Grüner Silikonschlauch Lebensmittelqualität Silikongummischlauch Flexibler Schlauchschlauch Wasserleitung für Pumpentransfer Verbindungsrohre für Lebensmittelmaschinen, 1 mm ID x 3 mm AD 1 Meter
Heißluft-Stirling-Motor Motor DIY Modellauto-Fahrzeug-Kit Unmontierte Ausbildung Toy Science Experiment Lehrmittel Geschenk für Lehrer Schüler Erwachsene Kinder
HAN Lernkartei CROCO, A7, Unterteil: grün-transluzent Deckel: transluzent-weiß, Polypropylen, inkl. 5 variabler (997-603)
You can enjoy the finer things in life when you sit back and relax with a smoke with this Bougie Glass Bentneck! Giving you the premium quality smoke, this beautifully crafted water pipe features a showerhead diffuser to give you a smoother smoke. With touches of jade green and gold accents, this bentneck will look stunning in any glass collection. Get a more sophisticated smoke when you enjoy it with something made by Bougie Glass! This glass piece has a 14mm Female joint that will fit 14mm Male accessories and replacements.
Beautifully crafted and sleek, these torch lighters from Zico give you the perfect balance between function and elegance. These torches have an easy to use and hold design and pack a powerful flame when in use that is perfect for all of your lighter and smoking needs. Coming in two metallic finishes, these torches are a wonderful addition to any collection!