Eyce is known for their platinum cured silicone products, and this exquisite Eyce Silicone Beaker is the epitome of their genius. These 12" beakers are super easy to use, very easy to clean and offer unmatched smoke sessions. These ultra useful beakers come with special, hidden surprises! The beaker houses a magnetic lighter holder, a hidden poker tool, and theres also a hidden compartment to store any extra of your legal smoking blends. Each of these beakers come with a glass downstem and flower bowl so you never have to worry about strange tastes or chemicals. This glass piece has a 14mm Female joint that will fit 14mm Male accessories and replacements.
herlitz Motivordner maX.file Summer Shoes, DIN A4 Schlitzordner, Einband veredelt mit Glanzfolie, schwarzer - 1 Stück (50041558)
ROTH Schultüten-Sortiment, rund, 700 mm sortiert in den wichtigsten Motiven für Jungen und Mädchen, - 1 Stück (6770991)
STAEDTLER Fineliner triplus permanent, 10er Etui Strichstärke: 0,3 mm, dreieckig, wasserfest, sortiert in - 1 Stück (331 SB10)
Its easier to have a more enjoyable concentrates experience when you dont have to worry so much about fussing with your sticky concentrates in their container! Silicone is the perfect solution to that, offering you a non-stick surface to store concentrates that is easy to manipulate. Even better, silicone containers are able to withstand high temperatures, so you dont need to worry about any torch accidents. These hexagonal silicone containers give you ample space to store concentrates and feature bright and vibrant colors with a bee motif on top!