Eco Masters Exclusive Soap is ideal for concern of facial pigmentation and discolouration, with two soothing, cleansing wash bars. To purify of surface accumulations, Eco Masters Exclusive Soap includes extracts of Almond for a simple once-daily application.
100PCS per box, Dia.2.2cm spot bandages.
Individually sterile packaged, easy peel-off to use.
Water-Proof but in good breathability.
Transparent cover with non-stick pad for easy removal.
Cover and protect minor wounds.
CE FDA approved, good quality.
Die Skin Doctors Capillary Clear Creme zielt darauf ab, das Aussehen kaputter Kapillaren im Gesicht zu behandeln. Mit hoch angesehenem Arnika Blutenextrakt und angereichert mit hautvertraglichem Vitamin B3, hinterlasst Capillary Clear ein seidiges, cremiges, feuchtigkeitsspendendes Gefuhl und ist le