Marque : Nat et Form Denomination commerciale: Myrtille (Vaccinium myrtillus) COMPOSITION POUR POUR 1 GELULE : Poudre de Myrtille Bio 250 mg, Gelatine vegetale 75 mg Produits issus de l agriculture biologique Presentation :Pilulier de 80 gelules CONSEIL D UTILISATION : 4 gelules par jour a avaler avec un grand verre d eau. Ne peut se substituer a un regime alimentaire varie et equilibre. Tenir hors de portee des enfants. Eviter de depasser la dose journaliere preconisee. Certifie AB
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Complement alimentaire a base de jus Bio de radis noir, bouleau et citron. La composition de ce cocktail (radis noir, bouleau, citron) a ete etudiee pour vous aider a mieux eliminer les toxines et les dechets qui encrassent votre organisme. Le bouleau agit notamment sur les fonctions physiologiques d elimination digestive en stimulant le foie et favorisant l elimination intestinale. Composition pour 2 ampoules = 500 mg d extrait de bouleau Ingredients : Jus de radis noir (Raphanus sativus),eau, extrait de bouleau (Betula alba), jus concentre de citron (Citrus limon) Ingredients issus de l agriculture biologique Conseils d utilisation: 2 ampoules chaque matin, de jus pur ou dilue, pendant 30 jours. Precautions: Il n est pas conseille de depasser la dose recommandee. A consommer dans le cadre d une alimentation variee et equilibree et d un mode de vie sain. Garder hors de portee des enfants. Deconseille aux personnes souffrant d allergie aux derives salicyles. Certifie AB
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Benefits: Daily use. These lenses, suitable for correcting Astigmatism, are available in a daily form. This cuts out time consuming cleaning routines. Highest level of UV protection available. Protecting your eyes from many of the harmful rays from the sun (no replacement for safety glasses). Promotes the health of your eyes. Made from silicone hydrogel, these lenses allow lots of oxygen to reach your eye through the lens. Popular lens, ACUVUE OASYS 1 Day is now available for those with Astigmatism. ACUVUE OASYS 1 Day for Astigmatism is a daily lens, saving you the time and effort of having a cleaning and storage routine. These lenses are made from silicone hydrogel, the newest development in contact lens materials. This material allows lots of oxygen to reach your eyes, so your lenses can withstand your long days. While wearing these lenses, your eyes are protected from 99% of UVB and 90% of UVA rays that can harm your vision in later life. ACUVUE OASYS 1 Day for Astigmatism are ideal for those who need a contact lens that can withstand their hardworking day. Want speedy delivery and quality products you can trust? When you buy your lenses from, they are sourced directly from the manufacturer. Not only that, but 93.6% of our orders ship on the same day.