Features: HE SAYS WHATEVER YOU SAY -- This little chubby talking hamster talks back whatever you say! Talking and singing in all languages. Able to come up with all the sound you make. CUTE BODY MOVEMENT -- He bops his head up and down automatically when repeating and when you pat him. GIFT FOR ALL OCCASIONS -- Kids for all ages, students, girls, boys, friends, adults and even elders love this little talking hamster. It also will be an ideal gift for coming Valentine's Day. USER FRIENDLY -- Super easy to use. Powered by 3 pieces of normal AAA batteries. Switch on and get ready to be talked back. HIGH QUALITY MATERIAL -- Quality and good touch material without fall off, Safe non-toxic plastic materials.
Hauptmerkmale Gewicht & Abmessungen Breite 5,5 cm Tiefe 5,5 cm Höhe 39 cm Verpackungsabmessungen (BxTxH) 190 x 280 x 70 mm Technische Details Genre Buildings Materialien Kunststoff Anzahl der Puzzles 216 Minimum Alter 10 Jahr(e) Maximum Alter 99 Jahr(e)
3Pcs Plants VS Zombies PVC Action Figure Set Collectible Mini Figure Toy Kids Dolls Birthday Gift
Rubiks Race Board Game Ultimate Face To Face Strategy Puzzle Toy Kids Child
Hauptmerkmale Merkmale Empfohlenes Geschlecht Junge/Mädchen Empfohlenes Alter in Jahren (mind.) 4 Jahr(e) Produktfarbe Mehrfarben Empfohlenes Alter in Jahren (max.) 10 Jahr(e) Material Kunststoff Batterie Batterien erforderlich Nein Sicherheitswarnung EU TSD Warnung Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet Verpackungsdaten Verpackungsart Geschlossene Box Lieferumfang Anzahl Teile 55 Stück(e)