing”, “ludicrously strange” and “extremely amusing” are now on display in our exhibits for you to see, hear and touch, Believe It or Not! Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Times Square invites guests of all ages to experience the unbelievable mysteries of our world. As one of the most popular things to do in NYC, Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Times Square is home to rare artifacts and thrilling interactive exhibits. Our one-of-kind attraction welcomes visitors to immerse themselves in the unusual, the unexpected and the unbelievable. Only in Ripley’s Times Square will families rediscover wonder around every corner. A FAMILY FRIENDLY ATTRACTION IN TIMES SQUARE Ripley's Believe It or Not! Times Square showcases some of the most incredible exhibits found in New York City! While touring our amazing attraction you'll see unbelievable artifacts and treasures, many of which were collected by Robert Ripley himself. You will be utterly amazed and entertained with the astonishing exhibits and activities our unique attraction has to offer. OVER 500 UNIQUE AND UNBELIEVABLE EXHIBITS Along with seeing unbelievable sights, you and your family and friends will experience immersive interactive exhibits! Most importantly, you'll learn how diverse and weird our world really is! With over twenty themed galleries spanning two floors, our family friendly attraction in Times Square is the largest Ripley's in North America. Our NYC attraction is home to the most amazing interactive exhibits. Some of these amazing exhibits include: The Little Apple - A New York Experience The Impossible LaseRace™ The Black Hole