Sweetex Calorie Free Sweetener Tablets Sweetex Tablets are ideal for everyone wishing to cut down on sugar, as part of a healthier lifestyle. One Sweetex Tablet is equivalent to a 5ml teaspoon of sugar but with none of the calories. Use Sweetex Tablets instead of sugar in hot and cold drinks. Sweetex is also suitable for people with diabetes, providing it fits into the individual's diet and consumption levels are not excessive. Sweetex can help slimming or weight control only as part of a calorie controlled diet. Ingredients Sweetener (Sodium Saccharin), Anticaking Agents (Silicon Dioxide, Magnesium Stearate).
Früchte und Gemüse wie Artischoken, Mais, Zitrusfrüchte oder Ananas optimieren die Fettverbrennung. Guarana, grüner Tee oder Koffein machen jede Diät einfacher. Kombinieren Sie die Einnahme dieser Tabletten mit Ausdauersportarten oder Saunabesuchen – und Sie werden sich über sensationelle Ergebnisse freuen!
Maxmedix GynecoMAX are natural man boob pills designed with a premium formula and designed to help with the appearance of enlarged breasts in men. Containing the best ingredients including Zinc, Caffeine, Iodine and an Advanced Enzyme Complex, these man boob pills aim to help you in a simple, discreet way.
Original Eau de Cologne 400ml 4711 : 4711 Original Eau de Cologne confere fraicheur et bien-etre depuis plus de 200 ans. Son secret repose sur ses substances naturelles. Faites l experience d un classique incomparable. Notes de Tete: Bergamote, Citron, Orange. Notes de Coeur: Lavande, Romarin. Notes de Fond: Neroli, extraite de la fleur d Orange amere. Repartir une bonne quantite d Original Eau de Cologne avec les mains sur le cou, la nuque et le visage. Effets vivifiants et rafraichissants garantis avec cette eau de cologne originale 400ml 4711.
EnergivitSuitable for use from birth through to children requiring additional energy, vitamins, minerals and trace elements or who are following a restricted protein diet. Energivit can be used in conjunction with specific amino acid mixtures to provide a formula individually tailored to meet the patient's specific needs. It can also be used as a convenient protein free feed in the short term, for example as an emergency regimen. Energivit must be supplemented with a suitable nitrogen source if intended for use as a sole source of nutrition.Use under medical supervision. Not suitable for use as a sole source of nutrition. Not for parenteral use.
Garcinia Cambogia Plus ist ein Nahrungsergänzungsmittel zum Abnehmen. Es enthälz Superfoods wie Garcinia Cambogia und grünen Tee zur schnelleren Fettverbrennung.