If you dont know Cyclone, then you probably havent heard of their patented triple-dip system. These 100% hemp, pre-rolled cones, pack so much flavor because of the aforementioned "triple dip system". Each cone is dipped three times in flavor to ensure a quality smoke and taste. This particular bundle includes four flavors: Natural Hemp, Grape, Blueberry, Strawberry. We also included a Hippie Butler branded tray and grinder so you have everything you need to try all the best flavors today! Included in this bundle: Cyclone Natural Hemp Cone Cyclone Grape Cone Cyclone Blueberry Cone Cyclone Strawberry Cone Hippie Butler Bowtie Tray Hippie Butler Grinder
Beschreibung Maped Zirkelkasten Precision System, Zirkellänge: 165 mm 3-teilig, mit Mitteltriebsspindel, max. Kreisdurchmesser: 300 mm, Inhalt: Geometrie-Zirkel, Universaladapter und Minendose, die Lieferung erfolgt farbig sortiert in blau, grün und lila - kein Farbwunsch möglich! (291010 3/M291010)
Quik Wikk offers you a high-quality and organic product with all of their hemp wicks! Made of pure hemp, these wicks are coated in pure beeswax to give you the organic and chemical-free light to enjoy. With 4 feet of wick in each roll, these hemp wicks are a great way to light your smokes organically!
Its never a dull moment when you utilize one of these fun and vivid metal ashtrays from Be Lit! Made of durable metal, this ashtray features a vibrant cool-toned jelly bean print on its front, giving your smoking sessions a bit more color than before. Long lasting, these ashtrays have a 5.5 inch diameter and offer you 4 notches along the lip of the tray to hold your lit smokes! These ashtrays will easily become a new favorite accessory. Get the matching rolling tray!
For the musician who needs a durable and high-quality guitar strap, this hemp strap from RAW is the perfect option! Offering you the ability to adjust between 44 inches up to 69 inches, this strap is handmade with natural hemp. The iconic red RAW logo is woven along this strap to make any musically inclined RAW enthusiast happy to add it to their collection!
Each pack contains 33 sheets of rolling paper